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Everything posted by DeeKay

  1. I don't know how well this one will go, but I too wanted to start a thread and have a good bash&whine while at it. Anyways, I've been playing the game since '05, starting at the age of 15, and kinda grew along with it, on and off (mostly off). Across my 'career' I've came across reoccurring types of players, both ingame and over fansite forums. So here's a little list of 'em - feel free to add your own, but keep it over a certain level sophistication: I'm sure you'll agree the 'noob' type is a tad stale. Try going for a humorous approach while reading this, too, even if it's not too particularly funny. Vertical-liners: These are your average players, which go around killing things and do quests. There's just one problem, and it's that they suffer from a horrible illness which prevents them from typing more than two words without pressing Enter. Chatting with such a player is much like talking with someone having an asthma seizure while being constipated. The Possessors: A fairly average type of player, which tends, out of great pride, to call the full name and add 'my' to expensive items in their possession. Examples include 'Let me take my dragon pickaxe out of the bank', 'I have my void set in my inventory' and 'I sold my Armadyl GS to buy my third age'. Your cooperation is required in accepting that they are cooler if it's theirs. These types also seem to, innocently, have no clue about what to do with amounts of coins that consist of more than six digits, often plundering fansite forums in hope of some answer to this difficult question from those less fortunate. The Paragon: These are your non-average self-proclaiming-to-be-average players, believing they take just the right dosage of Runescape. Any player who dare mention their superiority in a direct or indirect reference to (but not limited) stats, items, playing habits and occasionally 'real life' (we're real, people) issues, are immediately announced as 'no-lifers'. Players with the aformentioned qualities lower than the discussed Noble Model of Gracious Gameplay, are considered as noobs, and generally not worth talking to unless discussing issues mentioned earlier, in which case they will get bashed. Lol-o-mats: A very common type of player, which enjoys conversations much more than others, regardless of topic. Commonly acknowledges others that they are laughing out loud, rolling on the floor, laughing, or, covering the very same floor with diarrohea - known as LMAOing, or LMFAOing, if you're some sort of sick ****. Cool People: A relatively new - but not uncommon - type of mainly male player which freely allows himself to call fellow players kids, skinny nerds, nolifers and suggesting they'd do good with a tan. Up until recently, this mysterious type of player would not go beyond feeble insulting attempts such as calling one 'fat'. Supposedly, the once young has grown (14), acquired (somewhat of) a girlfriend and deducted that he (and him only) must be hot, thus making everyone else on the world wide web kids, skinny nerds, nolifers or all-in-one that need a tan. Beware getting caught in these raging hormone machine's line of fire. Leet (1337) Speakers: A fairly common type, convinced that button combination aren't necessary and that the keyboard has too much of them anyway. The Depressed Sociopath: Yours truly. A type of player who considers himself intelligent (and in extreme cases gifted) which started playing as anyone else, and eventually reached the debatable conclusion that anyone else is ret***ed. Characterized by near-perfect grammar and spelling, cynical behaviour and sarcastic sense of humour (at this point I will mention that I type in British English), these types are wondering hopefully across Runescape in hope of finding an intelligent match, not realizing that they are in fact, total d**ks and that their heads are way too far up their a**es. A relatively rare type of player, for the simple reason that these lot keep their chats either set to Friends or entirely turned off.
  2. Game updates: http://services.runescape.com/m=news/list.ws?cat=0&page=8&action=next Developers' Blogs: http://services.runescape.com/m=devblog/index.ws?page=6 Happy reading!
  3. I believe, based on what I understood from the knowledge base, that the concept is for you to complete all floors before resetting the prestige-o-meter. When you do the floor twice in a prestige-reset interval, your prestige doesn't add up to the total exp earned. The idea behind it is to "prevent grinding", and that the first floors would still give fair amount of exp.
  4. Probably rendered by an outside tool. As for getting the game's graphics in par with reality, supposedly they could apply ridiculous amounts of eye-pecking effects, but the low poly count is there to stay - the CPU is still doing most of the drawing. I suppose most people noticed that the once-mighty Core 2 Dou processors are now having trouble keeping up with some scenes (outside the Daemonheim castle for example). Until that's changed, a major graphcal breakthrough is unlikely.
  5. No biggie. It's not that http://runescape.com was any security threat, and if you go to fishy websites you're at risk regardless of Java.
  6. You have some flippin good times. http://www.runescape.com/kbase/guid/dungeoneering
  7. Sigil drops from the corporeal beast seem to be much rarer than stuff in the GWD based on my experience, if you're after drop splits. It's also a hell lot slower. SGWD it is.
