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Everything posted by Ren

  1. So much for dumb speculation :x. Ty Tayl :D.
  2. Disheartening glitch.. Thought I just made the biggest ge transaction in history too :(.
  3. As far as I know, I'm the only player with a low, consistent # of drops per x trips. I do barrows entirely differently from others, but that's hardly a factor. No one here has mentioned triple items (possible, unlikely seeing as I've only ever had doubles and not many). I do 4, maybe 5 chests an hour, but still have 1 item every 7-10 chests as a worst-case scenario. Dmeds and half-keys come from the same table as barrows armor, count those too. Ring of wealth increases item chances, by how much? I do not care to test because without it I'd just be wasting my chances of getting more. So, the factors in play for me are the following: # of brother kills # of killcount (unlikely to affect, but I have a very specific kc I get, and ever since I used it, I've had consistent drops) Players also looting chest at barrows Players part can account for at least 1 of 2 theories of mine. 1) Like that of glacors or dragons (that drop visages), you can hardly find a real drop rate for items due to the chances of one person going for 1500 kills, and you might need 1501 for a guarenteed drop, but someone came when you killed 1490 and took your spot, thus getting a drop in 21 kills. Regardless of how unlikely that is due to the fact that there's no direct # of kills required to guarentee a drop and most is random, it's still possible in my eyes to have that happen. I've experienced it enough times to agree entirely with it. I have semi-conclusive information from dust devils, small data from dragons, and a lot from barrows to agree with my theory. 2) Barrows chest has different mechanics from monster drops, maybe a similar drop roll table but how the items are generated is completely different. I'm not sure because it's hard to tell with monsters. Anyway, imagine the chest runs a timer and once the timer reaches certain values preset by Jagex, the rare roll gets increased. I'll explain further below. Chest timer is reset whenever ANY player loots, drop rates are NEVER player independant (goes with #1 well btw). Chest timer hits 60 seconds/100 game ticks, % chance of rare roll goes up by 8% (as an example). Possible that chest timer resets after x amount of time, going back to 0% chance. Example: 3 mins pass no looting, % resets to 0 and timer starts over. This is an example illustration and I don't believe the game does this. But it coincides well with my drop rates, and possibly the time it takes to do 1 chest total from dharok to looting the chest. The main point from above is to help you understand that I truly believe more players doing the same thing for item drops reduces your personal chances of getting that item. The issue I have with this would be that there is a Max, but no min (because no one could be trying for that loot) # of items coming into the game per hour/day/week/month in that way. Unlikely, but possible I guess. More often than not, I have gotten worse drop rates with 3-5+ players at barrows, than with 0-2. I've gotten plenty of drops with players around, but the majority of my 210+ barrows items has been strictly solo/alone.
  4. You need at least like 4 hours of each weapon for me to be interested in testing it. Not only that but you are recording charm drops (things like luck are a huge factor when recording small amounts), instead of kills/minute at the LEAST. Hit/miss would be better, but that requires thousands of hits.
  5. Brand new RS gear, comes with "Birth Defects" stance.
  6. I like how smooth posts are added to threads, but for some reason, at least for me, it shows "Posted image [X]' instead of any picture(s) in my signature when adding it directly to a page. If it's added onto the next, it refreshes so it fixes itself.
