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Everything posted by Evaluate

  1. s u o m i=s u o m i jake=tezz (i think? unless there was something before tezz) jdelacroix=jdelacroix elvis=nintendo swe elias=back2pray allar=aasiwat almostlost was "richard o_O" a long time ago but there could be something before that chilly was sushidame i think everyone else, i haven't heard of them changing their names, but they could have I think Jake was Tezzer123 (not sure if the numbers are correct), and Chilly I think was Yo Sushi(?). They've been listed earlier in the thread but I have no idea where exactly.
  2. Thanks for both the submissions, Ren, I'll update this one as well and you'll be credited. :)
  3. Thanks for the submission, Kimberly, though the coordinate picture isn't in proper form, I'll update it and credit you. :)
  4. Thank you for your submission, though you image is not in the correct format to be used in the guide, I'll update it with a correct image and credit you in the guide. :)
  5. First off thank you very much for your input, they're a great help to us crewbies. I'm 100% positive it can go to 4, as I've had it happen myself, but as Sy said it very well may be only above a certain floor. If anyone happens to figure that out, I'd be grateful to hear (with a picture would be helpful for verification, if possible), as I'm sure some of you that are actively doing Dominion Tower will find it before I get a break from homework long enough to experiment. Missed that bit when I was adding it in, but I do recall it restoring prayer as well, so I'll change that. If you happen to find any other things it ( i.e. restores reduced stats as you suggested, and/or summoning points) another post or PM to me would be wonderful. I'll double check if we have that information in there for sure, but that was one of the note we were going to list, and it possibly was just forgotten. As for the gloves and Dreadnip comments, I'll get someone else to take a look at them as I personally do not have those features unlocked. We'll certainly look at them though. Thank you again for your corrections.
  6. We already have this information, but thank you for posting it anyway. :)
  7. Thank you for your submission, this info has been added and you've been credited. :)
  8. He made it very clear that Green is not playing as she is 'supposed' to be playing. He pointed it out a dozen of times and there's not even need to say it as we all know maging in Bandos is not the most efficient way to play. I'm pretty sure Green will not alter her way of playing because of some people here on the forums are pointing out what she is doing 'wrong'. Good, she doesn't have to. I already love the comedy she supplies every once in a while. I just want some of you fanboys here to stop protecting her 'way of playing' when both you and her are wrong and have no valid points. Wrong about what, exactly? I understand the point you're trying to make, it seems out of place to see Green maging in Bandos and whatnot, and I agree that it's withing your 'rights' to poke a bit of fun at her if you want. I just don't get why you're going on about everyone being 'wrong' when there isn't even a 'right' way to play in the first place. Just because it's inefficient doesn't make it automatically the 'wrong' way of doing playing.
  9. Looks like an excellent month all around, some decent minor stuff as well as the hopefully amazing ROTM quest. Also, inb4 the exp lamps are physically huge rather than the exp rewards they give being large.
  10. Woah nostalgia gave me goosebumps. Nostalgia'd hard at that and the old RS theme. It almost made me shed a tear.
  11. The guide updated and you have been credited. Thank you for your contribution, ezeeipancake, they are always welcome. :)
  12. The trousers are actually obtained by reaching 300 total levels between the 6 characters, but thank you for the rest of the information. It's always helpful :)
  13. I like the idea, but as others have said, it's hard to see where it'd fit in in a practical manor. The main problem that I see is armor. Bare knuckled fighting might be cool if neither player is wearing anything, but throwing your fist into a guy's rune platebody isn't going to do much. I suppose they could always ignore that fact, as you can still damage with punches and kicks how they are now...but it just seems to me like something they'd want to take into consideration if they added such a considerable amount of content.
  14. Season is female. Just so you know. I agree with you on her being consistent, but as far as I know she doesn't really care too much about ranks, she just does what she feels like. Kind of like Kingduffy. I'd very much like to see her in the top 15 sometime. As for me, I'm not much for predicting. Watching them is easier than trying to be psychic.
