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Everything posted by Kietaro1

  1. Dude! i nearly nailed this one. i am not a huge fan of continually posting my ideas partially due to the fact that I wasn't done with it, but i did post it a few time. that being said my skill was nearly the same concept. i know we do not like links here but i am posting from my phone so the best i can do. www.freewebs.com/exploreskill obviouskly Jagex stole my idea :
  2. Well to be honest, this fits perfectly into the idea that I have had for a long time. I have outlined it in freewebs to try to mirror tip.its. What I have thought of can be found at www.freewebs.com/freewebs My way would be a great way to implement such a skill.
  3. While this seems very plausible and a welcomed addition to the Runescape game, I cannot help but think that all of that has been done. Infinite dungeons have been around a long time but the first noticeable game to incorporate that game mechainic well (in my opinion) was Diablo. These instanced dungeons were amazing in that every time you played, it was like playing a new game. Of course the load times were ridiculous. Dungeon master with the ability to create player made scenarios. Well let us go to the direct source of RPGs, Dungeons and Dragons. They released a game called Neverwinter Nights that allowed players to make whatever they wanted (including quests with with ridiculous amounts of reward experience). That of course does NOT mean you are not onto something. You cery well could be right, I just think the Implementation would be the thing that was different from what has already been. Not to mention this falls in line with what I would think might be called Adventuring/Exploring. Fits the skill I came up with perfectly :)
  4. Done. http://www.freewebs.com/exploreskill/
  5. We are still around though we have changed servers a couple of times. Quite a stand up group of people if I say so myself.
  6. There already is an unsoloable monster, The Penance Queen
  7. Posting from my phone so please bear with me. First, I would like to throw a bit of conspiracy into the gears and say that I believe that the shops' current stock levels are in place to deminish the stockpiles that people have already. As they are commonly used for junk trading for less than 20 gp each, I think that Jagex is limiting the amount we can get for a while for the sole purpose of getting some of the abundance out of the game. This goes for broad tips, bird meat, and any other item that has ridiculously low stock as well. I think the fact that this was geared towards anti-junk shows that this is plausable. And second, perhaps I speak for myself here but I agree that it seems that Jagex is out of touch with the gamers. However things are not always what they seem. I agree that this year has been very disappointing when it comes to updates but we have been told that this is all leading somewhere in the future. Basically it is kind of like the squirrel that stores nuts for the winter. Unfortunately, winter may never come for me as less new content is pulling back the curtain of what this game really is. And what this game really is - is boring. No one likes the grind and up until this year, we have had something each week to take our minds off of the grind. Now that this is all but nonexsistant, all I am faced with is the grind. Jagex has, in the past, covered this up with steady updates but this year, I have been consantly reminded of hpw lame combat is, how slow mining is, how unuseful 60m really is... for that I think Jagex has lost sight of what is important in a grind fest game like Runescape, smoke and mirrors.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eT25CJaTU_M submitted in at 11:54 BST. And as you can see did not get to finish it as the ending is very anticlimactic. I will probably upload the ending later. eh
  9. What many people on Jagex's defense seem to be missing is not that those that are complaining are not complaining that bugs are getting through. More so they do not blame development, QA, or any number of things that cause any said update to be less than par. Instead many of the complainers (myself included) find that too often this year we have received nothing for an update. Towards the start of the year, I felt as though these breaks were warrented as we were promised quality in updates when the Behind the Scenes was removed. It was done to remove time constraints and allow Jagex more time to really develop good updates. I agreed with that and have upheld my trust in Jagex throughout the majority of the year. Unfortunately as the year has progressed and more weeks have been skipped, that trust has begun to falter and iIfind myself uninterested in the updates that have been released. Do not misunderstand me and think that I do not appreciate some of the updates that we have been given. The route finding update for instance truly made the game more enjoyable and I am sure that everyone enjoys the minstrels scattered around runescape easing the load of passer bys that stop to enjoy some of the best music in reunescape. Over all however, this year has been riddled with updates that have not drastically changed much of anything. The animations and new look of some of the weapons and scenery have been nice but are soon forgotten as Runescape fades back into the grind it was before those updates and that it has continued to be after them. In other words this years updates as a whole have left many players who have done the majority of what Runescape has to offer with nothing new to try, nothing new to explore, and nothing enjoyable to complete. There have been gems as shown above but my opinion stands as this year offering very little in the area of 'new' content. In pyre need, for instance offered a new way to train firemaking but more importantly, a new way to firemake. It really changed a portion of the game drastically (enough for me to actually level firemaking). Smoking Kills revolutionized a major part of one of the most enjoyable (for most players) skills as well as offered new content for several other commonplace skills. Wile updates of that caliber have been released this year they have been few and far between which has result in many players playing very little. Sure we keep our membership up but I am sure that the developers want their content to be enjoyed and no avoided on the week of release in fear of losing hard earned portions of our character. By not playing, even with membership, we are not enjoying the content all the same. I was lucky enough to be able to get into my house on the day the manageries were released, build my room, and go to work. On my way into work however, I could not get over the amount of bugs a experienced and how little that update will affect my day to day scaping. I built the room, collected the pets that are easily to get, put them in my house and was done. That is all that offered me. Sure the summoning familars will be more useful for combat but again it will not drastically change the way we play. Slightly more useful (the way it should have been to begin with) familars is a fix but even the familars we had could do the same. I will say it is useful but not something that makes this game more enjoyable on a day to day basis. That seems to be the majority of updates and the real reason we 'complainers' find ourself in a position to want to say something /wall of text.