  7. I didn't know people still needed to do this..
  8. Needless to say, I made a new sig today :). RS combat is fine as it is, it needs 'balancing' still, but it's better than the heap Jagex is trying to do. I cannot tell if they're trying to make it more complicated and player-skill-based (because with most games, that is based on mindfocus and apm), or just trying to reach the very bottom of combat and make it so that every "OMFG AWESOME" addition to it will not disrupt the lower tiers. I'm leaning towards the first bit because anyone with 1/3 of their brain gone still knows that all you have to do is change how damage is calculated, accuracy boosts, item amounts based on tiers and style, fix weaknesses correctly and make weaknesses/strengths less equal (see dmg calculation when adding turmoil, strength, and potion boosts). ---Damage Calculation--- What they're doing wrong: -1- DAMAGE ---They let prayers and potions and skill levels affect the weapon's base too hugely. It's great for lower tier items, in fact it works near perfectly. NEAR perfectly. Higher tier is still unbalanced because those higher tiers have the same boost calculation as lower tiers. -2- Accuracy calculation/boosts ---Again, prayers and potions affect the weapon's base too strongly, and the way hit/miss/crit works is terrible. -3- Weakness/Strengths of styles ---All based on a bad damage/accuracy calculation, speed differences, and hardly combat type ====================== How to possibly fix this: --Create a system of calculation where attack speed is not the deciding factor in a weapon (see CLS vs CR (Cr won, speed), CLS vs CM on wyverns (CLS won, speed). ==Step one complete - they made style weakness more apparent! Stab ruins pernix, crush destroys torva, and slash decimates virtus. Range wins versus mage when used correctly, and so on. --Create a base for damage and accuracy altogether. Make it so skill level does not affect, or HARDLY affects damage or accuracy bases. This way, you can create a dps system that is less complicated in terms of deciding factors, and more dependant on what you use (still represents skill level better). You make a weapon that's strong, someone with the correct stats will be able to make it useful. ==Abilities complicated dps calculations, LP increase complicated dps calculations, defense bonus complicated dps calculations. The fact that prayers, potions, and base levels still affects everything does not help. But hey, they made all same-tier items equal in terms of weapons, but only in style weakness. --Mage/Melee/Range boosts for weaknesses need to be changed to something better. Same for strengths. ==Weaknesses : NOT DIFFICULT IF YOU CHANGE GEAR, DECIDING SKILLS FOR DEF VS STYLE, NPC's WEAKNESS. As for strengths, well, they showed that mage/range/melee are basically the only 'strengths' you get in the beta. You have damage boosts versus that type. Nothing else defensively. Works OK, but I still think they need to make a better damage system. Beta one is far too unclear for me, and it'd be nice to take away abilities and just leave it in plain view (read my next bit). ============================ What Jagex -really- needs to do is set up a good, clean, easy-to-read dps system. Such as.. (btw I'll roll off the beta style item stats to make it more fun/appealing to Jagex's point of view) Rules of calculation and armor stat decisions: Lifepoints in this example will be based completely on total combat skill levels. Att/Def/Str bonuses will be shown as boosts in #, not %. Style role calculation may be shown in % to give easier representation. % boosts will come from prayers, potions, and base levels. ALL WEAPONS HAVE A BASE DEFENSE BONUS VERSUS SAME TIER-SAME STYLE WEAPONS. IT IS BASICALLY NOTHING COMPARED TO BASE DEFENSE FROM ARMOR. ALL WEAPONS HAVE A BASE ACCURACY AGAINST THE SAME STYLE DEF AS THE WEAPON/ATTACK. ALL ARMOR WILL HAVE STYLE STRONGPOINTS TO HYBRID DIF PIECES FOR MAXIMUM DEF IN THAT STYLE. CAUSES LACK OF OTHER-STYLE DEF ALL ARMOR WILL HAVE A STRONG AND WEAK POINT BASED ON ARMOR BONUS. ALL ITEMS FOR A SPECIFIC CLASS COMBAT (MELEE/RANGE/MAGE) HAVE A STRONG/MED/WEAK POINT. THE HIGHER TIER TO CLIMB TO VS IT, THE WEAKER IT GETS. 99 TIER ITEMS WILL STILL DESTROY TORVA WITH STAB DESPITE TORVA BEING STRONG TO STAB. --Req levels for respective item (att=weap, def=arm) = Same tier items.