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Everything posted by Kimberly

  1. Twitch has a VOD feature but I think they might've given the option for streamers to shift it behind a subscriber paywall. You can try looking for an upload of it on youtube though.
  2. Most players are and will always be vocal about spins, especially considering the competitive natures behind top player ranks. Jagex has tried to put a bandaid over things like this by delaying bonus exp on skills upon release, seasonal highscores, and whatnot but this will not stop the fundamental disagreements that people have. This is a new reality this thread and its small community has to face. You can still appreciate the progress of those who choose not to bulkbuy spins in the same way people can appreciate DIYs/Ironman accounts. It does not make anyone superior to any other person. Many of the consistent playstyles exhibited by chronic spin buyers/key buyers is present in those who chose not to use them. Judging these people on those merits alone is not a flawed premise. You can disagree with it, but it's not factually wrong. You can question whether or not they'd have the energy to maintain that constant pace, but it is just that - a question, not a fact. Being open mind goes both ways. People will need time (even now) to figure out where they stand in all this. Jagex screwed up the highscores and the competition will always be compromised as a result unless they revert spins/keys...which they won't. So until then, I understand people will need time to work out things together in debates like this. But falling back to calling people idiots or trolls is not how we can work through this. Spin discussion and analyzing HOW people obtained their ranks is here to stay. The only problem comes up when people aren't open-minded about it, to which I have had to clean and remove a lot of posts in the past few pages. You might think because the moderators are, shockingly, not on 24/7 that this thread is not watched. This could not be any further from the truth. But the spin discussions and criticism isn't going to be removed unless it's being posted in a disruptive manner, just like purist posts aren't being removed because they deny an unsavory part of the game. Note that this is just how the thread is now. If you have concerns with how things are being moderated I highly encourage you to contact either @Stev or @Randox. Like we're asking people here to be, we're open minded about change as well.
  3. That quest was kind of fun to do on release. I imagine that doing it now though is a bit like enduring a root canal with no Novocaine.
  4. Hi Leik. I heard you're bad. This is my monthly check-in on your blog. Kisses xoxoxoxoxo
  5. Given that there isn't any administratively-sanctioned place to disagree with staff appointments it seems this is as good a place as any. There is, and it's encouraged to contact the administrators privately and has been encouraged via the rules and word-of-mouth for over 4 years if not longer. And if the issue is with overall moderation style rather than complaints about specific mods or users, forum policy has always been encouraged for discussion in the Forum Updates and Suggestions board. I'm sure as a former moderator, you can understand that people usually make mistakes and forget things like that. Or maybe they just didn't know, and will remember from here on out.
  6. Hey there! Thank you so much for your submission, this is really great information :) I've created the item entry based on your submission and credited you as "Battlethingz". Let me know if you' prefer a different name and I'll change it :) This should go live shortly. Thank you again for your helpful submission!
  7. More or less content because I've done all the "hard" work (heavy quotations there) and now I don't really have to aim for anything. Any amount of free time on RS isn't taken up by mindless grinding because I don't necessarily need to anymore. But this also means that since I don't really have anything to set my sights on but new content, I'm harsh on it. After all the new content is the only thing I have to anticipate. It doesn't mean I'm exactly expecting every update to give me hours of things to do each time its released. But I'm far less likely to ignore flash-in-the-pan updates because I don't really have anything else left to do in the game that appeals to me. I've reached my end of the game and I don't want to quit yet because I'm holding out a vain hope that something down the line will bring back the magic that I experienced throughout my childhood, which is impossible for me to believe and impossible of me to expect. The game grew and evolved into that experience exclusively for those who are still trekking down that road of exploration and activities. It's just not made for someone like me. So knowing that, I'm sort of content. Not exactly happy with them and the game (they're inseparable in my mind) but not exactly unhappy enough to quit even though I really should at this point. Their choice to keep pushing the line with acceptable microtransactions is completely expected and what all of us were saying would happen and will continue to happen, but they don't listen. That will always be a sore spot, so they can go [bleep] off right there for that alone. But I guess you could say I'm just waiting for the time to run out on the clock.
  8. I'm skeptical to say the least. Where else did you hear about the cloak, Urza?
  9. It is being addressed, but if we jumped straight to a ban for every idiot who decides to make a trolling remark here and there there'd be no one left on these boards. Cynicism aside, it's also part of giving people a chance to change. Yes we can see when people are typically out to make trouble but you can only be so harsh before the punishment doesn't fit the offense. The more you start to stretch that boundary, the less consistent and fair you are to users.
  10. Someone noticed that the concept and art for the Spring Cleaner matched what we we saw at Runefest when they were talking about the Inventor skill. That's...kind of sad/funny.
  11. Yet again cleaned a bunch of posts. I'm just going to be blunt here. There are always going to be annoying posters here. Posters who are rude but don't break the rules or who fly under the radar because everyone is more obsessed with flipping out on them for a brief moment of catharsis. I know who they are. The rest of the mod staff knows who they are. You know who they are. And they know damn well what they're doing. If people are going to continually post rule-breaking things because they're upset with those guys, you're every bit as destructive to the topic as the trolls themselves. Do you want these people to go away? Then knock that crap off because it's not helping. Stop feeding the troll. It's super simple stuff guys. There are a handful of users who are reporting the trolls and I can't thank you guys enough. You're helping us build up sufficient history to take action. Contrary to popular belief we can't just straight up ban someone because they're annoying as hell. Your reports help. And to those who keep this thread alive by posting even the smallest snippits of top player progress, thank you. Without you guys this thread would have been long dead. And if you guys aren't happy with how things are running, there's going to be a moderator recruitment drive soon(ValveTime[TM]). I encourage those people to apply.
  12. http://www.hypable.com/2014/06/20/the-legend-of-korra-season-3-release-date-revealed/
  13. True, but historically concept-to-ingame modelling doesn't really work out too well.
  14. I can't believe in a little over two years, you've maxed as a DIY. I remember first seeing your topic posted and honestly had a healthy amount of skepticism whether or not you would follow through. And you did. Christ. Grats Oddish, that's some crazy high dedication.
  15. Removed a lot of off topic junk. If you need to know why your post was removed as always you can contact a moderator. Same goes if you have any questions.
  16. I suppose but that kind of feels weak. The freedom she sought allowed her to find her own way, for her race to find its own way. The easiest way to find a leader of your people isn't exactly "okay, battle royale, here an now, lets go." I'm sure it will all be explained during the quest, somehow...>_> I hope... E: She could easily be involved to convince the other followers not to do this, so you know what? Yeah. I guess it can work out, and well. The bts didn't exactly say she'd be involved in the fighting, but that's the first conclusion you can come to after reading that the followers of Bandos are fighting in his name at Yu'buisk. SO YEAH MY BAD.
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