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Everything posted by mastermule52

  1. In order to run any Java application (like RuneScape) it needs to be run on a JVM (Java Virtual Machine.) Works like this: Normal games: GAME <==> Video Drivers / OS <==> GPU/GRAM Java programs: GAME <==> JVM <=(OS)=> GPU/GRAM . . . . . . . . . . | | . . . . . . . . . . . . | | . . . . . . . . . . L_=> Drivers <==ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâù_| The game only interacts with the JVM. Now, as Java becomes more advanced they are beginning to interface with the drivers and via JVM, but they tend to stay away from that in an effort to achieve universalism (being able to run on any machine.) So, the JVM on Windows is different than the JVM for Linux. But if you have an OS that already interfaces with the GPU and a JVM (like many Linux distro's do) then you CAN run Java applets, so you could run RuneScape. So yes, putting a Linux distro on it will make it possible to run RuneScape, just know that it may be a pain in the [neck] to get it working right. Best of luck to you!
  2. A possibility is that it updated itself and now is not recognized by your fire wall. Perhaps check your firewall settings, if you have one, to ensure it's allowing IE to get through?
  3. As Nadril said, advice will be limited without specs... the specs that would help right now is: 1) How much RAM 2) Size of your hard drive(s) (C:\ at least) 3) How much of your hard drive(s) is/are being used A few things I can say might help: 1) Make sure you're not recording your entire screen. 2) Try lowering the quality/raising the compression
  4. I was really thinking about what would be taking up your CPU Sort it by CPU and see what's using the most.
  5. :-\ integrated cards aren't that bad - they can do better than 12 frames a second. Try running WoW in windowed mode with your task manager running and ensure you don't have something else eating up your memory/cpu.
  6. I get this all the time if I have too many windows open It's not uncommon for me to have 60+ windows on my task bar, and about 80+ firefox tabs (I just keep making them LOL.) Plus, mIRC uses native windows, which takes away from the number of windows available. If you have a LOT of stuff open, close a few you're not using and try again.
  7. You're on a windows box. Therefore, the first troubleshooting you do, if possible, is restart. :P
  8. Let's make sure it can connect to SOMETHING, even if not through internet explorer. Go to start, click run, type "cmd" (with or without quotes, doesn't matter) and press enter. Type "ping http://www.google.com" (without the quotes) You should get something like this:
  9. Sounds like a problem with your friend :P Not with Vista. Sure it's not perfect, and in fact it isn't that great... it isn't that BAD - it's not a step down from XP with the exception that it will take some getting used to. But "Vista bashing is popular, therefore it must suck" right? :o
  10. you can eliminate your "if greater than 26 then take away 26" line by going like this, if you so desire ... although i don't know the syntax of the language you're using function encrypt(char c) let x = getNumberFromLetter© // if c = 'a' then x = 1 x += key; return getLetterFromNumber( mod(x,26) ) // if input = 5, returns 'e' end function http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modulo_operation =)
  11. No offense, but this is a common uninformed stereotype. While integrated graphics cards do not outperform most daughter cards, this does not mean they are only for "basic PC use." On the contrary there are quite a few laptops that are designed for gamers in mind, and really can pack on the power, especially when you consider the fact that integration also means optimization, and removing entropy from the system. Many of these are designed for gamers who frequently move their computers (because they go to events and tournaments) and are very serious about the performance of their computers
  12. Most are blocked by going Tools --> Options --> Content tab --> [x] Block pop-up windows Some still get through though.
  13. Good luck getting a high spec card in there tho. My PCI-E card takes up two whole slots at the back. By the time they get implemented, single slot high spec cards won't be high spec, but will be more than adequate for what this user's goals are. But consider: http://www.magma.com/products/pciexpress/expressbox1/ And this has been around for two years or so: http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/89
  14. When I get kalphites for slayer, I get whip, defender, black mask, and go to KQ with my buds. It really does own KQ to bits, and I very often get the drops (even duo-ing with a 126.) Going with a group of 110, 112, 115, and 116, all in veracs, and me a 118 in fighter torso, warrior helm, rune defender, whip, I got many of the drops. Even when I verac, I bring my whip for the first form. === Also, why do people care how many shark you use? Lol - it's nothing compared to the (eventual) reward.