-- --####EXAMPLE TIME####-- Chaotic Longsword and full torva. CLS has 300 slash. (torva is moderate to slash, strong to stab, weak to crush) Versus Virtus top? - Cls has 360 slash. (virtus is weak to slash, moderate to stab, strong to crush) Versus Pernix body? - Cls has 240 slash (pernix is strong to slash, weak to stab, moderate to crush) +20%/-20% based on strength/weakness, +0% if same-style strength/strongpoint. Strength = weapon, strongpoint = armor. Cls stats: Slash type weapon - 300 slash vs same tier (Could be visual as Slash Weapon Bonus : 300) -Weapons only have 1 style from here on out -based on beta-. Armor boost - 80 (tier8) def vs same tier/style (If it were a crush weapon, the crush weapon would reduce it's defense by 40% (equal to -33 def boost - all decimals round down even at .999), will put emphasis on this later) Lifepoints boost/% life boost - NONEXISTANT. Read first three lines. Strength bonus - +130 (tier + 50 for ALL ITEMS) --Will explain dps/damage calculations/accuracy calculations later on in the post.-- Torva stats: Helm - Armor boost = 180 Crush (Helm tier+100), Strong to crush, so base = strongest, +100 for strongest. Calculate moderate (stab) as tier def+60. Calculate weakest (slash) as tier def +20 Plate - Armor boost = 300 Slash (Plate tier+220), Plate weak to crush, moderate to stab. Read the note below** Legs - Armor boost = 250 Stab (Leg tier+170), Legs moderate to crush, weak to slash. --Since god armor, I'd add a strength boost but I don't want to mess with that for illustration purposes. It'd basically be like remaking items entirely, and it's not needed-- NO LP BOOST. NO PRAYER BOOST. **Weakness/moderate armor bonuses can be calculated at 20%/60% of the +### for the strongpoint base. Tier def is SEPARATE. Can't be bothered to math out a bunch more armor bonuses. ***Items without a tier equal (such of neitiznot) could be ruled into a similar tier as an item with slightly lower stats ingame currently, thus making it an "Inbetweener", having specialty stats such as extra strength, but being inbetween two tiers of armor already. It would be a crap item compared to higher tiers even with the extra bonuses. ****I will say that my representations for stats are POOR because the math is not flat and simple for every tier. It is, however, simpler to me to see it like this than the way Jagex currently shows it, and the way it's shown in beta. If they did the same rationales for calculating 50% accuracies, they would be able to fit each item's bonuses appropriately and make their own equations for Runescape to calc accuracy rolls. It'd also be easier to see in-game what would be best vs what. ==========Let's sum this up!========== Scenario: Chaotic longsword versus Torva armor (nothing else at all on both sides). (w) = weakness, (s) = strongpoint, (m) = moderate Torva has a total Slash armor bonus of 100(w)+220(s)+100(m)=420. Chaotic longsword has a slash bonus of 300. 130 Strength bonus. Let's just assume that accuracy rolls were easily represented as.. 50% chance of hit = Def bonus of armor with SAME TIER AS WEAPON and ALL (M) ARMOR BONUS AGAINST THAT WEAPON'S STYLE. The deciding factors for greater/less than 50% chance to hit would be prayers used, etceria equips (cape/amu/ring def/off boosts) and potions. If you used Tier-80 weapons/armor and armor with (m) bonuses in calculation, 50% accuracy roll calculation would look like this: Plate : 136 Slash, Legs : 105, Helm : 62 ==Add in Tier bonuses (total 240)=== Total Armor of 543, 300 Slash on Chaotic longsword. Def bonus divided by attack bonus divided by 3.62. Answer *10 = chance to hit. Now we shall calc full torva stats. 420+240 / 300 / 3.62 = 60.7% chance to hit. Not that bad eh? You may think that that's far too high of a % chance to hit for same-tier items. You are forgetting a few things. 1) Only the plate has strongpoint bonus for slash. The helm is moderate, legs are weak. Full sets of strongpoint sametier are extremely vital to your enemy's accuracy roll. 2) You are forgetting Damage!!! I haven't even started on damage rolls. 3) This is ALL off the top of my head, a rough idea, and nowhere near perfect. It's a start, however. --###===##DAMAGE ROLLS##===###--- We now have a base accuracy formula for hit % chance. Now we must figure out a balanced Hitpoints amount based on TOTAL COMBAT SKILL LEVELS. CONSTITUTION ISNT A SKILL. At 80/80/80 Stats, you would have access to torva and all tier 80 (chaotic) weapons. Torva has no strength so it's ignored in this. As said, CLS has a 130 strength bonus. There are no other items on your character. Strength is VERY IMPORTANT to damage calculation, to make it more fair for those who choose to have a higher total combat. NO we are not calculating combat as highest lvl +def level. That is STUPID. Assume that CLS has a base max of 460 damage currently. 