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Old JaGeX behind the scenes from 2004

Guest mmortalone

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Guest mmortalone

found this while looking through the old jagex updates:


(most interesting stuff in bold)




Update: I've changed this list very slightly to clarify some of the items on the plan. Also please bear in mind when this list was written it was just a rough plan to give you an idea of the sorts of things that we were thinking of. As it happens we inserted lots of other cool stuff into the schedule that isn't even on this list, which pushed some things back but certainly didn't deprive you of updates! However pretty much everything here is still planned. There is just so many possible things we can do (this list being just a small fraction), and it's hard to decide what to do first! In particular we decided to develop several key map areas that aren't even listed, before the ones here, and did considerably more detailed and complex quests than originally planned.




Development plan as of 31-Mar-04




Now that we have finished our big game engine update we can finally get back to producing regular updates to the game.




I'm sure you're all wondering whats coming next now the update is finally out, so read on for a summary of some of the things we have planned.




The new game engine allows for us to do a much greater variety of updates. We will be able to produce many exciting new features which we simply couldn't do previously. We have also expanded our development team over the last few months so expect the updates to start coming thick and fast.




These are just some of the many of the currently planned features.




New areas:


# A viking style area, including a new quest and town.


# A large 'frozen lands' area including penguins, mammoths, polar bears and more.


# A pyramid quest in the desert full of traps, treasure and mummys .


# A barrows of the undead area to explore and find new equipment.


# Some good training areas designed for rangers.




New quests:


# There will of course be lots of new quests. We will be adding these on a regular basis again, including Part 4 of the ongoing plague city storyline.




New items:


# Enchantable rings.


# More rare weapons and armour - including weapons with impressive special moves.


# Armoured boots.


# More clothing to help give your characters a unique look.


# Special prayer book items which can be wielded in the shield spot for prayer bonuses.




New features & skills


# Treasure hunt mini-game with a variety of rewards, including some new rare items.


# Summoning spells - summon skeletons, demons, etc...!(note, spells, not skil)


# A quest journal for you to read and recap what point you are up to in each quest. No more coming back to a quest after a break, and wondering what you are supposed to do next.


# More random events, to give more variety, and lots of chances to win unexpected rewards.


# More pets and followers with different properties and abilities.


# Special organised game events on holidays.


# Many new monsters such as Orcs, Lizardmen and more.


# In game versions of our boardgames such as chess and draughts.




And are also planning on adding even bigger features, that really take advantage of our new engines abilities, such as:




Player owned houses - Each player will be able to have their own unique house. Use the new carpentry skill to make new/rare things for your house. Using the farming skill to grow herbs and plants in the grounds of your house. Build your own private party areas and shop areas, and more!




Clan support, to allow you to optionally form your own clans with your friends.




Mutiplayer castle arena for massive team based wars!




Randomly generated scenarios, where a new adventure is generated for you and your friends each time you go on it. Form an adventuring party and go on your own personal quest.




So there's lots to look forward to! We think the next year will be very exciting.






just some interesting stuff. sorry if this has been posted before




your thoughts :-k [/b]

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Most of it didn't happen :-s




It is nice to look back into the past every once in a while too.


And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be.

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.

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There will definitely be a summoning update some time.


Malignus Mortifer who goes around summoning south of Falador will most likely play a role in it. And we already summoned an army in the quest Swan Song which Malignus provided. I say these are signs leading towards a summoning spell or something.



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yer, they can't put in malignus mortifier, then not release summoning, that would be cruel!! I still want the penguins!!!


Drops: Barrows: 60+ DK: 4... Dragon: 60+ Whips: 2... GWD: 0...ouch!

Main Goal: 2000 total with no 99's




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We want penguins! We want penguins!




Nah, really summoning and the frozen place thing sound nice :)

6,521th to 99 woodcutting | Fletching 98/99 |

Idarodo | Combat 90 | Total 1565+ | 38m+ total exp



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i am not sure what summoning would entail since this is the first online roleplay type game that i have played, so i am not really all that gungho about it. if someone were to explain it then maybe i could get behind the idea.




the frozen area does sound cool though. i would love to go to an area where i could fight penguins and polar bears. maybe that even has something to do with the penguins that have been roaming about in sheeps clothing as of late.




i am always excited about the idea of having new pets on here. i would not go so far as to say that having a pet dragon is a good idea, but i would love if you could have a parakeet or a dog or something like that.




and that random scenario thing sounds interesting too. it is kind of like one of the pick your own ending books. :D




i wish that some of those can be implimented in the game.



