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Everything posted by Syd

  1. I've been spending my time trying to go through the Varrock achievement diary. I must say that I don't really like it a tiny bit. Spent hours trying to get the stupid ruby necklace, and still haven't got it. And cats... I hate them with passion. Anyways, as I've heard the Varrock achievement diary would save some hours with my job here, I thought it's wise to finish it. I will do it as the time goes on (as my silly cat grows a bit). @Cup_Lion: Thanks, I did spend quite a bit of time making it (won a signature of the month contest back in the day), and I also like it alot. That's very rare occasion for the arts I make - quite of a perfectionist there. Thanks for the comments too, I'm quite of writer aswell and enjoy writing alot. So I often end up writing alot. I bet I have alot of other things to say, but I just got caught by the limits of time. @Saruman44: Hey lad, you still playing! Not like we ever used to be too known to each other I think, but I used to read your threads quite often back in the days. You've certainly come long way from it! And about the MTK, like I said it was more of trying to get good picture instead of thinking about profit. Obviously I have 100% on herbs and 50% on maples now. For the profit purposes.
  2. I suppose I put this into wrong section - as this was supposed to go to blogscape. Could moderator please move this? :rolleyes:
  3. Cool, I can get my account classic enabled again. Haven't played classic since 2003 I guess (other than private servers, which are not really that interesting). Should be nostaligic experience atleast. Remember when I started there was only like 4 servers few hundred players each. It sure has grown alot from that. :smile: I didn't even have other internet access than telephone connection on my computer, so I had to go to this "net corner" to play with friends. We had to book times from the list when we could play one hour after the school. Oh boy those were the times. Killing the darn wizards in the stone henge south of Varrock. That was probably the coolest place to hang on, with people having addy and mithril armours. I barely got myself bronze fulls and thought my charecter is cool now. Back in the days you couldn't see other peoples combat levels, so it was hard to know how good people were (other than seeing them wearing rune armours or hitting high). I also used to have bank loaded with rares which I sold somewhere in the 2003 before I quitted playing. Not very wise idea when I started playing again year or two after. :pray:
  4. Whoa, tens of hours! That puts some of my most decent pixels by far into shame (and trust me I thought I worked hard and long for them). It has some minor flaws, but in overall that is very cool project. I can't understand how you didn't best possible rating (I wonder what the heck do you have to do to get that)! Anyways, nice one, and got me to post onto this forums every once in a while. =D>
  5. Only real flaw I've gotten across (other than that the dungeons being quite repetitive), is the fact you can't join back your "own party" if you disconnect when soloing the dungeons. I mean I've few times already got my browser to crash down right at the end of dungeon. It's quite annoying feeling when you used 20 minutes to clear the dungeon and end up without getting any XP out of it. For player like me who likes to solo on things like this, this is a big problem. I don't see reason why you couldn't just get back to where you were before disconnecting...? I guess I just have to team up every time I play, to avoid things like this. :-?
  6. Man, I have been hanging around these forums just to find this kind of stuff every once in a while. Really made my day. That piece is freaking awesome. By the way I happen to remember when you used to make those old ones, boy you've really gotten so much better. I should get on pixeling aswell sometime. Have been doing some HUGE projects which will never finish. But what can you say, perfectionist, and can't do with anything less. You know, after you pass certain limit there is no turning back. Only better, no worse. Seems like you're doing freaking well on that! :smile: Hats off.
  7. Oh god the nostalgy. DH you really had some awesome pixels, and seems like you still do. I used to burn myself out with couple pieces that took tens of hours to finish, and haven't really bothered to finish any more pixels after it. Anyways, after the possibility to exhange pixels into RS gold had been removed, I didn't really have motivation anymore. I heard some people made real cash with them, but I never really bothered. Too short attention span nowadays to focus for too long. Maybe I'll give it a shot someday again. :rolleyes:
  8. Such an unique style, it actually got me to log in for first time in ages and write a reply. I really liked some of those, and I believe you could become much better if you just keep doing what you're doing. Don't push yourself down too much, those are very decent pieces of art. Finally something different and refreshing! :thumbup:
  9. Onneksi olkoon ja hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää! Congratsulations, unbelieavable achievement. Been checking your progress every once in a while for past many years, and you've really gone far. Good job on that 99 magic on rsc too, great one. Maxing skill in rsc was very hard thing to do (all I ever managed to get was 80+ skills there), even though pretty much everyone was using bots. By the way, I love the signature of yours. Gives me so patriotic feelings especially since it's our independence day here. :rolleyes:
  10. Am I the only one finding it rather amusing, that people who play way too much themselves, are telling someone else to go out? #-o Heh, anyways you can get a good stats without playing too much, if you just are effective and focus on what you're doing. (I certainly am not effective, as my total level is something like 1720 (?) and I've played 7-8 years on this account) :) Nice stats.
  11. Syd

    Pew pew pew.