990 Lp is just too little. We shall up the antie! First we must determine max LP based on base max hit of our current highest tier (t80)'s max hit. Strength bonus is equal among all same-tier items just like +tier boost armor. 6 (we'll just say 6 hits for KO on sametier highest tier (t80) on max lp without healing once). 460*6 = 2760 Lifepoints! How to divide that equally between att/str/def/range/mage? Simple. 2760/5 = 552 LP Per 99. We'll say 2900 LP is your max lp, and min is 160, because 5*98 = 490 gives level 1 skills and some base life points room to have health on a level 3 character. This means 1 combat skill level = 4LP. If Strength gives damage a boost, how much is fair to make it so weapons won't be overkill? How do you calculate range/mage level into it so they are equal with strength? *cough* How are they NOT currently?!?! I mean, cmon! It's right there. If attack level doesn't affect accuracy rolls, then strength/range/mage are free to roam as % damage boosts! The tricky part is making it so items -aren't- overkill. Making it so spells and bolts are balanced as well is tricky. Well.. What is an tier, Jafemex? That's what you did wrong. You did not release equal tiers at equal times for range/mage/melee. For this, you'd have to determine what tier the strongest item in RS is for mage and range, then equalize it to chaotic. Make the max damage equal. Make all the boosts equal (pots/prayers). Remove/remake/create a lot of new items/old items to rebalance it all in terms of accuracy boosts and max hits. They put NO thought into any items when creating. It reminded me of when people tried to make hacked SP characters on Open Battle.net Diablo 2. You could edit the game and make everything OP + make gear more unique/cooler sounding/greater effects, but most just chose to keep adding on bullshit until someone said [bleep] IT! I'll make it so that I instakill everyone unless they use a never-ending Pi equation to keep mana shield + mana regen higher than their dps! Anyway!.. Let's get back to max hit calculation. Assume Chaotic, Dragonstone bolts (crushing range)/Dragon arrows(stabbing range), and Fire surge are the strongest/highest hitting things in combat. They would -all- have to max at 460 base. Then you determine which boost goes in what order. You could say that each armor piece of x style gives a damage boost, but I don't feel like adding in more crap. Let's keep it at accuracies and max hits.. We're going to make it so prayers boost your gear's stats, not your combat level stats. Potions will be your skill level boost (that way prayers do NOT cause a [bleep]ed up max hit calc due to overlap with pots, or an excessive % gain because of the boost in dmg you get from mage/range/str levels is so high). Since prayers need balancing overall on armor, and att, and str bonuses, you need to be careful of where you set the %'s to. That way it increases your max hit on same-style armor, but nothing more than 5-9% total. That would mean that you need to reversemath my calc-ok frigging hell. I seem to have messed up my math earlier on. I don't know how I did but I cbf typing anymore anyway. Basic principle of post: Easy as HELL to rewrite everything, fix calculations. Don't need to add in EVEN MORE SHIT TO MAKE THIS GAME SEEM BETTER WHEN IT JUST DESTROYS IT. I'll finish this up some other time. For now, cya.
  9. I was going to quit because of the RWT squeal of fortune, but didn't due to the fps fix and updates coming in my birthday month. They sounded good, none were good, fps broke within 2 weeks. I would have quit right then, but I found new people to hang out with, they're fun as hell and one of the best communities you can get in this game. However, draz brought something up to me on the first page. After I read his post and how much people, including me, value him as a person (he is awesome, don't hate), I realised how much I'd lose in this game if some of the great friends or people you regularly talk to dissapeared. I know that if I lost a handful of the people I play with, I'd be more inclined to stop playing entirely. As for the actual game and nothing else changed? I have goals. Some are ridiculous for everyone's standards, other ones are ridiculous for me alone. I'll play old content until new, GOOD content comes out, I'll try to 'beat the game' eventually if I do keep playing, and if I get that far.. Well, let's just say I'll ragequit until they remove 5k Cwars games from comp trimmed :). EDIT: Post above has some logic in it for me, I'd quit almost instantly if combat sucked. It's my favorite aspect of RPG and Rs has unique combat. This may be a step up, or it could turn me off from Rs completely.
