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Everything posted by 8112204

  1. 8112204

    pvp affecting ge

    Try manually buying armor outside of the GE, and fish your own food and cook it. That's what fishing skills are for. And if you have high smithing go make your own weapons and then no worries about the GE. :)
  2. It probably depends on your typing speed if QC is faster or slower. I usually don't use QC unless my hands are occupied with doing something else, then QC might be faster.
  3. Usually the sandwich lady is annoying because I don't get anything good, but sometimes during combat training the food might come in handy :
  4. Yeah, I was hoping for some history on RuneCrafting, but the guild seems good enough for now. It does have that neat map, and the place looks cool because its like flying in space. :D
  5. 8112204

    Lvl 3 = Noob. Why?

    In my opinion the most likely times for someone to be a "noob" is when they are: CB Lvl 20-40, and maybe 60-70. I think that Lvl 3s are rarely true "noob" because many people like to train skill only. The reason that I think level 20-40 would be noob is because many beggars are at that level, and also because they had some experience, but they still beg. I have also seen some Lvl 60-70 think they're all that good but truly they only train combat. I usually never ever see Lvl 100+ be noob but there are always exceptions to everything. To make it short, Lvl 3s are not always noob and to those who instantly think that they are they may wish to look them up on highscores. (I "started" playing RS at Lvl 5 :P , I leveled up on Tutorial Island)
  6. People should respect ALL skill-capes, including the "easy" ones, because every skill-cape, no matter how "easy" takes a huge amount of time and considerable effort to obtain. They might simply be jealous that a person with a skill-cape owns more than they do.
  7. 8112204

    Greedy people.