    First of all, overall good job! However, the anatomy is a bit off (nothing major) but that's allright considering this is RS art. Anyways I would've rather liked to see more stuff in the middle of signature (focus in the middle, instead of the left corner). Just because the mountains look a bit boring, cause there's not much there (quite nice shading though, just boring). There's not much good pixel art on these forums anymore, so these really stand up! Keep up the good work. I've seen you've gone long way from your previous pixels. : -L
  12. I'm Starting With The Man In The Mirror I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place (If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place) Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change (Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change) (Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na, Na Nah) 1 level isn't gonna change anything. Keep it at 2. I like that. =D> This is when you comment without reading the post above. Nice that you prove my point of the community going way downhill... I'm not talking only about this particular topic here, I've seen way too much same kind of harrasment in many other topics/in game.
  13. Don't you care about all the kiddos here moaning at you. In fact I have no idea what people have against pures? They're as similar people as you are, just playing with different style charecther. Everyone have reason to play this, some of you play it for achieving 99 skills and others want to get heaps of money. Truth is most of you enjoy it aswell as you do it. Reason why I never got any 99 skills in my 8 years career of RS, was because I didn't enjoy leveling more than what I needed. I can't see why someone would enjoy burning 70,000 logs just to get a cape and two numbers? Oh well, I'm not moaning to them, cause it's not my choice. However I can see the depression in your situation. Your goal has seem to be made a perfect pure account, something that other people would keep impressive, and you were that close. I'm sorry for the mistake. It could be same as someone going to untrimmed slayer cape, and then messes it up just close to the end. It would still be just a trim, you still have the cape etc. Point is, it is not the same. It was not what he was aiming for.. Some of you really need to check yourselves on the mirror, what makes you better than other people in this game? So that you can moan and whine to other people trying to push yourself in somewhat upper class? It's pathetic and that was one of the reasons I gave up the whole playing. I just didn't seem to find enough players who wouldn't only care about numbers instead of friends and the fact that there is also other people involved. The fact that this is internet game and you never need to meet the opposite person in real life, makes it so easy to put them down and torment them. I'm happy there are other games for people like me to play instead of RuneScape. Infact RuneScape has probably one of the worst community there has ever been... Oh, how much times have changed. And don't start moaning about too long post or anything. I haven't posted in these forums in ages, but this just caught my attention. 3ig, keep it on 2 defense. It will most likely be bothering you always, but it's better than raising it up. It's very rare for pures to keep the 1 defense for those stats you have claimed. Be proud of it, and don't care too much what other people say. -Lobs
  14. Syd


    Lot's of nice bands there. ;) That's what I do when I get bored in classes, I'll just write names of my favorite bands and their songs all around the paper trying to do some formations with them. Or just fill the paper and pass the time. However that looks very nice and cool, that M is enough for a poster already, but keep going though. Finished peace will look most amazing. Too bad there is not enough cool/good enough bands for make it perfect. You have to add all those bands which I could say rubbish. Anyway that is just a minor thing. Outcome is cool, and I wonder how long it takes to get over with all those fonts. What program are you using by the way? I might use your idea and make something like flag of great britain with all the legendary british rock bands. However I don't steal other peoples ideas without credit. ;) Well, this picture got me into posting to here. I haven't posted on these forums in like a year though. I used to be quite famous with my pixels couple years ago. :^o Keep it up, and all the strenght to you! EDIT: Few bands I'd like to see in future (I might have missed): Kasabian, The Verve, Oasis, Hanoi Rocks, Jimi Hendrix Experience, The Who, The Doors etc.. - L
  15. Well if 90 is 4/10, and 99 is 10/10, then what is it when someone gets 200m exp? :P Good job, mate! \
  16. Wow, some of them were really good. I liked that Shade 99 mage signature very very much. Amazing sky! This kind of pixel arts always make me feel like doing some pixels myself. Too bad I haven't found motivation since 2007. #-o
  17. Why bother posting, when you can't bother reading the post in the first place? #-o Some of them are quite cool, what program are you using btw? I was thinking of doing couple vectors myself too.
  18. This is definately not a bad piece. But there is alot of things to improve. First of, you should never do on such a big canvas, even the most experienced pixel artists have problem doing that big. Second, this needs alot more work and detail. Especially charecthers faces seem quite funny and unrealistic. The angle of this scene is also quite weird, I'd rather put it in the eyes of warrior, instead of behind his head, cause now his head is like the middle of the picture. Not to mention that big plain helmet looks quite dull and boring (and hard to detail). Nevertheless, its a nice work. Just next time do it on a smaller canvas. Makes it easier to fill the canvas with detail. ;)
  19. If it's not done by you why are you posting it? You did not site your sources and are trying to pass them off as your own work. How many times do you need to be told this. This must be like the 4th time you've done it. It's pretty clear what you did and did not do, sir. This post here makes you look like an idiot Ben, never ever ever quote just half of someones text, and that way changing the meaning of what he said. Read what he said again and comment after it.. And you said that charecther in the picture scratchy? Look your Captain Awesome comics and tell something about scratchy...
  20. Nice colours, and okay shading. It is pretty simple though, and canvas (as for avatars always) is quite small, so it's not really anything very impressive. Good job though. I like it how you work on small canvas, and finish your works. Instead of trying to fill something like signature size.. Good job overall! =D> PS: It's cool you still use the signature I made for you ;)
  21. What's wrong with the needles? :( Oh 10/10 better than anything here before! Got to love these pixellovers burning their pants, when someone is wasting money in leather gloves..
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