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Everything posted by armybuilder

  1. Kamajara Volcano is your best bet i think
  2. What is unique about your clan? Um. I dunno we're full of random characters that you would never find in real life. From our economy mad Leader Stormrage to our tyrant co-leader toilet (hehe) Mixed with our ultra neeb Psi and everyone who at the end of the day jsut bond together to play a game. Is that why you joined your current clan? Yes. These guys have become some of my best mates and gamelife wouldnt be the same without them
  3. Gratz Leik +) So between you and psi we have.... ENOUGH BEDS FOR US ALL!!! +)
  4. RuneScape Name: Armybuilder1 RuneScape Clan: Tal Shiar Alliance / PKM (you did say main/ warring clan +P)
  5. Buy it myself for sure. Althought it depends on what your trying to do iif you want pure profit then Mine it yourself. Or if you want the xp then buy it. The higher your runecrafting level the more you should buy it yourself tbh
  6. Nope as soon as you log it goes i believe
  7. Well due to recent updates this seems even more valuable to read for those of us who read watch the ge prices etc. I think we need to watch out for prices cos although intitally they may go down it wouldnt suprise me if they all shot up again which does cause problems as proved by the AGS prices as mention in stormrages post above. Gratz on getting your Sword cheaper +P Hopefully we'll see jagex maybe do some better ideas for 76king perhaps even ones that are mention on ts_stormrages RSOF post I shall be watching this for more things being said as ive been lurking about this thread since it came out anyway
  8. Theres alot of confusion wether this is real or not . I think it is due to the new login things made by jagex. If you actually click the login button and type your password and things in. which if it wasnt legitamate it would steal your password. However the reason i think it is legit is because when you do click the login. If you notice in your URL bar as jagex did recently mention the green thing comes up in the URL to say that it is safe. If it wasnt legitamate then why would that be on as thats jagex saying that your loging on somewhere safe. The old style might be perhaps because it was something that they made a while ago but only just but it online + it might be still in for example beta stages. As you see when you are on it it does say that its on the community header. But if you click on the Community header its not there? So maybe we arnt suppose to know about it as they havnt released it yet to us as there are still things up to date.
  9. Im currently 51 Farming with a great deal of seeds and otehr things i was just wondering if anyone has any guides or anything that can help me with my farming to make it the most effiecient and speediest i can get it. Yours Armybuilder
  10. Well ive changed my mind i think. Ive had Armybuilder1 for ages and i feel bad replacing it ill keep it this way. Thanks guys for all the help +)
  11. Hey-oh As we can now change our names. I want to change my name but i have a little problem. The problem is my Current Main's Name is Armybuilder1 and i want to change it to Armybuilder However Armybuilder is already an account however it is one in which i own. I cant just change Armybuilder1 to Armybuilder because it s already in use. Will i be able to change it to Armybuilder if i change the Armybuilder account name to something else and then change Armybuilder1 to Armybuilder. or can i not do this at all. Any info to help me figure this out would be much appreciated Yours Armybuilder1
  12. I liked them both. Stormrage once again with his economic stuff hits the right spot and tells it how it is. Look forward to seeing more tipit times from both writters.
  13. Good guild however its not Graahks thats for Kamajara. I think you mean Spined Larupia. I shall be continueing to use this guide now though untill i hit 63 me thinks so thats 6 levels +)
  14. GO LORE <3 hehe was just browseing tal shiars forums and came accross the new blog links and thought. Hmm havnt seen Lore's for a while so came to check it out. Keep at it dude. Ill speak to you in the morning when your just about to go to bed as usual +P
  15. Now this is is an intresting topic. i will be re reading this when i get back from my holiday +)
  16. Tbh i wouldnt be too worried about Mechscape coming out okay there may be a loss of players in runescape to go to mechscape but maybe there just trying it out. Would someoen who's spent so long at one game just give it up? I dont think so. Also theres the fact that its two different groups of people its aimed at. Sci-fi vs Fantasy two very different things. Dont know much about mechscape but there you go +) As for the merching article we know its a problem. But at the moment in time its going to be hard unless jagex bucks tehre idea's up to do anything.
  17. TBH that ends your problem. Go in put your offer in leave. And wait for it to say Your Ge has been updated or whatever it says and then go to a bank and withdraw you items etc.. If you getting annoyed whilst your there for a while then LEAVE. Problem solved
  18. ye tbh thats the risk of pking. Although yes. the more damage thing is annoying im sure thats how its allways been. Just now it tells you. PvP at the end of the day it a game of luck on kills + drops you cant see all the facts just player name - combat + there equipment. Just keep going and better luck next time.
  19. Okay i logged into a f2p pvp world as a friend wanted someone to pk with and we were making a team and as i logged on i noticed my EP was 365% As you can see here it is. Now this is completly legitamate and no fake. But i thought jagex said that 100% was the max ep? Now im really confused
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