  10. A very simple guide to follow is as follows: Home teleport, plant tree behind castle Teleport to Falador, plant tree Teleport to camelot, plant fruit tree Take boat to Brimhave, plant fruit tree Teleport to varrock, plant tree Use spirit tree at GE to teleport to the Tree Gnome Village, plant fruit tree. Use spirit tree to teleport to thre grand tree, plant fruit tree, go southeast and plant tree. This is using supercompost at every patch And paying the farmer to grow the trees. Herbs and flowers,etc help but the major exp is with trees. Do not wait for the trees, they wil grow and wait to be checked so go do something else. A watched pot never boils. Man, I miss farming...
  11. With a little experience I could write an entire game from the ground up. Heck I already have. When I was I high school, using a TI-83+, I wrote a full RPG with movement like zelda using self created sprites for 18 different characters, a fighting system much like pokemon with move lists specific to the 18 individual characters with strengths and weaknesses as well as damage rates, and a link system that allowed players to fight others using the calculator link cord all in my junior year, second half. It was collectively about 40 hours of content and in my opinion very well done. I did all of this using self taught basic on a calculator. I also made monopoly with ai, hearts with a real card shuffle, and a text based version of worms. Could I build a car that already has directions to follow? Um yeah probably, one from scratch, nope. In truth though this has nothing to do with the quality of recent updates. It was an example that obviously went over the heads of those that are arguing. Focus too much on the example and you will miss the point.
  12. No. Wrong. Very, very wrong. According to whom? You? Ans who are you? On that merit of argument, I work on the maitenance end of a crane company where out fleet trucks are repaired all the time, sure I do not develop the truck (just as you do not develop a widely played game) but I can tell you, that you are wrong. Now where does the discussion find itself?
  13. Certainly, though I will go off of my statement of quests being a tool of measurement that we might use as a standard. Let us look at the quests released up until last month and their effects on Runescape. An update effect on my day to day Scaping is how I judge amazingness. -Dealing with scarabas: water tiara making long stints of mining more bearable. To a lesser extent, new slayer tasks. -As a first resort: spas offering numerous benefits to combat and general movement around Runescape. -Catapult Construction: castle wars catapult upgrade that really changed nothing. -Kennith's Concerns: new guam potion aka nothing much. -Legacy of seergaze: Vyrewatch burning for prayer and blood runes for runecrafting. -Perils of Ice Mountain: waste of programming. Making pickaxes is useless and do not even get me started on global warming... -TokTz-Ket-Dill: no lasting rewards. -Smoking Kills: truly one of the best updates I have seen in a while. Updated slayer with so much awesome content. New crafting, fletching, ranged, and slayer content make this truly awesome. -Rocking out: Really neat quest, one of my favorites actually but no real lasting content (besides my ex-ex parrot :) -Spirit of Summer/Summer's End: Coropel Beast and spirit shields. -Meeting History: history lesson-nothing new Now let us look at this year and their effects. -In Pyre Need: some might argue that this could be considered last years but either way - repeatable phoenix fight, new familar, and pet. -The Chosen Commander - new mace that no one uses, new agility course no one uses, and an upgrade to a crossbow that gets used sometimes. -Glorious Memories: nothing -Tale of the Muspah: partail quest with build up, nothing. -Missing my Mummy: build up, nothing -The Hunt for Red Raktuber: penquin hunting, hide and seek addition and new hats which are pretty neat tbh. The Curse of Arrav: nothing too game changing. With this comparison I want to show two things: half as many and less game changing content. These two things could be had in an either/or situation like I expected this year (less content/more quality) but last year we were given both; numerous updates with real lasting rewards. This year however the updates have left me wanting. It really has come to the point where I log in very liitle. Hell I have even been working on a machinima so I go over there and offer some ideas. And stopping my membership would lose my grandfathered cost od 3.80 a month and boost it to 5.80 or whatever it is now. How would that help me in the long run?
