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"Can you build the ultimate dungeon?" -Kbase


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i dunno if it was a glitch but when the steel drag used melee attacks it looked like it had a broken neck it was so bent up. anyway, my idea of perfect dungeon is having damage traps, maybe 2 falling traps as i hate them, and have monsters ivery second room with sum1 to open the door. muhahaha!!! take chessy018's party back in x-mas, it went off like a frog in a sock, i still have 2 pics from it =P


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I may be wrong but i think you can only have 1 treasure room per house.


[spoiler=My 99s (7)]9,638th to 99 Fletching ~ 29th January 2007

737th to 99 Hunter ~ 2nd July 2007

910th to 99 Agility ~ 28th January 2008

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well now an ultimate dungeons main goal is to kill as fast as possible, thats where i come in.bone cage surronded by 4 steel drags no doors to the room therefore burning people as they fall.hellhounds surrounding the cage making difficulties for people that wanna get the treasure.as for the cage itself put a flame pit for insane amounts of small hits, which kills faster then rocnar by the way.

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Well, imo:








Two, may 3 entrances to the dungeon.




Each entrance would have different monsters and different rooms, one route would be low levelled monsters and a long route to the chest, another meduim levelled monster with a short route and the last would be full of a high levelled monsters and traps with a relativly short route.




Also, all the routes would eventually meet up in one corrider filled with hellhounds before a room with a steel dragon that leads into the treasure room.

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well now an ultimate dungeons main goal is to kill as fast as possible, thats where i come in.bone cage surronded by 4 steel drags no doors to the room therefore burning people as they fall.hellhounds surrounding the cage making difficulties for people that wanna get the treasure.as for the cage itself put a flame pit for insane amounts of small hits, which kills faster then rocnar by the way.
haha, that's just cruel!
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That is a really cool idea, make the prize room one hall away from the entrance stairway then when they get hit by the teleport trap make an oubliette really far back some where that is hard to get out of. Gives it an element of luck and frustration hehe.








Btw, blue107, the monster combat levels aren't in the guide. That's why I ask. :roll:








Reminds me of Morning's End Part 2 with the handholds, Get so close, then fall. :x








Id say the handholds are 10000000000x worse :wall:








Not if it's a race between you and forty people and the chest holds 50m...

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the problem with house dungeons is that you simply cannot have enough rooms to have a real fight and to fill somthing full of hellhounds and steel dragons would cost literally 100m+ for somthing that isnt used very often.

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the problem with house dungeons is that you simply cannot have enough rooms to have a real fight and to fill somthing full of hellhounds and steel dragons would cost literally 100m+ for somthing that isnt used very often.




Ownage pohs are only for the very rich :(.

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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the problem with house dungeons is that you simply cannot have enough rooms to have a real fight and to fill somthing full of hellhounds and steel dragons would cost literally 100m+ for somthing that isnt used very often.




Ownage pohs are only for the very rich :(.








I think even the very rich would rather spend their cash on skills then this.




I doubt anybody has multiple steel dragons, what Jagex should have done was kept the price the same but you'd get 5 for that price. That was you'd get more people buying and it'd be an even more effective money sink.

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A while ago I destroyed my house and rebuilt it almost entirely underground. Later I went through lots of evil stews for a construction boost and built an oak lever. Now I have people walking up to that player making tea in my kitchen and pulling a DDS spec.








So basically my POH is my dungeon when pvp mode is on.

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