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Why do u play runescape?


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Why do we all play runescape for hours a day? there must be some reason we all keep logging on every night, maybe its addictoin...maybe its not.




i play cause i want to be rememberd dont care how just want to be. {nothin illegal preferably though lol!}




well yall tell me ur reasons thanks!


representen the lvl 3 skillers W00t also have a lvl 3 acc with 99 fishing =)


hows this for a lvl 3 bank pic?click and tell me if u like it!

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Why do we all play runescape for hours a day? there must be some reason we all keep logging on every night, maybe its addictoin...maybe its not.




i play cause i want to be rememberd dont care how just want to be. {nothin illegal preferably though lol!}




well yall tell me ur reasons thanks!








I play because usually theres nothing better for me to do.

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But i play for the variety of things to do...runescape provides a large complex of things i can work on, provides a great community that i can set myself firm goals on and such...no other game i've played can do it. there are obviously others out there, but i'm content here ::'

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I play because it's fun, and I have many many great friends.(You know who you are :D ). I doubt I would play as much had I not found tip.it: I love you guys <3:


Noted raw mackerel drop... Wtfh?

Always buying: Watermelon seeds, 2K each. Strawberry seeds, 800 each. Contact Via PM on forums.

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ya i definetly agree with you stilev about personal goals they realy keep me goin wen im bored out of my mind!


representen the lvl 3 skillers W00t also have a lvl 3 acc with 99 fishing =)


hows this for a lvl 3 bank pic?click and tell me if u like it!

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well i play because i want to get a really good account then pk all the people that called me a noob. bahaha

Chuck Norris invented black. In fact, he invented the entire spectrum of visible light. Except pink. Tom Cruise invented pink.



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I play RuneScape because of my friends, entertaining the Tip.It community and I want to max out (eventually).












Saskia Snow

Old 'Scaper - returned * Former TET Leader * Council of Elders Member * Confirmed Scaredy Cat * Mother of 6 * Quester * Friend to many



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I do because I love the end of getting big time goals, also I strive towards getting a 99 skill (mainly) for the 99 cape, Runescape is all about making your character perfect in every way, always improving it. I'm addicted to improving my RS avatar? :XD:

RSN- Lemontail

Pure Ranger Name- X Kaprisen X



Click here for my 99 Mining and Cooking blog!

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5 of my friends played it about 2 years ago, and I decided to join in. Now 2 years later I'm part of the TIF community and all my other friends quitted while I'm still addicted. :D


Credits to Skully Sc for the signature.24picns.png

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Originally I played because a good friend got me started and it was something we could do together, then he quit, so I got some of my other friends started, though they dont play nearly as much as I do and a couple of them, again, quit. Also I just find it a good way to relax and get my mind off of college school work and a break from real life in general. I enjoy having a kind of "alternate life" where I get to make ALL the choices of what I want to do. I also just like runescape its self, with its fictional history and all the story lines (quests) that go with it, but that may just be because im a fictional fanatic. :D

Current goal: Getting enough prayer pots to finish my last four quests.


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