  14. While I will agree that programming is difficult and will always have bugs regardless of how much testing is involved, I do see the merit in the arguments of the the disgruntled. I went to college for compnent programing and nearly got a degree in it before switching to political sciences. The reason for my switch was partially due to being told what to program but I digress. I know a very small portion of what developing software is like and how much work goes into making it flawless. But you know what? That is not my job, it is not even what I enjoy about programing. Jagex is a company that proudly boasts it's regular updates as one of the game's selling points. As such in the business world, it should be held to a standard. With even using Jagex itself, we see many years with very few bugs (or at least less noticeable bugs). Coupled with the fact that in years past there have been updates consistantly week after week, I believe that players have even more ground to be upset with Jagex and their subpar year of game content/upgrades. Less updates over a given time translates into more development time. Since the updates in comparison to previous years have not been amazing I feel that the longer development time could have spent on testing. With the amount of bugs that we have in recent updates, I cannot say that is the case. Two weeks ago, Jagex had no update lending to the idea that something big was coming. In honesty I did not expect anything big and as a result was not let down by the new skeletal thing. A week later which in my opinion would still have been affected by the week they took off, we see yet another update with many bugs. It is not an issue of whether a bug is game breaking or not; the issue is are there bugs? Now we as players can work around them and make things work (I for instance built my new room before work yesterday and was able to get it done without complaining). The problem though is that we should not have to work around things as major as the bugs we saw this week AND MOST WEEKS this year at Jagex. "If you do not like it, quit." First of all I want to say that this response, though widely used is very ignorant. I have not spent the last 7 years of my life playing a game on and off to quit because Jagex suck at upholding one of their key promises to their players. They are already releasing less content (take quests for instance - half as many in the same time frame and NONE this year affect the game like those of last year) which bothers me but with less content I think we have the right to see quality updates. Jagex is a company and the complainers are a small group that do not like what jagex does on a small scale. If they quit we will not lose an awful lot BUT I have played this game long enough to know that it is enjoyable enough to stick around. I have stuck around, however, because I trust Jagex to knock my socks off. In the past 8 months however I an beggining to lose that trust. In the 7 years or so that I have played, never have I been as disappointed as I have been with this years updates.
  15. I really appreciate the help grave, though I need to re take some of the shoots, but otherwise it turned out awesome. And thanks to everyone else that helps :D Need some more people tomorrow if anyone can help.
  16. I know this is a horrible plug if you guys could help that would be awesome. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=806962 If not just ignore the spam as I could really use the help.
  17. P2P perferred as they have better pirate choices. f2p will be used for the video however so come one come all :D Hey guys and gals, I need some help with my machinima video. If you are availible tonight from 7 pm to 8 pm central time and would be willing to help me, I would be greatly appreciative. The theme is pirates so bring any pirate gear you have. A friend and I will be handing out as many scimitars and long swords as we can but if you want please bring your own. Iron, black, or steel only please. Other than that come as piratey as possible, the meaner looking the better. I will need a couple dwarf cannons as well but bring them only if you already have them. I will have spare pirate costumes if anyone should need them. If you can help please just join my clan chat 'kietaro1' at as close to 7 central time. I need around 20 people but the more the merrier. If you are willing to help then please come with an attitude of helping and please do not be disrespetive. I need to get these shots and I really would love to have fellow tip.iters help. Thanks in advance and hope to see you there. This will take around an hour and the majority of that time any pirates will be mainly standing around. Just a little heads up for those that may not want to help after finding that out.
  18. i'm liking this idea of customizing items once you reach 99. http://www.freewebs.com/exploreskill/ I have not updated the website in a bit but the premise is there. I think it touched on a good bit of what you guys are talking about and once I finish with the Entrana cave system, there will be a great need of higher level skills as most of your armor is not allowed on Entrana. Anyway, I think this is a good time to release the rough rough draft ;) I will also note that as a rough rough draft the boss fights that would encompass most of the skill are not included though they will be eventually.
  19. My question still remains; who cares? Outside of a childish push to feel self important, I see no reason why it should matter. Those players are not hurting you, they are not interfering with your game play and regardless of broken rules, what makes you so worried about it? 'You' being in reference to all of the repliers that have issue with this. I mean really who cares? And for those that do, why? Broken rules? Not playing the way the game is meant to be played? Getting benefits you don't? Welcome to the real world.
  20. It is my opinion that the adze is the most useful item. It is equally the best hatchet and mining pick coupled together with the ability to burn logs as you go 33% (average) of the time. It gives better woodcutting experience per hour as it allows for more cutting/less banking or dropping. It also gives benefits to those of us who runecraft through the abyss. It allows for us to mine or woodcut the tendrils thus giving the opportunity to speed up the process IF we spawn close to those places. Off topic: I think the semantics you guys are focusing on are ridiculous. Get over yourselves and answer the question. You know what he meant and if not context clues should be your priority and not runescape.
  21. It would seem that ranging the new beasts would be the best bet. Especially with that shiny new amulet. Seems taylor made for the aquanite.
  22. Thanks for the clarification. Sorry for my misunderstanding
  23. What the hell? I never said anything about not liking it. Read the posts people. Just answer with what makes it enjoyable.
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