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Everything posted by Abdulla

  1. I wonder if there is research done to calculate the probability of ea 3BV board coming up. Sub100 3BV is probably <1% or something.
  2. add me pls so i can spam pm you with nooby sweeper questions. EDIT: This just in. I break records daily. My 3bv/s thing is horrible yes, and I cannot play without flagging everything pretty much. Also I have no idea what the minimum 3bv is required for expert so idk. But yeah 134 board was nice.
  3. Dat first sub 200. You guys got me so addicted, if I fail uni its all your fault aten
  4. Seriously you aren't even base20M yet how bad are you. You should just give me your account right now. Please. pls ;-;
  5. I'm not. [bleep]ing. aussie. No. Bad Aten. But yeah definately checking out r/minesweeper cheers.
  6. Man, I play a lot of minesweeper for fun. But holy [bleep]. This is like me discovering dungeoneering all over again. The hell is that sidepanel you got there. Edit: I am becoming more and more able to use google to solve my questions, instead of begging other people to do it for me. So yeah downloaded Minesweeper X. I like this statistics box. Cool.
  7. You [bleep]ing stock my hacks. Give them back pls, I need them for C4's. Totally forgot about your noob. Can't believe you are levelling it. Could be out womanising but nope.
  8. Well damn. Cat is out of the bag.
  9. Instead of teleporting to the Burthorpe loadstone and using that bank, he suggests using the Kinship ring and use the Dungeoneering bank, or using a duelling ring and using the Castle Wars bank. Both are faster methods and will increase the amount of law runes you can make per hour.
  10. F2P FoG is covered in bots though if I am not mistaken. Might not be enjoyable to play the game in that environment.
  11. Jagex has a theme world for F2P FoG. Have you tried that.
  12. Good luck man, this can turn out be really profitable and fun if you are smart about antipking.
  13. I have exams coming up so I won't be on too often, and I am doing a lot of monsterhunting.
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