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Everything posted by Evaluate

  1. Maybe you should have put more effort into your guide if you wanted to go to this "uber-party."
  2. Evaluate

    Is Lying Okay?

    Lying is only bad when there is real harm that can be done by them. Sometimes lying can even be a good thing when you're doing it to stop someone from being hurt.
  3. Wow, I thought Ben Dover would be a bad name to live with, but Adolf Hitler? Naming children just isn't these people's strong suit I guess. Much too much healing needed yet for this name to be used, I hope these kids don't get denied entrance into schools due to their names.
  4. I realize that, I just didn't want to put a lame title like "Bush ducks shoe." I figured the "with a shoe" part would help people realize it wasn't really an attempted assassination.
  5. Source: http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/12/15/bush.afghanistan/index.html Seriously, what's next?
  6. Evaluate


    My advice for you is do super energies to 52, the super strengths for the rest. The only way for "cheap" Herblore experience is to farm your own herbs and collect your own seconds.
  7. Saw one a few weeks ago, 2 guys fighting over a girl. Kid A, who started it, was shooting his mouth off and kid B stupidly taunted back. Kid A threw a few punches before Kid B got him in a headlock. Kid B was on probation for drugs, so he just kept the headlock on and ate the punches Kid A was throwing over his shoulder at Kid B's face. Eventually, Kid B got sick of it and picked up Kid A and threw him into a nearby elevator door. Then the police liaison arrived and broke it up. Kid B didn't get in trouble because he didn't fight back, but Kid A got suspended for a week and had to pay for the repairing of the elevator door, which was knocked off track when he got thrown into it. As for me, I avoid fighting. Not to say I'm weak, I just don't find causing pain to others enjoyable.
  8. Very true, too little too late. At this point, I'm not so sure even the release of a set effect could save dragon from this price spiral, unless it's really good. Don't expect people to pay upwards of 50m for 5% added to their strength bonus(just and example set effect).
  9. Mayan calender ends on 12/12/2012 if I'm not mistaken. That's why. I use cable, so this doesn't effect me, but I think it's probably best to swap.
  10. I bet he needed to buy a new pair of shorts after he saw all the digits in that fine. Tough break for him, I bet his great-great-great-great-grandchildren laugh at this when they get old.
  11. If you were kidding, why the hell bother to post it in the first place. Seriously... To the OP, don't let yourself fall into this too deep. As much as you care about her, you need to keep your head calm too. While one death is bad enough, we don't need you adding yourself to that if she does end up going through. From what you've said, get someone besides her parents to help with support.
  12. Lighter shade of blue would definitely be better, though even your current blue would look better than Cat's Eye ones. A girl at my school wore them for a while, and it was reeeeealy weird.
  13. Thanks, the help is much appreciated.
  14. So how would I go about ripping the DVDs to my computer?
  15. So, I bought a new MP3 player, and it plays movies. I want to put some of my existing DVD collection onto it, but I can only do that if the files are already on my computer. I want to know if there's a way I can get the DVD onto my computer somehow, or if that's not how it works. Help?
  16. Found a Creative Zen I really like, thanks Steve for your input.
  17. Thanks for the post, but I'm looking more at off brands that give me a cheaper option than Apple.
  18. So, couple days ago I somehow managed to crack the screen of my iPod (2nd gen nano). I'm in the market for a new one, and I really want the Ipod Touch, but it's a bit expensive, I want to be sure there isn't anything that's basically the same, just without the Apple brand name. If you have any suggestions on less common brands, please post them here. I'm checking out Zunes atm, so please don't post those either. Thanks. I'm looking for: -16gb memory(min) -Plays audio (of course), Video, and can hold pictures -Easy to use interface -Price-tag under $230
  19. Might have said in the link, but I believe "Where's Waldo" was banned due to a revealed breast on one of the women in a beach scene. Apparently some guy forgot to draw the bikini top or something. Who woulda thunk?
  20. Well, as a few of you might know if you read my post, my relationship was a little unsure. I'm writing now to sort of get it off my chest that I feel like total [cabbage]. My parents basically forced me to break up with my girlfriend because "we weren't on the same level maturity-wise." She said she forgives me and knows it's not my fault, and we can still hang as friends, and I'm wondering if there's anything I should do to keep us from becoming too far apart for a second chance.
  21. 42. (sorry, had to :thumbsup: ) But really, the point of life, to me, is to benefit the world as much as you can, even if you aren't remembered for it. Sort of like charity work. Though, most people just think meh, what's the point, one person, especially me, can't do anything. Well, if the entire 6 billion(?) people on Earth decided they could make a difference, hell, even half, then we COULD make a difference. We're all just too lazy. That being said, I realize there are some who are trying, and I commend them for that. I'll stop there, I hate preaching, and most of you have heard this all before. Maybe I should just stick with 42 as the meaning of life...
  22. Just scored a 4, not depressed at all. This test is really poorly done though. I mean, if I was depressed I wouldn't be taking a test online over the opinion of a professional, let alone taking this one.
  23. I'd say listen to those around you. You can gain so much by just having open ears instead of being ignorant and saying "My way is right, yours is wrong, I don't care what you have to say at all."
  24. Some sort of kiddish "I'm better than you, nyeah nyeah" sort of thing is what it seems like to me. Now, to attempt to get back OT: I punched a girl in the face once, not quite sure why though, that was a while ago.
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