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Everything posted by beltran22

  1. Well, I'm not downloading anything, thats just a speed test.
  2. My mom and I both connect wirelessly through a linksys router. Her download speed is about 5500kb/s. Mine is about 600kb/s. I am not that much farther from the router. (I'm upstairs, she is in same room). Also, on my old laptop, I get about 5500kb/s. Could there be something I need to tweak with my computer? Or is this normal? Also, I use Vista. EDIT Yay! Could it be my moms computer is off right now? EDIT 2 Wtf? Now 5 min later i get this. Same conditions on my computer as above, to.
  3. To the people saying he's racist. Maybe he shouldn't have assumed they were armed, but african americans make up a bigger portion of convictions for violent crimes than any other race in america.
  4. Just vandalism, was foolish back then.. :wall:
  5. Im a marine, if iran wants a war....well its historically not been a good idea to [bleep] with the usa :D
  6. Although i was brought up in a catholic family, ive always found the idea of religion distasteful. I mean, c'mon, look at islam. Some of the participate in suicide bombings because they go right to heaven (coughs) yeah..that'll feed the wive and kids buddy..
  7. The easiest way is to observe their effects on things. Pm me if your interested, was my major in college
  8. Thats not child abuse..the kid was being a brat it seems..
  9. Ive had an iron plate in my bank for almost 1.5 yrs now..
  10. Well im a marine, and personally, i dont have any problem w/ gay ppl. But i would not ever sleep w/ one in a 5 by 3 tent..also we sometimes huddle for warmth, another thing i would do w/ a gay person
  11. I'm a partial vegetarian, i basically only eat turkey on rare occasions. I feel so terrible for the animals, and what we do to them. Ive been cutting down on meat for a few months now, i hope to eliminate it completely soon. Ive noticed im in better moods as well since this started
  12. I drive a prius. Its pretty awesome, like 50mpg :) My grandmother unfortunately died, and nobody else in my family wanted her car
  13. beltran22

    Best Country?

    Well...they only places id be comfortable staying in for long periods would be the UK or the US..
  14. I wouldnt get a tat if i were you..it looks cool for a few months, but in a couple years its gonna suck..
  15. I'm very skeptical, as its good to be in this day and age.. However this is *very* interesting, i find it a bit hard to believe but ya never know.. What do you guys think about the MLK conspiracy? (pm me if you dont know what im on about)
  16. Yea i feel for you guys in england/australia.. The only thing worse than being run by a moron, is being run by a man who's being run by a moron. (i do respect him though, just disagree w/ some of his choices) Also i do agree w/ an above poster For instance Haiti will recieve 420m+ of us support next year. However their government is closely allied w/ venezuela, whose president, hugo chaves is a harsh critic..Seems like some ppl need to get their priorities straight
  17. I think those media companies need to realize, even with these things, people are still going to post those. So my msg to them, take hike and get ahobby..
  18. Hi all, i made a pretty cool signature from different in-game things. Its about the size of the chat box when you speak to NPC's I have it hosted on imageshack and whenever i go to 'my controls' and try to upload the image, it just shows a link or something. How do i make it the actual sig?
  19. Dude, what the hell kind of friend are you? my god no honour these days...I'd only report if it negatively affected me, aside from that i dont care what they do so long as we are good pals
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