  10. http://www.autohotkey.net/~Meredith/phat.html I was bored InB4 this is used to gamble on RS. Opening Crackers to gamble? Don't be ridiculous. Someone could just make an IRC bot that simulates cracking crackers just like Hedgehog's. Though dice bots will probably stay the most popular. I don't see why they would need to do that if they already have dice bots, though. I posted the original with sarcasm...didn't mean for it to actually be discussed. :rolleyes: Massive quote stack! Anyway. I've discussed this already, and if it's possible to set it up I'd like to. Casinos make new games all the time to attract people who are new, or people who want something different. The appeal based on rates alone is good, and so is the party hat/cracker theme.
  11. Anyone interested (with access to RSC) just type in "Runescape classic" on the runescape wiki at Runescape.com. Scroll down until you see "Classic 1/2/3" highlighted. They are links to the classic servers. EDIT: Obat, tell Yafi to change name to Mgt Ramo.
  12. Sounds wonderful Sorator, I love it when commentators have no idea what's going on in sports :D. @999, I live in Maine. We have swing weather where it's humid but cool, strong breezes are frequent past 6-8PM. Still extremely hot during the day most of the summer. EDIT: Didn't even think of trying to play RSC! Brb. E2: SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOO. I knew there was a way around Server crash :evil: .
  13. I disagree with that statement. The reason it attracts us is because we've spent so much time in it. WoW players would probably feel the same about WoW. Diablo players might feel the same way about Diablo. As for initial attraction, that's probably some combination of how accessible RS is (I played it for like a year as an F2P player and it was easier to get into without worrying about downloading and installing or buying anything) and friends. (A friend introduced me to RS.) What makes RS special to you is probably just the amount of time you've invested into it. And, since you've likely been playing for years, that means you've been playing long enough to put on nostalgia glasses. And it means when something goes wrong you get mad instead of moving on. Hate to break it to you, but I don't think there's actually anything that special about RS. It's a video game, it's an MMORPG and it's unique in its own ways. You're a hipster with the nostalgia glasses thing, kind of. I'm humble, I assume most of us are humble about the situation. And most people who play video games and continue playing them have goals or get bored and rely on that same game to please them in different ways. WoW has that ability with loads of character builds and somewhat extreme dedication for specific items or levels/skill progression (in terms of PvP or PvM tactic). Diablo 3, I have only heard of people being bored easily by it just because it's slow-paced and too little of itself anymore. Quite frankly, I think you said something in my thread yourself. Precisely what I was aiming for. Despite being just a video game, an MMORPG, it's unique in it's own ways. Everyone here enjoys the community we gained from this game, look at us post on the forums dedicated to it. In the section for "Runescape general discussion".
  14. <3<3<3 Fsm :P. You live in an interesting area (assuming you didn't move) based on your YT video. I have the challenge of living far and between cities, and basically anyone who's interesting. Also, RIP indeed. And Bxp, I see what you did there ;).
  15. Play Morrowind and continue checking forums occasionally :). I'll be sure to keep checking Runescape, I know you like your tree resets. Also, who said they made a rootbeer float to pass time while RS was down? Sounds delicious. What would you do in Runescape right now if it weren't for that float, though? EDIT: Hotshot scientist right there. Be careful, knowledge is power. EDIT2: Lmfao deo.. I am a horrible person. Luckily this is the final one, I have a feeling Jagex will be switching ISP's very soon :).
  16. I heard about people who play minecraft and create levels that mimic Runescape surroundings. So much for Minecraft ;P. More posts about what the topic is, though! I like it!
  17. Is this the "Where's waldo?" of the U.K., except with chavs and pissed off weird old people? Lol he made a fort in the office.. This guy is a kid at heart.
