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Everything posted by aeternitatis

  1. Put those bandos tassets on and show us how manly you are.
  2. Horrible yet fun dung. Base was completely filled with traps too haha..
  3. I'm just curious as to what people's exp per hour is in general. I'm at a whopping 8.6k haha. :P [hide=Simple formula if you don't know how to calculate it]Days played divided by 24, then add any extra hours (Ex: If you have 5d10h played, 5/24 + 10) Total exp divided by hours played. [/hide]
  4. aeternitatis


    What interests you? It's your room after all. Main general interests I can think of are yoga, neuroscience, the human mind, sociology, philosophy, and trance music. I also read a lot. I'm going to buy a bookshelf and I wanted to buy posters but idk, they seem cliche to me. Just the fact that it's just paper stuck to a wall makes me reluctant to put any up. Some framed pictures might be good but I can't really think of much to put up. Maybe some peaceful images or cool wave designs along with photos that emphasize on the social aspect of humanity (crowds doing something specific, idk.) I really have no idea. Maybe some psychedelic art or something would be nice. K4y, I wanted to put a picture of you over my bed but I'm afraid of becoming a chronic masturbater. :oops:
  5. I forget the name but the one with the little blue guy that moves from platform to platform while the screen moves upwards. Also, wow is FunOrb really this dead?
  6. I learned basic spelling and grammar from Pokemon and Runescape. COD helped me spot things/people out in the distance too.
  7. Just a little creepy... A girl I shared a class with was 18 dating a 45 year old. She was still in HS and he divorced his wife of like 10+ years for her. :blink: Stuff happens haha
  8. Very nice Gillette for Men. I remember hanging out with you in Edge a year or two ago haha.
  9. My double eye-patch. I don't care if it replaces my SSH, nothing's comparable to that level of badassery.
  10. The best suggestion I can give you is to do WGS, not only for TDs but also to further develop your account. You could also find gear you're comfortable/happy with and slay to max your melees. Have fun.
  11. [cabbage] load of bots, free trade's back (not sure if you already knew that) and uhh... clan citadels? Also, as TC3 said prices are low for a lot of items.
  12. I would suggest against it. It's not worthwhile in 90% of the situations you'll be in. Either stay at 44 prayer or get rigour at 74 as the poster above me said.
  13. Thanks for this. It helped me establish general guidelines when I began DGing. Props to you for the work put into it. :thumbup:
  14. The first line was just a tad sarcastic. :P I was just saying I don't like money-hungry women who use their gender as an advantage and put clueless men into practically life-long debt.
  15. Haha, yeah. My source is reliable though. The girl that told me and I are close, plus she went to school with her. A friend of mine slept with a 14 year old and he's 18, think that's too much of an age gap?
  16. If (or when) anyone gets the max exp. in all skills, props to them. That's honestly a great achievement considering the time and effort (debatable, haha) it takes. Talk about finishing what you've started.
  17. What? I was just... I just came to visit. I came to hang out, I swear... She told me she was 34.
  18. Yeah, it's dark. Harpy that's a sweet pic.
  19. aeternitatis


    Haha My mom made me this today... It was amazing. Delicious simplicity.
  20. I hate girls that lie about their age. I was on my way to see a girl I've been talking to when someone texted me saying she's 14... I turned around and removed her from my contacts.
  21. Congratulations. :^_^: I just got 93 today and I'm hoping for 99 in a week or so. 100 is my main goal for now but the probability of going for 120 is pretty high.
  22. I've never thought about health insurance charging more for smoking and other things. It seems reasonable as long as the additional pricing isn't ridiculous, like car insurance (in Canada, not sure about anywhere else.)
  23. [hide] [/hide] These are the only animes I've ever watched.
  24. aeternitatis


    Ha Ha Ha I took down some old posters today... A MW2 one my ex bought me and one of Bob Marley. I felt like a poser having his up because I don't really listen to much of his stuff anymore... I'm not sure what I should fill my empty walls with now. Any ideas? :thumbup:
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