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Everything posted by brainymidget

  1. U not put my donation of seeds in ur bloggeh =(
  2. OK well some of these have already been confirmed but just to tell everyone. You can NOT stack this with any other % booster for mage range or melee, whether its defense or offense. You CAN stack it with one visible prayer. It drains 2x as fast as a protect prayer or a 15% boost prayer which makes it better and last longer than having 3 15% prayers on.
  3. Read it already, finished entire book 12 hours after i started it, within 24 hours of its realease.
  4. Its actually steal cowbell I got several from the Prison Pete-random, so this is false. Im pretty sure that you can also get them from goutweed minigame. nice 1 :D Also two of the trolls in troll stronghold are named Pee Hat and Cracka and trolls are named after the first thing they ate =P
  5. I play runescape a lot, I play many many hours a day, but I still have plenty of good friends, I am not on any sports team but I play outside with my brothers a lot, I go swimming about 4 days a week during the summer and I am a straight A student. Runescape is not a problem for me. I think the reason that it is for this kid is because he is an only child (atleast at his home), he probably has no friends either. You need friends and a good family so that you actually want to do other stuff besides just runescape 16/7.
  6. Nope, he just likes to walk around the castle. He may not have been out right about RS2 either though. I didn't start RS2 until it had been out for awhile. he definately wasn't out when i played back then. but i guess i'll answer your question. if i could kill any NPC... hmmm.... i'd have to be the mysterious old man. he gave me a mysterious box before and i didn't know it, bam, 2 hours later had 100 boxes in one slot. took me forever to finish it... :wall: :wall: :wall: Go to the wild with all of em =) you die and one strange box appears on the ground which it doesnt let you pick up, its weird...
  7. lol 274k from lvl 14 atk =P But i support, its not too helpful but hey, just a little bit of helpfulness make it a good idea in my opinion.
  8. I had a post like this on the Rs forums a lil bit ago. Well, Im pretty sure that the items you keep depends on its shop value, so my idea is that you can click on something in that little thing that shows what you keep to see its shop value. You could also change that shop value. The alch value or what you could sell it to the shop would not change but if it had a higher shop value in that screen it would protect over things with lower. So, it would only be booted out of that if something with an even higher value got picked up or taken out of your bank. So if you want to keep something over anything else you have, you just assign this a value of like 17 bajillion trillion. As this could ruin some types of pking, such as people pking in ahrims which you lose over most things, it would probably be good to make it not work in wild. Also, there would be a button on that screen that you could press to change all the values back to default.
  9. Eh, I get em occasionally, its usually from Sodbers, lol like 99% of Sodb is Tip.it anyway
  10. Kbd guide is wonderful and the Wyvern guide would be but... This was "In other News" from the Skill Sounds update on July 3rd
  11. This guide should definitely be new sticky.
  12. This is a very nice guide, even though I already really knew it but heres what I need to know. How do you type something onto the picture without it having a white background. I want the writing to just have no background. All I currently have is paint to use to do this so if it doesnt work for paint would you mind giving me a link to a free download to something that would work.
  13. Getting Draconic Visage as a drop and then selling it for about 18mil. Ill find the pic on my computer and put it on here.
  14. narb you fergot to thank me for being awesome in your lil list of thanks you got up there.
  15. Even better, Z0MG! NOOB! Y0u K1ll3d T3h Sp1d43r!!! R3p0rt3d f3r bug 4bu53!
  16. well i know theres not dragon or white, but are there black yet? I dont think so but im not sure.
  17. Errr, i have about 41m exp, and like 11m cash, but then i have like all barrows, whip, fury, like 10 sets of rune, 4k ruby bolts (e) loads of runes, 15 glorys, 15 dstones, and lots of other stuff. Id guess that the bank value is a bit more than exp but not by much. Lol i should sell it all and just have a huge lump of cash.
  18. 400 KBD's thats how many normal black dragons it took me
  19. It used to be all loops but now its only teeth, i have 11 teeth halves and 1 loop
  20. I have killed about 500 black dragons, got visage after 400 and thats only one I have so far I did have a wealth on ooo i think im 1st person on here to get a visage
  21. He's a lumberjack and he's okay, he sleeps all night and he works all day. I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK I sleep all night and I work all day. Chorus: He's a lumberjack and he's OK He sleeps all night and he works all day. I cut down trees, I eat my lunch I go to the lavatory. On Wednesdays I go shopping and have buttered scones for tea Mounties: He cuts down trees, he eats his lunch He goes to the lavatory. On Wednesdays he goes shopping and has buttered scones for tea. Chorus: He's a lumberjack and he's OK He sleeps all night and he works all day. I cut down trees, I skip and jump I like to press wild flowers. I put on women's clothing and hang around in bars. Mounties: He cuts down trees, he skips and jumps He likes to press wild flowers. He puts on women's clothing and hangs around in bars?! Chorus: He's a lumberjack and he's OK He sleeps all night and he works all day. I cut down trees, I wear high heels Suspenders and a bra. I wish I'd been a girlie, just like my dear Papa!! Mounties: He cuts down trees, He wears high heels?! Suspenders...and a bra?!... Just the Lumberjack: I wish I'd been a girlie, just like my dear Papa!! woot, lumberjack song ftw
  22. 22 is the pking world for pures, atleast in edge it is.
  23. Well I messeged Jagex and am still waiting to get a response back on whether you do or do not have to.
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