  15. I believe the rune loss rate is 20% A lesson in infinite series will tell you this means if you bring 200 arrows, you get about 1000 shots.
  16. About a 1 minute respawn? 7 nats a minute x 60 minutes is 420 nats an hour You have to spend 120 laws to get that... You profit 90k (laws = nats = 300 gp per...) an hour, and only gain 5,160 exp from the laws... I would say find something that gives better exp, or better money. I mean, it's quite dangerous, at least for the profit you might get. Just doesn't seem to be worth it.
  17. IMHO, the same was true with XP (between home and professional). It's worth the extra money, and usually if you get a little extra hardware they give it to you for free.
  18. yes, I have. Also, many of my friends ONLY play on laptops. My best friend used a laptop for WoW, and he got perfectly good frame rates. The only problem was that it did take a while to get back to the OS after exiting. Come to find out, it does that on my machine too, and just about every machine I've seen it played on (except one particular mac :P ) It will be in the very near future actually. I've been reading up on pci-express slots going into motherboards within the year. :-) Btw, other than that I agree with the rest of your post :P
  19. Your best bet, since you can't display it here anyway, would be to contact an administrator and explain why it should be un-blacklisted, or have them explain why it was blacklisted in the first place. They're reasonable people, and if there's sufficient evidence to prove the site is legitimate, (I surmise) they will likely un-blacklist. Just bear in mind that it only takes one illegal element to make a site be blacklisted, and it's entirely at their discretion whether or not a site is allowed or not. They've got 150k+ registered members on the forum to (try to) protect. :ÃÆÃâÃâþ
  20. I'm guessing it would include a basic tutorial on the features of the board, explanations of the different forums, and maybe a few snippets about netiquette here and there? :D
  21. That's what I used too. Perhaps changing it to "Leather or cloth gloves" would help clear up confusion on it? === Also, in the guide itself, on step 4, before you list sub steps 1-5, it links to the quest guide, not to the bestiary entry for Mouse (level 95). ===
  22. have you tried WINEing hypercam? Failing in that: http://xvidcap.sourceforge.net/
  23. Getting a good graphics card is important, yes, but it's not the end of the world if it isn't top of the line. Yes, it taps into main memory (well not all do... many do though.) No, you can't really upgrade them. But integrated cards can have their advantages. I prefer having an integrated graphics card on my mobo so I can slap a better card in as a daughter card. Most of them have two monitor outputs, giving me a three monitors. This has proved to be very useful at times!) Plus it's usually about $100 bucks cheaper (although I'm sure someone can find cases where it isn't.) A 1.6 ghz processor with a semi-modern integrated graphics card should be able to run WoW on decent settings. I don't know about CivIv because I haven't played it, and don't know how intensive it is on the gpu.
  24. Virtually all of Java's graphics libraries are hardware accelerated when they can be already. RuneScape doesn't actually contact your machine very much. Instead, it contacts the JVM (Java Virtual Machine), which contacts your machine. It's sort of like when you ask a friend to ask a girl out for you. :P The package that handles most hardware accelerated graphics is something like java.awt.image.VolitileImage. They call it Volatile for a reason - it can be quite unstable. Also, remember hardware acceleration means adapting code for different cards. Yes, supposedly the card's driver interfaces with the OS and the [directx/openGl/take your pick] libraries and all is grand, but in practice it doesn't always work QUITE like that. Simply put, it's more stable to set it to the cpu than it is to the gpu. But that isn't -too- fast of a chip - if it doesn't have an upgradable fan, and t really is overheat, you're probably looking at a defective fan/cooling system. I mean, the factory-prefab are basically underclocked to ensure they work good (they run hot already!) It baffles me that they would release a prefab laptop that overheats like that... regardless, fans are cheap - if you can get an upgrade, do it. Also, it seems rather strange that runescape would gobble up 90% of a 2ghz cpu... Might I ask what client you use to run RS?
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