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would you feel save if......


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imagine, ur a famous runescaper, everybody knows you and u got a dammed lot of cash and stuff, and very high skills (alot of 99s)








u got ur acount secured with recovery questions, hard passwords and you dont do anything that could mean danger to your acount.








over 5k of people try to hack you in the situation described.








would u feel save from hacking?








i wouldnt...




how bout u guys?

Proud owner of firemaking cape!

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There are always 'smart' hackers...I mean this days they can hack almost everything.








But there is always a risk, if you are the #1 player or #1000000 with a partyhat, there is always risk.








If you just make a hard password (change eevery week), set recoveries no-one can guess (not even real life friends) a random bankpin and your safe for like 90%+








So yes, i think i would feel kinda safe...

- I'm not proud of everything I've done, but I have no regrets


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It's just as hard to hack zezima or yoguson as it is to hack any other player in rs. If you do get hacked you can only blame your own stupidity or a sibling who uses your computer. If you set a long, confusing, impossible to guess password, you are safe as long as you keep your antivirus and programs up to date and scan regularly. Getting keylogged is your own fault.








There are always 'smart' hackers...I mean this days they can hack almost everything.







But there is always a risk, if you are the #1 player or #1000000 with a partyhat, there is always risk.








If you just make a hard password (change eevery week), set recoveries no-one can guess (not even real life friends) a random bankpin and your safe for like 90%+








So yes, i think i would feel kinda safe...

and antivirus programs have come a long way too. If you avoid keyloggers you will not get "hacked".
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i use a randomly generated password, which i have a program to create not only is it extremly hard to brute force, but its easily changeable as i generate a new one each week.








p.s if your that concerned for your pass pm me and il sned you the pass generator

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I feel unsafe. Its like sitting in a brick house and people with swords are trying to break through. You know it won't be easy to slash through brick, but its still possible and thus you feel highly unsafe.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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No I wouldn't.








But I wonder if Jagex could bring out a "locked IP range", so you can enter the IP addresses which you can enter Runescape from. Of course, a hacker couldn't change the IPs as you need to be on the IP which is whitelisted to enter.








Wow that was another of my "out of the blue" good ideas.

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i use a randomly generated password, which i have a program to create not only is it extremly hard to brute force, but its easily changeable as i generate a new one each week.








p.s if your that concerned for your pass pm me and il sned you the pass generator








So if you can't remember the password you keep it on a file on your computer? What then, someone hacks your computer and can read it?

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Erm.. Why would the smartest hacker hack runescape accounts? They would probably hack some confidential business stuff that can earn them millions...

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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Please learn how to spell, it will help you alot on tip.it.








I personally would feel just as safe if I didn't have 5k try to hack me a day if I had a good firewall, which I do. Mcafee and norton are great firewalls that protect you against hackers, then the only threat you have is your "friends" figuring out your password. There are also several "walls" of security a hacker must break through. Not only do they have the actual password, but a bank PIN impossible to find out unless you were actually looking at that person's screen. Also if you were hacked jagex gives you 7 days to prove that it is really your account, and change your password back safely. People insult jagex's security system yet I think jagex really worked their heart out trying to keep us safe from hackers.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Personally, after reading about hacking, I don't feel safe at all really








BUt I also don't care enough to do much about it.

Maxed since Sunday, January 9th, 2014
Completionist since Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

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dood plz lern 2 spel gud n do gramer or i mite jus kil mesefl








... Please. :|








I hope you were joking because what kinda of grammar is dood plz lern 2 spel gud n do gramer jus kil mesfl.








Hacking isnt always getting one persons password you just have to find the database where that passwords are saved. Witch with rs is extreamly difficult becasue of java and it doesnt use basic html and there are many other complications.








But if you really wanna hack someone the only real way is to trick them in dling a keylogger and hope they have there phat on them or not a bank pin

I dont have a sig anymore =[

But I did manage to get every skill in the highscores

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one of the better hackers in america actually hacks systems and then helps those companies fix the problems. he uses a laptop from any available kinkos and ip range hacks. he has gotten into aol,Newyork times, and several other major companies.








also having to log in from your ip address wont save you from a brute force hacker. some of the better worms actually ask for a ping from your computer and then replicate the ip address to copy yours.








not to mention that a group of 10 to 15 computers can hack the strongest comercial encryption in a day or less.








so be scared...be verry scared... :ohnoes: :ohnoes:

Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.

George S. Patton


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