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Everything posted by hatebringer

  1. yeah i heard about this at work,. but no one knew his name. thanks for the information, now i can tell everyone. but yeah, i think one person who has that much money should give it to other people, and help out the less fortunate out there
  2. it would kinda be stupid, because the person who killed us would have to wait as we chose which items to keep, or they would lose out on some items that have higher player value than shop value. Not a great idea.
  3. i duno how they would be able to put transparent in the stat pic, so im guessing that. anyways, i like it that way :
  4. i just got a zammy trimmed legs, but i forgot to paste the picture before taking another, so i don't have proff.
  5. try at rockcrabs, or the lighthouse , but only try the light house if you can stand up to 74-80 creatures attacking you in multi combat.
  6. you could try waterfall quest, and get firegiants. they drop quite a bit of rune stuff, and sometimes dragon med helms. and just so you know, its advice** in your title
  7. the only reason this whole war started was so he could finish his daddy's unfinished business in Iraq. Think about it, the war is based completely on Lies.
  8. Sorry but that's not true. yeah i agree. I read alot of posts and topics everyday, and that takes a large chunk of my runescape time, and mostly i see people who flame even the slightest mistake. Even though Tip.it is one of the nicest runescape fansites, with a great community, it is still only a slightly nicer reflection of the runescape whole, and it shows how it has been dragged down. Everyone should do their part. You see someone who needs help, help them, and maybe they will help out someone else down the road. If you want to change the way the game is, don't complain, do something. As you said, have a collective group of all people who want to help, and they all could have an impact
  9. yeah, i mostly buy my materials, unless i want to train two skills. fishing and cooking is a big on ethat i never buy materials. I fish every cooked fish i have. but i do buy cooked fish, since i can cook, so that doesn't count
  10. ive always known dhide to be the best xp, but if you want, world hop in port phasymas (not sure how to spell, and too tired to look up, and buy the soda ash and seaweed from the shops there. fastest way i know.
  11. i died twice on him, and finally finished the quest with melee at combat 92 yeah he was tough, just keep high hp to gight sharks would be best
  12. yeah wither buy torags with a decent weapon, or just buy a hally. no one uses a hally w/o a safe spot
  13. most likely would go in the tech support forums, but i think you just need to find the thing they are talking about. find it on the list, and right click>remove it, or just highlight it, and then remove it. If not, you may have something that doesn't work, like using firefox may have a different method, but im not sure what that is.
  14. Thats kinda messed up when the so-called leader of the churches all around the world singles you out and says, oh u ain't a church. In a way, its kinda funny
  15. I really liked this guide. It had alot of thought put into it. Kepp up the great work, and i hope to see some of the updates you have planned.
  16. wow, this basically has everything you need to know about Pest Control. I love this guide. I really think this should be an AOW guide. It has everything you need to know, outfits to best level certain skills, and experience chart for every skill, plus the amount you get for every 100 points, has great videos that help out people who don't feel like reading a whole lot, good strategies, and anything else you could need. I gotta say this probably should be AOW, if not replace the Tip it guide on Pest Control. 9.99999999/10 even has monster guide :shock: Pictures would help then you'd get 10/10
  17. I still would rather use shilo for the cooking xp, but when people get 99 cooking from the shilo fish, then they should switch over to this method
  18. its an alright guide, but usually people would choose not to use ancients at Barrows, simply because the cost of runes turns almost no profit. Good guide, bad method
  19. yeah, i sometimes get called a noob for not getting abby pked, and i see many people called noobs for simply not doing something a person wants, like dying. I think most people who do this are 10 y/o anyways, so they don't like being told to stop calling people noobs, because that just turns it into a war.
  20. just wait till the monster attacks you first, and quickly click to open the door. it also helps to memorize the answer, as there are only 3. And unfortunately, you must deal with it, or kill the creature, and quickly solve it before another monster attacks.
  21. i guess imps are sort of demons 8-) but i don't think there is any lower lv demons other than lessers
  22. Ok, everything here is greatly thought out, and put to thought. The one thing that I really would doubt would ever happen is dragonite dragons. There is no doubt in my mind that there will be runite dragons eventually, but a lv 700 is pushing it. For defeating a lv 702 after basically an army of monsters, an getting an automatic "drop" of a fire cape, fighting the lv 700 dragon who obviously would use magic melee and range is just non believable. people would be needing to pray switch just like in the caves for a monster than possibly could drop garbage, and spend tons of cash for single kills. Even in a team, a lv 700 is impossible. Teams sometimes have trouble teaming lv 303s and die. I hardly think anyone would try to fight this if it was multi, and if it was multi, people would still not risk it. a lv 702 can one hit any player, so a creature 2 levels lower obviously would be capable of doing so. I just can't see that happening. Everything else is great, and i think it all will happen, except the other king dragons and brutal dragons. also a few reasons why, but im tired, and can't type much now, so il just say that the brutal green is because they can be killed out of wild, as green are located in the wild. Also, the black dragon is the "king" of dragons, and there is no real reason to make separate king dragons, as the black dragon is strongest, and is the overall king, but other than that, metal drags up to rune will happen.
  23. The random tree spirit can drop them, and there is a fairy ring code that has an area that when ever you cut a tree, you get a random tree spirit, but i can't recall which code it is. It has centaurs in it is all i know.
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