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Everything posted by Ankit

  1. Ankit

    Se vs TT

    Pretty sure Vannaka was Council :S Nice job
  2. So for any top clans that frequent these boards what would it take for your clan to become active on tip.it? I think Kimberly and I were the only active posters on Tip.It. If there were more topics to discuss, and the general activity in the forums to pick up then I would probably become more active on Tip.It. Same would probably go to some other Solace members. What would it take for your clan to join TWR? Bigger variety of clans of a more challenging difficulty. I don't think Solace would be able to challenge itself with the clans participating in it now. More PvP oriented fights would be cool.
  3. Battle robes/Ahrims Fury > Glory Staff of Light Mage Book/Tome of Frost > Unholy Book Seers Ring/ROL(emergency) Infinity Boots > Mystic Barrows Gloves with battle robes close to 600-700 crimsons, without 250-350.
  4. More like 99 summoning all over again... 9/10. Nice and concise.
  5. People in DI have said they'll be a P2P single clan.
  6. An alternative way to slay is Piety/Turmoil every task with proselyte. You spend an extra 10 prayer pots or so per task but it ends up being much faster. You still profit, just not as much.
  7. Don't see the need to flame them so much and... bang.
  8. Sol vs DF Df had around 52 I think?
  9. It's already buyable in ge for lower than max.
  10. Why bring air stafF+Gravite? Nice job Team Impulse.
  11. Gl, seems like you'll need it.
  12. I would wager that any "dinosaur" clan has been doing all styles longer than most of the clans have been alive. Just saying..... Orange Ownage.
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