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Everything posted by hatebringer

  1. Well, i cant say im really proud of my bank, but it has some nice points that i worked really hard to get, so il point a few out 1: my money, not much, but it will grow... hopefully 2: 38k cosmics... my task of getting 99 mage has begun, but im settling for 94 right now 3: my santa. Will never ever sell. it is my most prized possession. 4: my bank bottom. most of my good stuff is there, fighter torso, armor whip etc. And, i have no intention of organizing, or even rearranging my bank. I just recently moved my herbs up to the top, and already got lost at where they were at. without anymore wait, my bank... BTW, i haven't finished the watchtower quest, so there is some stuff from it in here lmao.... Now, Rate meh bank :o :ohnoes:
  2. oo nice, training slayer as we speak, going to get 65 (63 atm), then train to 80 range on dustys, and hope for a chain during that time 10/10 :
  3. i actually like this idea, well thought, and considering that the daggonoth kings are lv 303, and take a group to kill, the multi area is a good idea. Another thought is that possibly that the team attempting to kill the dragon would need to go through a dungeon of some sort, instead of a simple agility pass, but the dungeon in its self would need multiple skills to get through, so you can't just be a high cb, and pass through and kill it quickly. And, if this creature was amazingly created, it would be the second highest creature in all of Runescape, and the highest creature that drops any items (since the fire cape isn't a real drop, but a reward,and the lv 360 doesn't have any drops Supports from me
  4. try in your house, when you take an object from the shelves or a tool storage, the walk blinks over you character almost in a similar way, but just for a second
  5. its nice, but now fletching is super easy to get to 99, i got it the tough way, clicking about 50.000 times
  6. nah i really enjoyed that vid, and since ur the same cb at me, yet can hit twice as high, i don't think im gonna mess with you lol like the vengeance k0s, never thought of that in pking
  7. imagine, 10 kq kills without a bank trip lol but... abusing a bug is bad, and this should really get fixed if it hasn't already, sending in a bug report form right now
  8. hmm, well i cant really say it is, because i know many people that play IRL that became less intelligent from playing, but i guess in some ways it can be, like little kids learning what lol means and learning to fight just to kill someone for their stuff, and beat innocent animals to death just so they can drop their stuff and what not. yeah.. very educational. (note the sarcasm)
  9. i hit a 16 with no pot and mith bolts non enchanted, so its basically my highest crystal bow hit, so, yeah i really like this update :thumbsup:
  10. YES, its very simple if you think about it really. It all depends on when you grow your crops. if you plant them immediately when a 'game total re spawn' happens, then they should take much longer, since your crops will need to go through another re spawn to completely grow. If you don't know, a game re spawn is when items disappear in the general stores, weeds grow, other set time oriented things (Not monster spawns) So if you want your plant to take only 75 min, you need to plant them before a game re spawn, because the grow time will reach the completion time, and the respawn will produce the finished product. so when the plant reaches completion, but a spawn just took place, then you will need to wait for the next to harvest the crops. actually, it would be nice if someone could find the amount of time it takes for on of the spawns. I need to time it after i get finished with this barrows trip
  11. is it just me, but i really enjoy those things alot. look foward to reading it after i post ^^
  12. eh your stats are good enough to melee, but if your using the left overs, you might as well try for that visage. Anti firebreath pots last 5 min, and with mage, you will need pretty high mage atk bonus ao you can hit quick, and don't waste too much time on a single dragon
  13. yes, the salamander will use your type of attack, so if you have low mage atk bonus, you will hit lower than when you had a high atk bonus ie. wearing full rune with a salamander on mage attack mode will hit very low, but wearing mystic or ahrims will hit much more and higher as well.
  14. i think he wants to know where zezima's site is, sort of a fansite? if he ever did have a site, it probably got spammed so much he must of taken it off.
  15. if you want a mix of hp, range+ your style of melee, use guthans and a cannon to range the dagganoths there. you get incredible xp all around, and you could stay there until you run out of cannonballs.
  16. if you really want to catch chins quick, just start up now at 63, and if it goes to slow for your likes, catch red salamanders till 70, then it should go much quicker, then in just 10 lvs, you get 5 traps, and I think that it would help alot more
  17. yeah, if you really want good xp, pc is the way to go, although the mage arena is just as fast, and gives more xp per gp, although you get 0 money back. In my opinion, the best mage xp in the game
  18. sometimes using the direct link can cause your sig to come as a thumbtab image, so make sure you have your imageshack options set. just try it out, then if it doesn't work, try again
  19. the guthan set is random, so i wouldn't suggest using it for a staking duel as the possibility that you will lose due to slow speed and random healing is not very comforting
  20. i hate the visage drop, i have a dragon slayer task, and cant get a single one
  21. Didn't like the black hole originally, but i guess that all these things took place, and i mean EVERYONE of them, i would be fine with a second black hole in runescape, wouldn't go in it thou
  22. yes i can believe it, some player came down while i was dh a task of fire giants in burthrope dungeon, and used that new shield, and hit a 54 on the giant, then finished it with a whip. i was just like OMG, but a 217?! i say it may be possible, one hit stake ftw! i need me one of them shields like right away :thumbsup:
  23. well, if i lost EVERYTHING i owned , i would most likely quit, and never play again, but if i lost an item that was most of my value, and still had a bit left, i would try to earn it back somehow
  24. ^ the personal best dh hit ive ever seen lol personally, haven't screened any spec hits, but i did hit a 22-21 on an elve during a slayer task. not anything special compared to all these 71's :shock: , but to me it was pretty nice seeing two 20s in a spec
  25. well, you could take these numbers and basically compare it to anything that any creature drops (rare drops that is) like a challenge scroll. many people have looked for them, but only a few have ever gotten them. All this percentage and stuff is not how i see it though. I usually find that when i am not looking for a rare drop, and just doing something, like slayer, i tend to get rarer drops than those who are doing it for the rare drops. This is just why i see personally. like i went to barrows for fun, and pulled out a v helm, but went there for profit, and started a dry streak.
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