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Everything posted by hatebringer

  1. Well my goals are changed a bit, now i have a goal of getting 80+ fishing 1600+ total lv, and possibly a few good slayer drops, and break my current dry streak at barrows.
  2. do you even read what you type? You know what? instead of stopping autoers, why doesn't jagex just give every player 2.1b of every item? then we can all get 2277 total and be happy :D :D idiot. an accurate description of what i was just thinking. definitely you should think before you type, they are breaking the rules, and therefore in the wrong, JAGex should do everything in their power to stop them. Ther are NOT good for the game. if jagex says, "ok, autoers are now allowed," no one would play anymore, when they could just auto train to 99 everything, and have as much raw materials that they want, play non stop... Macros= bad. end of story And btw, if you want to train skills with out paying the "skyrocket" proces of no autos, CUT/FISH THEM YOURSELF
  3. definitely veracs, what else is super effective against the kalphite queen? nothing, and it looks amazing
  4. mm can't wait for RL Kalphit queen. maybe people would actually fight them :lol:
  5. trees grown in your house are un-cuttable unfortunately.
  6. nub GL on your goals, and lucky on that guthan spear, still need that and a skirt before i have full guthans completely not bought.
  7. NP mate, I always try to help out on the help and advice forums. its kinda my favorite thing, to help out people. But i hate not knowing things, and have to look them up for future reference. :
  8. nice stats, and amazing drops, what combat levels would you suggest to do the dag kings? I have been to the KQ before, but not the Daggs. Anyways, keep up the nice work, and btw, green masks own
  9. i hate kahril, i want him dead so bad in the crypt. he hits like constant 20+ w/o pray, and is a huge pain.
  10. OMFG!!! I ROFL'd in real life from that one. omg! ice man protect coin... man, and he says he is smart wth!! lmao
  11. yes, you just go into the shed with the dramen staff, then you will be in zanaris
  12. you need to have done lost city quest, its the "lost city" where you can buy d longs and dragon daggers. also the area where the impetious impluses minigame is officially located
  13. Any run that i use no pray pots or sharks, and i have only had 2 of them. Though my best run was in 3 runs, i got a t pl8 then 2 runs later a spear. I was very happy. Almost have gotten full guthans w/o buying a single piece.
  14. Maples coal and flax are the best money makers i believe. of course, try to keep your excitement down, and not take the rewards out too early. i never can, and pull out everything too early, and so i dont make much profit from it because of that
  15. if you cancel it, then you will still have those days of members, but once they run out, its gone for good. the day credits you have stay on the account since they have been payed for already
  16. Thanks for the replies so far, just updated my goals with some pictures and a total level goal sig that will keep updated on my progress. I will post the level up pictures of my last 10 levels to 1600 total.
  17. pure luck there. a single hit higher on any of his hits would have been the end of you. very lucky you got away. i know from my friends telling me, that rune mining isn't the easiest or fastest thing out there
  18. Wow nice, hopefully il get some luck in a d chain drop soon as well. Gratz on the nice red chain, you probably freaked when you saw the body on the ground. 10/10 one of the best drops you can get. GL in the furture
  19. fire giants are definitely great item droppers. rune skimmy half keys dragon med, and many high alchable items. they are really great to train on also. (need to have done the waterfall quest to get a good spot, they are also in the brimhaven dungeon)
