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Everything posted by Pinata

  1. Maybe you have anti virus software.
  2. My main was in the picture, but idk how you tag yourself on facebook. lol Edit: Never mind I tagged myself, still it's kinda lame how they set it all up.
  3. [hide] [/hide] Well lucky you, what are you waiting for!!!!!
  4. To paperbag, even though it's inefficient to train separately you could treat summoning/magic and smithing as a buyable! + Hunter, Thieving, Dungeoneering should go by really fast, and 200m Dungeoneering is only like a 2 month journey, for some close to 1.5 months, it goes by fast if you're willing to push yourself through it. You may not enjoy it, but it will go by very fast when you actually start to seriously train it. A helpful tip would be to space out dungoneering overtime, maybe get 30m/2weeks, but space those 2 weeks a month apart. I'm currently going for 120 DG, and I get about 10m/week every 2 months and thats me not being a hardcore player.
  5. Hummmmmmmmm lol If Tezz is #1 combat and combat related skills, does that mean that I'm the #1 combat and skills that could've been a possible combat skill (hunt)? Sorry lol, made me laugh to see such a long title attached to his weekly update, only to 'glorify' the slayer skill :P On that note, merci for the update <3: I think your still #1 combat because all you need is 200m Prayer however Greatest PVM Title I would have to give to Tezz because he has 100M DG left and 10M Slayer left.
  6. [hide] 1 2.560 Allar 2 2.416 Jdelacroix 3 2.404 Drumgun 4 2.353 Zarfot 5 2.321 Telmomarques 6 2.302 Elvis 7 2.138 Elias 8 2.045 S U O M I 9 2.028 Paperbag 10 2.019 Gertjaars 11 1.998 Tezz 12 1.909 Kingduffy 13 1.871 Lan 14 1.854 Erw J 15 1.810 Green098 16 1.750 Skiller 703 17 1.632 Bryce 18 1.612 Season 19 1.606 Pope712 20 1.589 Merlin Emrys 21 1.583 Tg 22 1.577 Piddy10 23 1.530 1 Eye Viper 24 1.522 Kngkyle 25 1.509 Ox 26 1.487 Kemadorr 27 1.482 Bwizzel 28 1.466 Da Broman1 29 1.465 Number1 Boss 30 1.458 Timlahaye 31 1.444 Auss 32 1.439 Ry4n T05 33 1.434 Chilly 34 1.431 The Evil God 35 1.425 Toony 36 1.425 Electra 37 1.410 Enrix E B 38 1.405 Serene9203 39 1.400 Lowlander50 40 1.397 Brad Ownesu 41 1.392 Lollypopx2 42 1.385 Funihead 43 1.371 Dapledo 44 1.369 H Rassy 45 1.367 Madgamer2 46 1.365 JAN738 47 1.362 Paulrat3 48 1.342 Cynder76 49 1.341 Bing12342001 50 1.339 Brazilian 01 51 1.321 Simon 52 1.313 Kai856 53 1.311 Mykey 54 1.304 Klonki 55 1.292 Andy117 56 1.285 Sir Heiki 57 1.279 Yey 58 1.278 Desafino 59 1.271 Zezima 60 1.245 Fubarscape 61 1.240 DejaEntendu 62 1.227 Pro Gamer 63 1.227 Empror1 64 1.225 Lagota Pro 65 1.222 Mastajef 66 1.221 Athymy 67 1.216 Hurt Goat 68 1.206 Griever 69 1.203 Higarigh 70 1.200 Somebodyy 71 1.196 Appelflap666 72 1.190 Nos 73 1.183 Alvi 74 1.183 Q Tip Eye 75 1.157 Yogosun 76 1.140 Samanthanz 77 1.137 Anomalie 78 1.136 Olivier404 79 1.135 Tameelf 80 1.132 Wyvernrider4 81 1.130 Blaack Widow 82 1.129 Miss Tree 83 1.127 Nercychlidae 84 1.127 Thefludragon 85 1.126 B3njaa 86 1.120 Narelle 87 1.117 Kh510 88 1.110 Aaron11144 89 1.110 Swordplay995 90 1.103 Spdavis 91 1.102 Ldy Princess 92 1.102 Paperclip21 93 1.096 Dragonseance 94 1.094 Allie 95 1.091 Rach 96 1.091 Robel 97 1.091 Brokendeer 98 1.083 Dead n Gonee 99 1.079 Igneo 100 1.079 Spectral 101 1.074 Acousticophi 102 1.074 Mida Veel 2 103 1.070 K o R c A t 104 1.066 gussy 105 1.066 Buckeyeman69 106 1.066 Knight18734 107 1.061 Quitter 108 1.060 My Kingz 109 1.059 Bear 110 1.058 Mattie91 111 1.053 Summer Sleep 112 1.050 Vorpal 113 1.047 Folk169 114 1.042 19hardcore87 115 1.039 Wtc Tiger 116 1.021 Zephymastyx 117 1.017 Capheraekton 118 1.016 Wisely Done 119 1.015 El Popo1 120 1.007 GM 121 1.005 Fear Of Soul 122 1.004 Jardeath 123 1.002 David B 124 1.001 Undead Kenny 125 1.001 Zechs 126 1.000 Loveisnever 127 1.000 Meat Loaf [/hide]
  7. Looking for 3-man Nex Team, only pro nexers
  8. No to irl friends, but RS friends are fair game, I don't really believe in "true" rs friends, because I'll never meet them irl. However, maybe just 2 rs friends I'd not scam, because tbh I have no reason to scam a phat, I play RS for fun, not to help my self-esteem.
