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Everything posted by leedragon8

  1. No... Really? what you might've missed was the 99 defense part of this post... [wagon]... 10/10, i'm pretty sure i will never have the patience for a combat 99
  2. Tbh, he's been well for a while. Atleast i think... he's just not been on lately for some reason? Me + sallaste + .5(veyron) = Vey's Blog :?
  3. Third page? Really? This good of a blog deserves the first page. Rather, the first page deserves this.
  4. you are leveling like a madman... keep it up! :thumbup:
  5. of attack emote? or just pic of cape? clarify please. don't worry about it...talking to foul... "Sadly" going for cooking? :lol: Double cook parteh pls?! :thumbup:
  6. Forum Name: leedragon Runescape Name: Leedragon Picture: :thumbup: captial L if at all possible. ;) EDIT: noticed it was jpeg, want me to repost?
  7. indeed it is. yet, i can't seem to find a time when vey has been online in the past 2 days... :( his loss, right? :P
  8. [hide=October] [/hide] Slowly getting there. (have been f2p since gwd)
  9. Hit me up, i'll give you my swordies... Green p hat for some 300 burnt swordies... sounds fair... :lol:
  10. i've yet to slip that hat on... :twisted: didn't know you to be one to collect combat things, i've always though you more of a skiller, but it seems not... very nice bank, and it's well spread out. =D>
  11. *hi-fives massive handsword?* 'the hell is that thing??? still can't catch fish liek me tho. :D
  12. Fish fish fish vey! :thumbup: i'm slowly gettin cook exp, will be getting even less now though got a new video game, huzzah! :lol:
  13. eww, fishing... who would do that?! but for real, get 99 instead of 99... ONLY 4 extra levels...won't take too long, amirite?!
  14. is this a blog, or a rate this? either way... :thumbup:
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