  15. August looks very promising, especially with all the new mini-game rewards. Mini-games have been pretty neglected as a whole, good to see them getting a little polish. Also, new Vyrewatch quest at last, please please please at least halfway meet expectations. :pray:
  16. Good luck to everyone, it really is a great experience :thumbsup:
  17. When it says RuneTrack captures stats at 2AM, it means that's when it captures stats to record daily records. It also updates each time a player logs out. So Langer is correct.
  18. No, it's not a glitch, and you haven't done anything wrong either. Simply, the piece you receive is random, so it sometimes takes more than 2 weeks to get both pieces.
  19. Don't plan to see it, but I think the reason is it's not as emotionally attracting as the other Pixar movies. Cars aren't something everyone identifies with as well as something like kid's toys as in Toy Story. This, combined with it taking them forever to make the sequel, just led them off to bad reviews unavoidably. Pixar has a long way to go before they've "ended" though, releasing one flop movie doesn't indicate a failing company. They'll bounce back, I'm sure.
  20. I understand what people are saying, that it's "unfair" to make the best cape in the game exclusive to the degree that it is. But the thing is, if a cape that requires the achievements expected to get the completionist cape (and to a greater degree to add the trim) did not have the best stats of any cape in the game, what sense would it make to even have the cape at all? Why should a cape that requires a lesser amount of achievement be given a lesser reward just because it's "too hard" for the masses. That's what I was trying to get at with my article, is that I don't see why people complain about something that makes logical sense. I get that your "combat" players aren't pleased because now they can't add a few extra points to their attack bonus, because they will never play the game to such an extent as required to get the completionist cape. It's an understandable point to be a little upset at first, but when you reach the point where you're writing rants about how it's complete trash that Jagex could do such a thing as set an insanely hard goal and give it better rewards than something you personally could achieve, you've lost track of the fact that this game doesn't revolve around you as an individual. Just as it was a discussion point about how skillers who achieved 99 slayer couldn't purchase the cape to show off their achievement, and so many people said "Oh well, this game isn't meant for specialist accounts, Jagex has said they don't cater to them," the case is the same now. I applaud you playing your combat account and enjoying the game in your own way, but the fact remains that avoiding areas of content you find less enjoyable, you aren't playing the whole game, which is the exact point of the completionist cape. I don't doubt that in the future a combat cape will be released so you can show off your prowess as a fighter, but don't expect it to be better than a cape that requires more effort. It would undermine the whole point of the cape. This cape isn't supposed to be one everyone and their brother runs around with. It's for the best of the best. The 5000 Castle Wars game requirement isn't there because it's a random number, it's there because of the Castle Wars Champion cape, or whatever the exact name is. It's part of the game, and without it you haven't completed it, so it's a logical requirement. Fun and easy to achieve? No. Possible? Yes.
  21. Also, "Haha XP OCD" He has a frontpage rank too :o 'Lordreverse" was the first to successfully do so. After which others took over. The ones you mentioned have cooler lvl's though.... On that train of thought, does anyone here know if "Renez" is still playing? I always thought his account was awesome. OT: Thanks for all the discussion (by those who actually use the thread for what it's supposed to be for), I really enjoy reading about the progress of these players, SUOMI, Elias, and Tezz because of how aggressivey they gain exp no matter what skill they're training, and also Aasiwat for his attitude toward the game. Kingduffy is also a nice account to watch because of the balance between skills. I'd like to see Season on this list someday, she's probably the nicest high-leveled person I've had the privileged to speak with, but I'm not sure she gains fast enough exp to maintain a spot. Anyway, keep the updates coming, Langer.
  22. Looks cool to me, I'd have preferred a green or orange cape but I didn't vote so I can't object.
  23. At least you don't dismiss them as absolutely worthless. Your utilization of clans may be a bit narrower, but I do understand that some people have their interests in different areas. I'm curious as to why you hate clans so much, as, quite frankly, you haven't provided much for reasoning besides an immature comparison to adult films. Jagex isn't "fawning" over clans, they're giving attention to a hefty portion of their playerbase, and their paying playerbase at that. They're a business, that's what they're supposed to do, and if they want to keep that money, they need to do a bit of fine tuning, which is what the article was about.
  24. You're entitled to your opinion, but to simply say "clans suck, nuff said" is pretty shallow. Have you ever been in a clan before? Because I'd be willing to bet your opinion would change if you actually gave them a chance.
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