The Internet: where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI.

First Dragon Drop 5/6/2006 -Dragon Med from Bronze Dragon :D

First Barrows Item From Chest 2/20/2007 - Verac's Brassard :D

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Didn't armoured boots just come out recently? Or am I behind the times?




They came out with the introduction of Slayer.




I would like an updated friends list, it's just too basic, we should be able to group our friends in our list, i.e clans, real life mates, skillers, pkers, and such.

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Update: I've changed this list very slightly to clarify some of the items on the plan. Also please bear in mind when this list was written it was just a rough plan to give you an idea of the sorts of things that we were thinking of. As it happens we inserted lots of other cool stuff into the schedule that isn't even on this list, which pushed some things back but certainly didn't deprive you of updates! However pretty much everything here is still planned. There is just so many possible things we can do (this list being just a small fraction), and it's hard to decide what to do first! In particular we decided to develop several key map areas that aren't even listed, before the ones here, and did considerably more detailed and complex quests than originally planned.




Development plan as of 31-Mar-04




Now that we have finished our big game engine update we can finally get back to producing regular updates to the game.




I'm sure you're all wondering whats coming next now the update is finally out, so read on for a summary of some of the things we have planned.




The new game engine allows for us to do a much greater variety of updates. We will be able to produce many exciting new features which we simply couldn't do previously. We have also expanded our development team over the last few months so expect the updates to start coming thick and fast.




These are just some of the many of the currently planned features.




New areas:


# A viking style area, including a new quest and town.-Done


# A large 'frozen lands' area including penguins, mammoths, polar bears and more.


# A pyramid quest in the desert full of traps, treasure and mummys .-Done


# A barrows of the undead area to explore and find new equipment.-Done


# Some good training areas designed for rangers.-Done Maybe?




New quests:


# There will of course be lots of new quests. We will be adding these on a regular basis again, including Part 4 of the ongoing plague city storyline.-Done




New items:


# Enchantable rings.-Done


# More rare weapons and armour - including weapons with impressive special moves.-Done


# Armoured boots.-Done


# More clothing to help give your characters a unique look.-Done


# Special prayer book items which can be wielded in the shield spot for prayer bonuses.-Done




New features & skills


# Treasure hunt mini-game with a variety of rewards, including some new rare items.-Done


# Summoning spells - summon skeletons, demons, etc...!


# A quest journal for you to read and recap what point you are up to in each quest. No more coming back to a quest after a break, and wondering what you are supposed to do next.-Done


# More random events, to give more variety, and lots of chances to win unexpected rewards.-Done


# More pets and followers with different properties and abilities.-Pet rock and goldfish :wink:


# Special organised game events on holidays.-Done


# Many new monsters such as Orcs, Lizardmen and more.


# In game versions of our boardgames such as chess and draughts.




And are also planning on adding even bigger features, that really take advantage of our new engines abilities, such as:




Player owned houses - Each player will be able to have their own unique house. Use the new carpentry skill to make new/rare things for your house. Using the farming skill to grow herbs and plants in the grounds of your house. Build your own private party areas and shop areas, and more!-Done




Clan support, to allow you to optionally form your own clans with your friends.




Mutiplayer castle arena for massive team based wars!-Done




Randomly generated scenarios, where a new adventure is generated for you and your friends each time you go on it. Form an adventuring party and go on your own personal quest.




So there's lots to look forward to! We think the next year will be very exciting.




A few of them CAN be debated such as the random scenario, was that Temple Trekking or Treasure Trails or is there something still yet to come. But for the majority of these they've hit most of them and I'm happy with the game as are most people. So good job Jagex =D>

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Well what I want is what they said in about the POH's with growing you herbs in there with working on you farming.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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If they would implement summoning it would work out just like ancient magicks: you give up your regular spells for them.

"300 programmers make their futile but glorious last stand against 1000000 angry players in The battle of Misthalin. They fight for honor, glory and new content sacrificing themselves so that their game may live on. This is Madness! This Is JAGEEEX!"
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If they would implement summoning it would work out just like ancient magicks: you give up your regular spells for them.






and maybe a new desert treasure where you help the archeologist look for a piramid with the treasure of another servant of zaros =)

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