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Everything posted by Daviduhlich

  1. I can identify every herb, so I'm happy. With a lower herblore it doesn't save you quite as much bankspace, but I think that's fair. It's like another benefit of having a high level. Yes, but I'd much rather get that space than not get it. That's what I think, though I can never be totally sure, thats what bts made it sound like.
  2. What I imagine is that it would be somehow slower for actually crafting runes than the abyss, but faster exp and maybe not through the wilderness so it appeals to a lot of players and slows down the amount of runes being crafted in the long run. I'm only guessing, though.
  3. Today I lagged out at metal dragons and lost my dragon boots, black mask and a few other small things. Then I got the boots back when I killed a spiritual mage during my slayer assignment to kill the warriors. And I got within maybe 5-10k of 90 defense.
  4. tons of pure essence, gold ore, oak planks, dragonhides, stuff like that. For the most part I just do whatever I feel like, which right now is slayer.
  5. An orange Halloween mask. It would look sweet, plus I could get absurd amounts of money for it if I invented it, since I would have the only one.
  6. I've heard plenty about how the herblore update will ruin herblore, or fix it by preventing the scams, or whatever. And the truth is, I can't really say anything about it, because I really don't know. But there is one huge upside to it that nobody else seems to have realized yet. And that is bankspace. Currently, I have tons of identified herbs (13 spaces) in my bank, as well as 12 stacks of unids, which include torstol. this is so I can use my anti-scam method if I ever wanted to buy high-lvl herbs. However, if my unids are all renamed "grimy tarromin" and so on, I have no need for this. I can "clean" all of my herbs, which will free up 11 sorely-needed spaces in my bank. So that's my two cents. Post away.
  7. Good luck. Good skill. Good patience. Good whatever. You're gonna need to have a little of all of them.
  8. I've been training slayer, trying to get it at least to 85, but I lagged out and died at steel dragons today. Lost my dragon boots and black mask, and some other stuff. So I'm hoping when I can get back to slayer, that my next assignment makes me filthy rich. Also, I'm gonna skip metal dragons from now on.
  9. I don't speak French, but I could have sworn ciao meant lunch. Anyway, good luck with your goals.
  10. I guess I'll give it a try and see if it doesn't cause me too much lag in the game.
  11. I've been kind of lazy and not kept this updated. I've been mostly inactive, but over the last 2 days I got 93 hits, 94 str and 84 slayer. I was too lazy to get pics though, so you just have to believe me :-k Having the kind of goals I have is kind of pushing me away from the game, because when I'm playing I get the feeling I should be raising rc, or farming, or putting all my money in mtk for herbs, instead of playing the way I want to. And I don't exactly have the time to get all of them anytime soon, because I'm going to have to start college and get a job this month. So right now I'm just going to play however I want to play, with the goals I posted as something to work toward later when I feel like I'm better able to get it done.
  12. Keep up with new quests Have achievement diaries done And whatever progress I can get toward 2k total and all skills 80+ All of that without putting it over college and work, though I probably won't be able to stay members past November.
  13. That's why I posted this; I wanted more people to know about this so an amulet market would form Seriously? You think that many people will catch on? :-s No wool required, all you need is the unstrung amulets and runes. and the truth is, tabs are pitiful experience for magic. you get only 18k exp for 600 house tabs, or 33,300 exp if you're working with seers teles.
  14. Did they even know what they were talking about back then? Yew autoers don't manually play every one of their accounts to 60 wc. I think Jagex did figure that one out eventually, which is good. But it makes me wonder if they were full of it when they said other things too.
  15. I don't know about that. I mean, I don't think I could get medium-lvl mage pker stats on my main account. Why get one account into the top 20k when you could use that time to get 10 or more accounts into the top 100k? Seriously, what makes your style of gaming any more logical than anyone else's? Let us all play the game the way we want to play it. It would be kind of boring if we all did it like you.
  16. Is getting banned acceptable? You can try as hard as you want to justify scamming someone, but if you get caught doing it you're going to have to face the consequences. And there's no way you're going to get out of it if that's all you have to tell them in your appeal.
  17. gud. now i no 2 not sai teh wurds wut r heer on ur list. i dnt need hlp wit mi gramer nemore. lolz. Yeah, it's painfully obvious that most of the time the misspelled words are done purposely, in a sad attempt to be "kewl". I throw out the customary "ty" after a trade, rather than type out "thank you." But anyone who has to say "wat" to save themselves a keystroke really needs a keyboarding lesson or two.
  18. What's it worth killing a mage in f2p? Next to nothing, you get runes and maybe some food. The p2p equivalent is a 1-itemer with a dds. Annoying and painful, but not really worth the fight. I don't like it the way you suggested it, but if Jagex could improve f2p mage without overpowering it, and give them some gear that was worth something, then I'd be all for it.
  19. I was one of the few to take advantage of that spell right when the quest came out. I had 15k gold bars banked at the time, so I figured, what the heck, I'll try it. Besides getting all those runes crafted, it was a very nice way to raise my magic level.
  20. What do you see when you look at another player? Their combat level. Combat is the most obvious way to improve your character in Runescape, so of course it's the first thing a lot of players do.
  21. I've had 2 meds from barrows, and a pair of boots on Tuesday.
  22. Well, here's the special attack: Now, I don't know a whole lot about pking, but I know pures tend to have low def and prayer. Which means Strength would be the first to go, followed by attack. I haven't heard how fast the spec drains your combat stats. But it has to be pretty good to make up for the 15% strength difference between the bandos/armadyl specs. The other thing to realize is that it's not quite as useful against someone who's not a pure, because it will drain defense before strength. I don't exactly go out and kill pures for sport, but I think i just might be on to something. At this point, the sword is too expensive to see a whole lot of action, so I guess the thing to do is see what happens when they come down.
  23. The slayer skill was released in January of 2005, and the whip has been unchallenged as the best weapon until now. It was starting to get close to 3 years. I'm not saying it can't happen someday, but don't hold your breath.
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