  18. Most of my time is spent on this game, and I figured some people relate to my POV in this thread. Some do not know what I'm talking about but it's really deep within everyone. Playing a game is not something basic, it's beyond what appeals to your eye and mind. It grows onto you and people just don't see it. That's why horrible updates hurt or annoy you, it's why you get frustrated with lag or inconveniences. It's why you'd rather play for an hour or two or 5 to take your mind off something irl. Does anyone understand what I'm saying? The contrast between real-life and what video games have done to us emotionally?
  19. I had to think hard about this, somewhat. If Runescape was down for over a day already, I would probably be hiking out near my house. There's lots of wildlife nearby, and it's great to be in the woods (RIP ticks though). If I were on Runescape, I'd probably be killing miths for the brand new 5 DFH goal I have, or just Dungeoneering like I was -right- before the server disconnect.
  20. gt 116 Dungeoneering [spoiler=17+ only][bleep]ing bruno
  21. Just a theory, but check your prayer points next time you go to barrows in beta :P.
  22. This is my third, and final post, regarding disconnects, wide server crashes, login errors or Jagex ISP failure. It is not a rant, but here in this thread we will discuss a few things. How often do you think Jagex's ISP has these kind of problems? We go through lag, d/c, or fps lag often. Jagex aims to fix this as soon as possible and I appreciate it. However, eventually this is going to be 'too much' for most players. Perhaps this time truly is the last wide server crash. We strive for fun, for xp gains every day we play RuneScape. Some people socialize, whether it be at LRC half-afk or at the GE trying to buy a stupid fury ornament kit because it's rising. We spend our money on this game, and do it willingly. Addiction is not the right word for those who just can't get enough RuneScape. It is a great game, made by an off-and-on great game development company. They mess up, but they do have those few updates that make the game egg on in people's hearts. Beta, for example, was something Jagex and a lot of players thought RS needed; a huge change. It's in the early stages, so it is by far too early to tell if it is good or bad, but what I can say confidently is that it is coming regardless. Jagex focuses largely on expansion in the game itself, but appealing to players of all ages, of any race, and of any country. They try to make it so this game is accessable by most people in the world. Jagex puts their heart out in this game, and it dissapoints me sometimes that they really haven't sought out changing ISP's. Granted, that's where this part of the thread begins to unfold. What can we really be doing instead of RuneScape? Could we be playing fetch with our dog, talking to family members, taking a nice break outside in the cool, evening summer air? We could focus our time elsewhere so easily, but we don't usually. We want to take a break from the real-life mould and slay a dark beast or burn alive some evil trees. It'd be nice to get that special 90's cape, trimmed Dungeoneering cape, or even just Legends cape because it looks so cool despite being such old-content. This game...it attracts us like most others would never be able to. We wait for the servers to come back on, for a tweet from Jagex saying "Our staff is contacting the company now to fix the server issues.". We love this game for what it is, will be, and was in the past despite change, turmoil of bugs, and horrible horrible bot population. So I ask you to post on this thread, what would you be doing in RuneScape right now, if the servers were online? What would you be doing in real life right this second, if RuneScape was down for over a day instead of maybe minutes or hours?
  23. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@WOOOOOOOOOOT@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Finally got 120 Dungeoneering today!! Sorry, no level-up pics, but I appreciate the asstons of @@@@'s and G's and Grats and spam I got for 104273k XP!! Personally, I think the speed I got it at was the most amazing thing besides the trek to 120 itself. 56M xp in one month, then this: Pretty fast ^-^, had a lot of fun and made really good friends/met a lot of cool people on the way. Even got 1% from 120 Dungeoneering to 200M in 2 hours after, despite going full-suicide mode ;). EDIT: Figured I'd add in that about 3200k xp off 120, I debated blowing all 4.5m tokens on like 23 CLS's, like my goal previously was. Ah well - 4 binds are better than that anyway.
  24. Because f2p should totally be the way to get 120 unless you're good. I think f2p is going to get screwed hard by this update, I wish you luck.
  25. It isn't a sub 30, Squak. Am dissapointed in you.
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