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Everything posted by hatebringer

  1. i believe that you get the message from going through the certain area many times, thats why only veteran players can choose to ignore it. Since they have gone through it so many times.
  2. whip fury mage book, and infinity boots. if you have 94 mage, that setup owns everything, and even the wild if you wanna risk it :
  3. Now, if anyone calls anybody a PC product, they should be proceeded to be smacked in the face by every person who knows how hard PC is now. An actually worse way to train CB now. Un-PC ways to train get pwned by nub pures now.... Still, i had 70 points, so i get no good bonus :( I dislike how they won't let you keep getting points. Maybe added a boat that had the old game so people could get 100 points one last time.
  4. when i first saw this update i was like yay! but then i had only started playing the new PC, when i realized... anything under 100 is basically impossible. I lost 5 times in the 70+, then went to the 40+, and lost 8 times. I then decided that i wouldn't play PC till 100 combat. PC is great now that higher combats have their own game, but 99 and under (im one lv from 100) have it much tougher. the 110+ that p[lay can hit high, and usually can stand taking damage, and that is why they usually win. But the lower levels have to wait just as long for the shields to drop, and usually have lost by then. I really like the update in a whole, but many parts need work.
  5. ROFL thats hilarious, guess the 88 learned his lesson. probably was moaning...in RL. Good job :thumbsup:
  6. Here is the only one i know of, and it works out pretty well. It even shows you the total amount of money it will cost to buy all the rooms (not including the stuff inside) I used it to plan out my house. You need Adobe Flash Player to use it though..
  7. well, there really is no other cheap ring. the next best rings would be the fremminick rings, like warrior and seers, but they cost the upwards of 500k, so wealth is the best now, even though it gives no bonuses.
  8. thats a tough one... I really can't see how you shouldn't be able to fight the demon again, but i guess you shouldn't have dropped the quest items. Look here for the quest guide and try to go back to every spot of the items you lost. If it still doesn't work, then maybe you should send a query to JAGex. Just keep going back and work from there
  9. hmm I haven't noticed this, or tried the whole willow (u) merchanting, but I think this is only with the store at 0 stock, and probably decreases to under the good amount that is like 56. Also remember that charter ships buy at least 20% more than general stores buy. so after selling maybe 100+, the price is less than 56 each.
  10. this works... if you're only buying like 10 runes. the price nearly doubles after only buying 10-20 runes. a great place that never (almost) has anyone in it is the mage guild shop, but there are usually legit players who also know about it, so it is also often crowded.
  11. Take it from me, ive potted up just to try some of the spells, and although they are costly.... I LOVE EM!!! You get ice barrage, and you also get the other really good spell, Vengeance. Another thing is that 99 magic is one of the niceset skills to have, just to show off that you can basically own anyone your combat that doesn't have high magic. It also is very good in Castle Wars : I say go for it
  12. yeah, only pay for it if you want it, its slow, only good thing is it hits high
  13. gah, that would have been a better way to train magic for me, but owell, Gratz on all of those nice dragon drops. \
  14. Well its been quite awhile since i posted my bank, but i didn't feel like sorting it out, so i just took a few pics of the best parts of my bank, and put them together. Rate 1-10 with 10 as best I know it isn't THE best, but it gets me by alright. (cosmic runes are for 94 magic)
  15. you can buy the herbs, kill chaos druids for herbs, collect the seconds, but the way to start training is to do the druidic ritual quest.
  16. to my knoledge, its impossible to log into two accounts from one computer, so unless he has two, then yes it is reportable
  17. use a cleaning cloth on it. of course im not sure why you would remove it, except to add higher level poison
  18. you could try PC, but i suggest rock crabs or play CW for the levels. that never gets boring, and you get tickets from playing :)
  19. maybe it was a setup for jagex to secretly remove some expensive items and rares :twisted: But yeah, luckily nothing happened to me, im not crazy enough to stay up past 3 in the morning (when the crash supposedly happened in my area), and when i do, its not playing runescape. But even if they do a roll back, it should set everything back the way it was... including items
  20. my highest ever was 127... Nice that you got 150, thats a good ammount of experience
  21. if you can't fit it, just buy a mahogany set from the RSOF. they usually cost no more than 20-30k, and are usually the max amount of items can be stored. It did wonders to my bank. Gained almost a full 3 rows.
  22. they can spawn in any square of runescape. they are impossible to predict, although some areas are know to have more imps seen. like canifis and yannile
  23. lol most people posted p2p drops, but he is f2p. The only creatures that drop rune stuff in f2p are... Greater Demon - level 92 - drops rune full helm located in demonic ruins wild Lesser Demon - level 82 - drops rune med helm located on crandor island, and in the karajma volcano
  24. simply talk to the duke in lumbridge castle for a new one free of charge
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