    It is definitely annoying, but that person does want the loot as much as you do, so they might be desperate enough to try the shoot until 30% hp or something to get more loot than you. Can't blame them 100%, since RS is pretty much a free for all (except friends list maybe), but acting like that is certainly greedy. However, greed can actually lead to success, so I will have to say you might want to change worlds, no matter how pesky that might be. Or be evil and copy his idea and let him get all the 30% hp monsters after you shoot them :twisted:
  8. Maybe that extra "+" sign will go over a character limit in the item names, so it had to be shortened?
  9. Report them for offensive language and watch them get their dirty mouths shut up for them if they can't shut it themselves.
  10. Well... why can't they use a 2H? It might be slow but it does hit high, and what if they just like 2H swords? Whats wrong with that?
  11. I sometimes go there to farm magic XP and I don't see complaints because everyone just stands there getting 5000 tokens and they all seem rather happy :D
  12. I'm thinking that most of the time the mains are non existent, and that person just wants to feel good, because you are better than them, by making you feel worse because supposedly their "main" is this and that. It rarely works though, I mean who would believe something they didn't see? The one claiming to have a main doesn't prove he does. Although sometimes a person does have a main, then you would have nothing to say...
  13. Maybe someone got bored and decided to mess around their combat levels a bit.
  14. I totally agree with this. One of the most insulting things I can hear is "Get off the computer and get a life!". Who cares if another person stays on the computer a lot? "Get a life" is slang and I'm not even sure what the heck it means. Does it mean get a job or something (because if you "don't have a life" you just sit in your house all day doing nothing), but what if you are going to get a job that includes computers someday? Why would someone care how long someone else stays on the computer? Are the jealous that someone else gets more computer time? Do they feel "superior" because they "can control how long to play"? Excessively caring about other people's lives might end the world some day.
  15. Everyone wants an "easy way" which is why many people like Pking for money. Its an "easy way" to make money off loot, but only if they go for easy kills or people without experience in PVP. Who wouldn't want an easy kill?
  16. Maybe you were unlucky? I remember getting mine in 20 mins. Proves that monster drops are truly random.
  17. That person does seem like a jerk, to purposely go out of his way to "amuse" himself by watching someone else die. However he did not directly cause your death so I can't blame him that much. You could have out ran the shade by yourself, or be better prepared when fighting monsters. What I can say is that the person you talk about is obviously not a nice person, and he can go have a horrible life and you wish he can have a horrible life, but what can you do at this moment? The shade was indeed caused by your own bone burying, and the other person didn't help much...Maybe try to earn back the money you lost and perhaps be prepared next time a shade suddenly pops up? 100K on members isn't an excessive amount anyway. I gave away 92k sometime ago on F2P to some guy who wanted to buy a Dragon Long in mem... But that would be my problem -.-
  18. I might understand that it might be annoying for some strange idiot to walk up to you and say noob for no reason. Like most other people would say, insulting them back would not help. However, I think I do see your troubles. Being called a noob might not be a big deal, but the point is that this person calls you noob just for the sake of being a jerk and satisfying his needs of insulting others. And then if you just ignore it you feel like you might be a big scared to verbally bash that idiot back just to show that you can. This might seem that you are just as lowly as that other guy for shooting insults, but it probably does make you feel better that you may insult as well. If you did world hop you may have felt like you were the one retreating from the other guy, proving that he was right when calling you a "noob". I wouldn't have changed worlds, though I may not have launched a war of insults... This might happen in school too (happened before), some idiot insults the other person bit by bit and then he cracks and insults back, and what happens? The one who launched the full scale insult attack gets in trouble. Life isn't fair, and never will be. One thing a person might do in that situation is to suck it up. You get called a noob. Suppose you are a noob. So what, is that going to kill you? But that's just my opinion, and I am glad that even though you did do something as low as that other guy and insult him, you did whip him so bad hes afraid to talk anymore. I wonder if he will try calling another person a noob again...Perhaps he is just jealous that a level 3 like you can craft runes at the body altar just as good as he could?
  19. Reduced stats doesn't mean they will roll over and die in 10 seconds. Reduced stats = somewhat less effective in combat. It's not that hard to kill someone in F2P, and its also not hard to find someone (the game area is not that huge) and after you find them it's very hard to lose them so you just follow them and keep attacking over and over... But the game experience may change in P2P, with different weapons, I dunno, but I'm sure that FoG is not that hard in F2P.
  20. The idiots probably call others "noob" on the internet because they don't have the guts to do so in real life, so to satisfy their needs of insulting another person they might openly act like a jerk on RS. They give RS a bad name, because a player might be insulted by someone else and think RS is just a place to call each other names. However there are actually some cases where a person is just so stupid they don't have another title other than "noob". Like those people who beg for "10k pl0x"....
  21. Bad grammar is faster to type, which is probably why people use it a lot, mostly on the internet (who would use bad grammar in school?). An example might be "their" instead of "they're". Instead of needing to type in the annoying " ' " in they're, they can just ignore it. I usually do that, but I spell it as theyre, ignoring the " ' " part. Its faster, which saves time, however some excessive grammar failures can be annoying. Some idiot I know (who is member) types like this: (at the GE) "leding dchain 20khour!" . How the heck is anyone supposed to understand that (though some people might), so I made him type it like this: "lending d-chain 20k/hour!". Still a bit off but also slightly easier to understand :)
  22. I would hope its for F2P since that would be the only way I can play it :oops: , but reading about a great P2P game would be interesting too. : If I was somehow member though, and get to choose, I would go for a balance between fun and good rewards. Too fun with no rewards might just drain time, and a lot of rewards but no fun isn't worth it, because RuneScape is made for people to have fun.
  23. I think Rune armor is good as it is. More armor for melee like maybe dragon (regular dragon armor) might make everyone buy that and would be pretty overpowered. Most melee armor (from bronze to rune) is already open for F2P, but range armor only includes green dhide (and not blue red or black). Updating the melee armor to include dragon might be a bit excessive and may break the combat triangle in F2P, since dragon arrows are not available to rangers and many magic spells are still P2P. Just don't add in dragon armor. The dragon armor from PVP worlds is good enough, because it disappears after some time, so no one permanently has armor with extra bonuses.
  24. I always did thought your grave disappears after logging out ... :?
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