  8. It's a dragon square shield with a humongous crush defence bonus, and few extra defence points in the rest of its stats. Unless you're killing giants, I can't see how it's going to help you. You might say it justifies its price due to the prayer bonus, but if you're going to pray while fighting, you might as well take a Prayer book. I s'pose it's going down in price because the corporeal beast is going up in popularity, and holy elixirs (which are used to bless the shield) are not an uncommon drop.
  9. Standard stuff for shooting fire spells. The only difference is that you need to bring prayer potions (around 8-9 potions per 100 worms, at your level) and preferably wear a fire cape. Pray against magic and stand close to a wall or a pillar when fighting these. If you have a hexcrest, in any of it's forms, and a fire cape, the hits will be too ridiculously high to justify melee - max I've managed is 978 with a Fire Surge, at 106 Magic (a Wolpertinger would help you there). For melee, a common setup seems to be wearing prayer-boosting gear, praying against melee, and setting up a cannon to help you kill these. It shoots 4 cannonballs each rotation, which is pretty decent.
  10. You first open a clan chat: http://www.runescape.com/kbase/guid/controls_clan_chat Then activate Lootshare: http://www.runescape.com/kbase/guid/controls_lootshare And Christ, he's just a young kid looking for some help. Why do you guys have to be such [wagon] holes? More importantly, what makes you think you are, or were (at his age), more superior?
  11. I'm replying to the first post directly to provide a more down-to-earth answer. Firstly, yes, you will be fine. It won't be easy, you won't get many kills, and you won't be able to play on a Lootshare world for the reasons mentioned earlier. It will be a flippin' good time though, regardless of levels, which I believe that as far as they are, or above, the minimum required, is enough. As for the gear, I recommend some magic-resistant torso and the rest to shield you from ranged and melee. There won't be a need for special items, since there's only three of you, and your damage rate and survival ability is a lot less substantial than your friends' (no offense) at the levels you mentioned - hence making one of them a dedicated tank will slow your killing speed a lot. S'matter of fact, you being the tank might actually be the best thing to do. In relation to possible loot, you and your friends will have to come up with a way to share stuff, since the highest hitter, the one with 99 Attack probably, gets the prize. Looking at your levels at the moment, I recommend just enjoying the game instead of chasing the GWD, or alternatively try more manageable boss monsters, such as the King Black Dragon. That's up to you anyhow.
  12. Well written. But the one important thing you didn't address is addictiveness, which is a psychological thing as well, and much like crack, once you had it, you'll be coming back for more.
  13. Second Vision has the best composition in the game in my opinion. The sound sucks, as usual, but gotta give the composer credit. Rant:
  14. I believe the creators of RS were informed about the method in Eve in an interview before, and replied that the game's mechanics as they are now, can't cope with such a thing. The concept's fair enough though. Bit overcomplicated for my taste, personally. I think that the trade limit in RS is doing a pretty good job.
  15. Replace at least the unholy book for a shield and take four ranging potions - there's no reason to pot up only for Jad when there will be plenty of prayer potions left (thus unused space).
  16. It's a fairly easy business, especially with the focus sight. Mind you, it's still slower than melee (although not by much with your levels) so you might need a bit more food than usual.
  17. Fabulously done. Free exp - what more can you ask for (ask, not whine)?
  18. A well phrased argument. I reckon you should post this suggestion over at the RSOF.
  19. A guide with some statistics: http://forum.tip.it/topic/194382-andylax38s-9-lob-burstingbarraging-guide/
  20. There's a one and only reason that everybody wants Bandos armour, and it's because of the Strength bonus. Both the miniscule Prayer and increased Ranged defence bonuses are negligible in most cases, and at most definitely don't justify the 45m or so spent on the set. Buying it because it doesn't degrade is just nonsense, since you can always buy dragon armour, which has even slightly better stats (except for the Ranged defence).
  21. Except for whiny brats. Yep, be this topic an example. Still, the article isn't clear enough in explaining whether the 'rare drop table [...] shared between a variety of NPCs' is the only rare table, and if not, whether the ring of wealth affects the others. I shall remain hopeful!
  22. Just the one you're attacking, seeing as the animation shoots only at a single target.
  23. Blessed spirit shield? For what? You don't need to spend gazillion millions to shoot some fireballs at Abyssal demons. Wear a full mage set that you already have, wield a shield and a helm, and use a Bunyip!
  24. Nope. Sharks is enough. You don't have to inform anyone you're teleporting either.
  25. It only affect your and your enemy's accuracy (displays as -x% in the prayer stats menu for your opponent). Doesn't do anything to either one's levels.
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