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J a m e s

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Everything posted by J a m e s

  1. Isn't there an easy way to get 1.1m to 1.2m worth of junk an hour?
  2. Nice mate! 8/10 KEEP ON SLAYING. It gets better and more fun. :thumbup:
  3. Grats man! 10/10 I'll be getting 2k total myself relatively soon as well. :thumbsup:
  4. Not particularly original/interesting, but good detail I suppose. 7/10?
  5. I do not see how this deserved to be posted. The drops seem very normal to me.
  6. Can I ask what you did and what you are doing to train it right now? I'm planning on getting my uber low skills up soon and would appreciate any tips. 9.9/10 simply because herblore is one of the most expensive skills to train, even to only 80, and -.1 cuz it's not 99, of course. :
  7. Nice luck. :thumbup: Can't really rate it, it's just lucky.
  8. I don't see how your stats are that amazing for 8 months (I've been playing for about a year and a half and I don't think mine are any good either), but the your bank is good. :thumbup:
  9. I know tons of "f2pers" who train skills as members without getting any xp in member's stats.
  10. Yes, I do indeed take much pleasure in the consumption and digestion of pie. Far more than I do with cake.
  11. That's a member's world, isn't it? No way f2p world would be empty there.
  12. P.S. I like how you keep every single thing turned to off, even private. :?
  13. Ftw. 9.9/10 for not training controlled. Controlled is what all the cool kids do these days. :thumbsup:
  14. I read stories. -.- Grats, 5/10. Getting one stat to 50 takes like two hours, doesn't it?
  15. I'm in your pic! Hawt. :thumbup: 10/10 I don't like chinning personally but 99 ranged is going to cost you either a lot of time or a lot of money. So either way, it's still an achievement.
  16. Don't be like most people who stop at 85 slayer. Keep on going, it's worth it. 8/10
  17. Nothing special, really. Everyone has 99 fishing these days. .01/10
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