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Everything posted by hatebringer

  1. nice, gratz, too bad it took me 12 runs for my first, and it was a kahril coif Gratz on that nice drop
  2. well by the looks of things, either its higher up, or his cash is completely invested in 99 magic. awesome bank, and i love those runes, so i must be 99 magic :
  3. NVM, i guess there was no way, i tried basically everything, so i guess you can lock this
  4. im in a temple trekking event, and i forgot my druid pouch, and i can't continue. do i have to abandon the trek now? i have a ghast event now btw
  5. no one buys them anymore as Jagex nerfed the money making way with them, so just sell them to a shop or something
  6. wowzers, after 1 week, you did very well! for slayer, just use every single genie lamp you get on it, and recoils are also the only way to go.. although as you said, will take a LONG time. but since you will be raising cb after awhile, its all good. 10/10
  7. i don't ever want to see a horse, besides the toy ones. OT: now to sleep :
  8. IRC is already well acknowledged, and can be used as a market, pc world finders, help and advice, talk with friends with out annoying censors for words that are obviously not for 13+ (maybe jagex needs to go watch a few pg13 movies, half the words they block are in there ) I think they are just trying to get people away for RS clients, like adding their own world switcher... this would have been great a few years ago... only update im looking for is that new dungeon, thats it. GF Jagex, another month packed with great updates (sarcasm)
  9. Or gone to the bath room O_o well you don't know, maybe he goes when you log off. runscapecharacter: "thank god! ive been holding it in for hours!"
  10. READ THIS AND YOU WILL KNOW WHY THIS WON'T WORK Keyloggers now have the ability to take screen shots, and record them when you click. This makes this completely useless, and if you happen to have a Trojan virus, they not only have keyloggers, but screen recorders. i know this as my friend was hacked, and hid bank broken into, and all his money and items taken. then on the following day had nearly 30 black marks due to the hacker's actions on the account. This was a great idea, but it really is pointless now when hackers have found ways past it.
  11. true... but you cannot hit your REAL max without the fire cape, and besides, the fire cape beats the skill cape trimmed in EVERY def and offensive stat, so it IS worth it.
  12. the update was a hidden one that makes large creatures that usually move in straight lines be able to move diagnonaly, so fight caves require much more thought into luring them, instead of standing west of the Italy rock (those who have read guides know of what Italy is)
  13. i really haven't went in the caves since the update, but i have heard it is much harder, the creature luring is now harder, becaus ethe creatures move diagnoal, and not in vertical lines. i would say it is very hard for mains now as well, but not impossible.
  14. slayer doesn't get good until you are 100+ combat, and start getting slayer levels above 70+, then you can make some money, but it is an indirect way to make money, although hunter you can get 63 and hunt red chins, or get 83 and hunt dragon implings, and make good money from each catch, although they respawn randomly in the open world.
  15. only real way to make profit with alching ids to make most of the supplies your self, like cutting the logs, making the nats, etc. the only thing that really comes close is if you buy high alchables for 300 less than their high alch value, alching is not a money maker, just a mage trainer, which is costly, so you can't really make money with it.
  16. well quest cape is probably easier to get, but you need to maintain it, but just so you know, i have a lv 115 friend that has no skill capes at all. he also says he has no plans of getting one, and will just have the 99 stats
  17. i really like the mage arena training, although i use onyx enchant to train. i can get about 100k+ xp per hour.
  18. well... you don't "need" a skill cape, but they are nice to have, and if you don't have a ton of money, just get a non-buyable 99 skill, like fishing mining woodcutting, or a melee skill like atk-strength-defence-hits-slayer. but if you go for a non buyable, you will probably come out with lots of cash, like 99 fishing will make you a ton of $$, woodcutting as well, and mining if you bank all the ores.
  19. totally agreed, as long as you have luck, you can be a pker. thats kinda why there are tons of "wannabe pk-ers" nowadays, and last time i checked, the wild was filled with people called "x pwnz0rd x" (example) and other names along that line, all pc products.
  20. I never have used them. They take too long to learn, and clicking is just as easy. I mean if i sat down and started to memorize them, it might help a bit, but it just seems to out of the way
  21. If bard skill is released, i quit. simple as that
  22. im betting that on the first day of that dungeon release, more people will die there than did on the mith dragon update. i remember seeing nerly 4 barrows death piles in that mith dragon dungeon, but being too low health to get any of them. But now, this new dungeon opens new questions.. JAGex hints at new boss monsters, and a possible new quest in relation to this dungeon, but what could it be? we know it has something to with the 3rd age of runescape, and i am hoping that it may be a possible 3rd age weapon, from the new boss monster, maybe even stronger than the KQ. All i know is I can't wait for this update. And Clan chat sounds pretty nice aswell.
  23. farming do chain farming, and plant the best thing you can, while growing large trees/ fruit trees and have the farmers watch them for you, and just use spuer compost all the time. for theif, steal fur, and if you want, you can bank it, and sell it to the fur trader in varrock for a hefty profit (from 35-50 i did this, made almost 300k+) and then theive from guards once you can, do this to 53
  24. 2k antipoisons? aren't you going a bit far? There are better ways, like using the prayer book from The great brain robbery quest to heal poison, and with that you could probably stay there for a long time, and if you have the money for a sceptre, you can use it to easily get back when you need to bank. pyramid plunder is definitely the way to go, nothing even comes close in comparison in xp per hour.
  25. in 2- 3 hours, i bet you would get possibly 10+ levels on either skill, because if you "no-life" thats non stop training for 3 hours, and should get some good experience. although your skills are kinda low, and I probably wouldn't suggest minotaurs as they are f2p anyways, and rock crabs are better xp, and hit less often.
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