  9. Nah, I just say that high levels are pissed off that their achievements become less and less great everyday, so they go cry on the forums. Honestly, if your like me and only get to play like 2hrs a day or less this is a great update. In the long run it's nothing compared to getting all skills 99, maybe you'll save a week of gameplay doing 2x weekends?
  10. I'm sure Tezz, knew about the effigies, but doesn't mean Tezz should stop slaying at her current XP gains. Most likely Tezz and Chilly are RS friends.
  11. lol so like, how do they prevent people from say tagging "Zezima" or other accs that aren't really theirs. However, this is a chance to see what someone of the no-lifes look like!
  12. What about a 10 person clan lootsharing, and piling every single rev, + kill potential pkers? Perhaps that would be good cash/hr? Which is what I thought would originally be happening.
  13. Which is why I don't understand why Jagex decided to keep these, I think revs should either have better common drops/PVP weps&armor more common/full cb xp/ and statuettes should be removed.
  14. I think you got the best point on this thread, nowadays 2011 its all about grinding, although I wouldn't say its the year specifically, but how far everyone has come since they first started. I'd say majority of players have started in 2004-2005, so most players by now should have a few 99s, plenty of cash, and + 110CB, I mean its kinda ridiculous when you think of HP as being a super hard cape to get yet over 100K people have gotten it just due to how long the game has been out. 2006 -- your a noob looking up to some big goals 2011 -- your a seasoned player, and now are playing at a higher level to be the "better" character than those around you
  15. [hide] [/hide] I have a feeling the year 2011, a lot of milestones will be reached, and possibly 3B Xp.
  16. People who incorporate RS as their social life.
  17. Agreed, so much more to do now, like someone said if you love the old RS, just play classic.
  18. Ok, you know how if you have a certain amount of weed, you can get charged for "intent to sell", whether or not you were going to sell it. I think Jagex should implement "intent to scam," for all of those hosting flower games, trust game, 2x ur money, dice game, etc. Whether or not that person was going to scam they still can get reported, that would discourage a lot of obvious scammers.
  19. Ok, you know how if you have a certain amount of weed, you can get charged for "intent to sell", whether or not you were going to sell it. I think Jagex should implement "intent to scam," for all of those hosting flower games, trust game, 2x ur money, dice game, etc. Whether or not that person was going to scam they still can get reported, that would discourage a lot of obvious scammers.
  20. lol I did this back in the summer b4 wildyn return was even thought of, and really who cares if people see that you play RS, the only people who will understand it are people who played it before... Just like if you bought a wildy t-shirt, the only people who will understand the shirt in the first place are people who CURRENTLY are playing RS, so like noone is going to make fun of you for wearing a wildy t-shirt. The only thing that people might make fun of you for, is maybe if u have RS pics especially those with really high armor/lvls. Honestly more people know what WOW or COD is, yet people brag about those games all the time, well except maybe WOW. So RS isn't something to be ashamed of considering if you talk to a majority of people and say hey I play RS, most likely they won't care/don't know what it is. Edit: It'll make you instantly die a virgin. That's only if you're really public about it though. Like if you tell someone in real life that you have a Runescape account. Boom. Dead virgin. I think this is more likely to happen to someone who is insecure of what they enjoy doing, and insecurity is a sign of weakness, and most girls aren't going to hook up with an insecure guy thus that guy being a virgin. However I think guys are into insecure girls, but I'm not going to go into why.
  21. You meant to say Telmomarques just achieved 100M Constitution for his 10th over 100M.
  22. Agreed, most people go to Nex just for the rewards, but I watched the trio vids, and the actual boss fight looks really awesome, not the normal piling Corp/ other GWD bosses. Also, I don't think max cash is needed for fighting Nex, considering the really only expensive items are fury/claws/divine/bolts? so maybe it takes 1.3b to fight Nex effectively, not to mention if you go in masses, a divine is probably not needed, and now your perhaps looking at about 200m in gear+items for nex, while most things are untradable items like dg weps/void. However, prayer/summ/herb/range cost a lot, but you don't get those up just for Nex soz I wouldn't count them in the cost to fight her.
  23. - The bank pin system has had a major overhaul, making it slightly faster and safer to use Lol I was so confused at my bank pin today, just thought I had a good connection today, until I read this. Bank Pins are so much faster now kept misclicking. lol
  24. Also another big grats for getting that 2B mark, now if your reading this S U O M I, get max total!
  25. Well I've set a goal to get 25 Magic stones w/o merching/killing monsters/skilling So far I'm at 15 Magic Stones I have gotten about 300k off con assissts 6m at Drop Parties 7m by killing bots 2m by begging lol However killing bots/begging takes time and this is over a 2 week period, so not a very fast method of making money
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