  20. Ok, well before i get into my blog, some of you may want to know about me, but some are here just to look at the pretty pictures. luckily, i have both in the blog. And, I will hide everything so you can read and look at what you please, but i would love for you to post on here. [hide=About me] Well, my name is Matt, and i am 16 years old. I currently don't have a drivers license, because i have failed the test, and my parents want me to learn the basics before i go and try again . I have a pet parakeet named Sonic, (named after sonic the hedge hog, as he used to roll around in the cage) and he is the best. I take him out, and he sits on my shoulder while I play RS. Don't like when he takes a dump on my shirt though. I have a job, although it is a pretty bad one, but it pays decent cash, and I need money lol. I have two brothers, and one sister, all younger than me, and Unfortunately, I have to share a room with both brothers. :( Well thats all you really need to know about me, on to the RS 8-) [/hide] Now, before i head into the Runescape part of my blog, I will tell you a bit about my Runescape Life. [hide=About Dragon]Dragon100177 is actually my 3rd Runescape Account, and is the best one i have yet. My first account was made in '02, and was called R0x_N0x_MP. I played on him for awhile, but most of my friends quit, so i decided to quit also. In '06, however, my friends found out RS was much better looking (graphic wise) and there was alot of new stuff. I made another account, Palmer12222, and played for about 3 minutes before deciding my name was completely stupid, and made a new name. I was currently reading a book called Eragon, which is based about a boy who finds a dragon egg, and i decided to be called dragon100177, since dragon was taken . of course, i wish i hadn't added all those numbers, but i can't turn back now.[/hide] [hide=Barrows Drops] One thing I really enjoy doing in Runescape has been Barrows. when i first tried at 79 combat, and died at dharock losing nearly everything i had, i never went back, until i reached 88 combat. now it my most favorite thing in all of runescape, besides castle wars. SO i will post here all the drops i have recieved. NOTE: I have gotten kahril skirt and top, but didn't screnie as i was excited. they were my first barrows drops. Dharock pl8 legs Verac Helm Guthan Spear Torag pl8 Ahrim robe skirt Guthan helm #1 Guthan helm #2 Guthan Body Dragon Med, although I don't really count it as a drop tbh [/hide] [hide=Kalphite Queen]Well, me and my friend have been wanting to fight the KQ for a very long time, but we never had the skills, and we both wanted to be 100 cb before we attempted it. so, nearly 2 months after we began, we killed the KQ for the very first time. Unfortunately, I died ion out first trip... man was i mad. had to pay 60k to fix my helm , well after we got re set up, we headed back, and finished off that giant bug. That is my first ever KQ kill... the loot? A CHAIN!! nah jk it was an addy spear lolz #-o Total KQ killed:6[/hide] [hide=Goals]Here is where my goals come in, I have been working towards 1600 total level for awhile, and am almost there, I recently got all skills 50+, by using tears to get the last farming level. Here are my current Stats... and my stats that are updated... Going for 94 mage 1600 total level I want this for some reasons, and since im close it would be nice to have all skills high enough to have 1600 total. I plan on getting farming and herb lore up to make it about 1595, then either craft and train mage a bit for the last levels. After I reach the 1600 mark I will probably update this section with some more in-depth goals, like specific skill level goals. Also, here is a picture of when I had just gotten enough cosmics for the magic level. I know, its going to take awhile, but I plan on doing barrows a bit also, and that should train magic up while I am making money. [/hide] [hide=Clue Scrolls] Here are my clues, I will post most every one of my clues i have on picture. [/hide] [hide=Random Pictures] well, here are some random pictures that i don't want to make an entire new hidden part for... Yay for laziness! First ever dragon drop [/hide] And... thats about it for now, well, hope you enjoy thsi, and if you can, pop a reply into this here blog, and im not pressuring you to, it is just always nice to get replies from people about my hard work. Thanks and have a nice day :
  21. they used 3rd age weapons obviously, but i would NOT want to see a 2rd age dagger ever released. a 42-42 spec is high enough, you don't need a 50-50 spec .... ever
  22. eh its not really worth it. it may hit higher than rune skimmy, it is slow and unreliable in pking. the skimmy r2h combo is probably the best in f2p pking, or the mage piling in multi cb with a clan
  23. well i say train strength till 40 at men in edgeville, it takes awhile, or an alternative is the rats in edgeville dungeon. then train on scorpions until you get about 50, then you can try other spots, but these spots are good for range also. for mage, use crumble undead until you get 55 or your desired lv, or you can keep using it till you get whatever lv. In f2p, these are the best i think
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