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Everything posted by Kimberly

  1. The criteria for freeing up these names that people are clamoring over uses preferential treatment to long-time players and members yet no one seems to be complaining about that. They're freeing up these names as a way to keep people paying. I understand objecting on the grounds of preferential treatment but I don't see why that argument isn't extended to how they freed them in the first place.
  2. http://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/2cppov/oh_okay_i_guess_ill_just_carry_on/ Hey Joe you made it to Reddit
  3. Kimberly


    Sorry, I should've realized you lived in Canada. :/
  4. Kimberly


    The advice I wish someone gave me when I was in your shoes feeling the exact same way: Go to community college for two years. Take classes that will transfer to your goal school but will also allow you to explore your interests while satisfying your general education requirements. Get an internship as soon as you transfer if you can in the field you pick. Internships are short and give you a taste of what you're doing. If you end up transferring, at worst you'll 'lose' a semester's worth of credits. Pursue clubs and honor societies whne you can for practical experience in volunteering to also aid your choices. If you do decide to do a trade instead, go to trade school part time while you're still in high school. Most schools do allow you to do both via partnerships with local tradeschools. But be careful, even though the training is valuable and helpful you're still might have to continue your education post-trade school. Look for apprenticeships and network within your trade school with your teachers, they often know the industry you're working in and have contacts you can use.
  5. Are the individual parts not able to be sold? I never really looked into it.
  6. I have never successfully DM'd for anything ever because I'm lazy I don't know 3.5 And what is Runescape (Also Pathfinder is fairly adaptable with flavour, but a significant chunk of material is limited by strictly Pathfinder-setting-related things, so it might be less than ideal. I suggest asking around- maybe on Giant in the Playground forums, just for how many people can answer back) GITP forums scare me, people are all so uppity about their optimizations... Whelp I'll give it a shot.
  7. Nex have you ever dm'd for 3.5e before? Are you good with max/min shit if so? And finally: think we could ever manage a runescape based 3.5e campaign or would pathfinder be more homebrew friendly to fit it into runescape's "world"
  8. brb Jer forcechanging your topic title to "Jeremy's Blog - Rip Spirit Rubies"
  9. It might have been like this back in the early half of 2000 but not for quite a few years. Moderators can be crew aides. Stev has been helping the crew for quite some time now, in fact, and is responsible for a lot of our new features for guides. Stev has always acted in the capacity of a leader and with his strong technical knowledge and community background he offers great insight and direction to both teams. I couldn't think of a better person on either team who could do the role as much justice as he could. You can disagree with his personal beliefs but you cannot argue with the diligence and results he has produced on both the moderator team and the crew team. Congrats Stev, you deserved it. :) E: that feel when you take 5 minutes to write a post and Stev snipes you. Jerk, I take back the congrats. Down with Stev, anarchy anarchy!
  10. You first. Though there seems to be very little point in investing that much time into research when the benefits are so negligible or (in the case of fpf) difficult for the average player to achieve.
  11. I hate you so freaking much. Soooooooooooooooooo much.
  12. Not that I know of. Maybe in a hippie place like whole foods or more hot areas along the southern border but not up northeast.
  13. Which set and why? Is the reduction to either dmg or cooldown that significant?
  14. From what I'm looking it actually seems like I'd be able to grow such a thing easily in my temperate zone. When you say strong, do you mean strong bitter/sour/sweet/pungent....?
  15. Please don't try to be clever here. What you did was very nearly against the rules and frankly you should know better by now, Aaron.
  16. Some preliminary stuff I remember reading on reddit said some are better for legacy but... It was also reddit, so...take it with a grain of salt.
  17. It hasn't been updated in ages but it's the closest thing to what you're asking for so far, especially in light of the legacy update. I'm sure someone will start collecting research all in one place soon but I don't know of any yet. Check HLF maybe they'll have a thread that covers what you're asking about.
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