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Everything posted by Nifflin

  1. Time to organize over 9000 people to call in the police station reporting the crime and child protective services reporting the mother.
  2. TDS if you want charms and effigies Revs if you just want cash
  3. You have a mother[bleep]ing right to exist, just not to displace whoever the [bleep] you want. Existing doesn't mean you have to displace people. You can exist somewhere else or in a way that doesn't displace an entire [bleep]ing culture. I mean, Palestine wasn't a warzone until the Zionists came along. Palestinians aren't violent by nature, they have become violent through years of abuse. They don't want anyone dead, they want their land and freedom back. I admire how strong they have been as a people in their dedication in fighting for that goal. This thread is [developmentally delayed]ed. All it has done is shown how blind most Zionists are to the bigger picture of what is going on. I don't know if it's because they are still sore from the Holocaust, if they are very emotional, if they are extremely patriotic about the only state they've ever had, if they feel the need to compensate for the abuse they have historically suffered through. I don't know why, I wish I could understand why, there have only been one reasonable Israeli family that I have been able to sit down with and talk to about this sort of thing. I mean, what is going to be most important 100 years down the line? Will the people who were unwilling to compromise, on both sides, who blindly indoctrinated each other with hate, will they be remembered? Or will the names that matter be of those few who fought for a fair resolution to the conflict. While the world hears only of Palestinians blowing themselves up in the hope to end the occupation, the majority of Palestinians are giving amazing, constructive examples of endurance and resiliency to keep the Palestinian identity and spirit in their occupied land. In spite of unbearable circumstances and the living conditions that are almost incompatible with life, their people are pushing life to go on with an indomitable will to resist a not-so-hidden agenda of ethnic cleansing and cultural/racial extermination. My friend Reem is a schoolteacher living in Nablus under a tight curfew and a siege that prevents her, and hundreds of thousands of people, from going about earning their daily bread. Nevertheless, Reem is daily giving free lessons to 18 kids living in her apartment building. Reem and her fellow colleagues, who engage in an alternative popular teaching programme, have lost their formal jobs, but still have the energy to resist a policy that aims to create a future of illiterate Palestinian generations. Abu Jaber, a citizen of Hebron, has had his house demolished by the Israeli Occupation Forces for the third time. Every time his house was demolished, Abu Jaber was at the head of leading the younger people in his family to carry on rebuilding the house again. In spite of his elderly age and limited physical capacity, Abu Jaber is strong in his will and persistence. Palestinian steadfastness and perseverance is demonstrated by every pupil going to school under bullet-riddled skies, by every couple beginning a new life together amid all the violence and oppression, by every farmer planting new seeds and saplings instead of dwelling over their uprooted trees and burnt fields. Their people are rising up to their responsibility of preserving their Palestinian heritage and legacy for their children, despite all the odds. The Palestinian plight is not an orphan anymore. It is symbolic of all the other nation struggles against oppression, colonialism and uttered racism. It is the precursor for an international movement against imperialism and the presence of the Palestinian flag in every international anti-war and anti-globalization demonstration is an evidence for that. Today, Palestinians feel that they are the inheritors of all the expelled and exploited, the deputies of all the oppressed and dispossessed, the living memory of the revolutionary history. It does not satisfy Palestinians to bow to injustice and play the victims; instead they choose to be a living example of a popular liberation movement. There are not many examples in history where a whole nation stood up in the face of a profoundly powerful and brutal occupation, like the Palestinians today. They are not seeking the world's pity or sympathy; what they really want is an international solidarity movement and the support of the progressive, liberal, moral international cadres. Many Israelis say that Palestinians have the whole Arab world to go to. Other people say that the Palestinians have brought the suffering upon themselves because they won't just give up and accept the reality. Some friendlier others say that Palestinians should just leave and find a better life for themselves away from occupation. Very often they are urged by good-willing international friends to go stay with them in easier climes instead of "wasting their lives in the midst of violence." What those people are missing is that-despite all the problems-they, Palestinians, love their homeland, just like people who love and care for their handicapped or [developmentally delayed]ed children, sick and/or senile elderly. I hate to call it "unconditional love" because this definition wrongly acknowledges "conditional love," which is anything but love. Palestinian love for their homeland is a giving, rather than a possessive, emotion. It is not a mere familiarity with the land or its products or its people or its culture, but rather the invisible ties of passion unconsciously binding them to the unique configuration of all those elements which make Palestine their only homeland and bring them together in the solidarity of homelessness. Isreal63, if he/she is Israeli, either has already, or will be eventually serving in the Israeli Defense Force. It's mandatory for Israelis. My peace of mind comes when I see Israelis turning 18 and going to the army to learn how to kill, and on the other side I see Palestinians who are turning 18 and learning the basic nessesities of life. Apprenticeships to learn how to be a carpenter, or a metalworker, or a plumber. They may be less advanced in terms of their quality of life, but their coming of age isn't marked by training in killing. They aren't raised as killers, they are raised to have a passion for their lives and for their culture. Training to live and love, versus training to kill. Training to cultivate and be one with the land, versus training to take land. Training to preserve a culture, versus training to destroy one. When I go to Palestine, I'm honest about being a Christian and an American. Really, the people there have every right to hate me. After all, America has enabled Israel to do what it has done. Instead of hate, I'm invited into homes, into schools, to meet extended family. I feel a love like I've felt in few other places. They extend love to me even though my country is funding their oppression. That love really opens my eyes, it is why I have the passion I have shown in this thread. That sort of love is something I felt in Palestine, but never in Israel. Never did an Israeli show love or compassion when I told them that I was Christian. Only coldness. This will likely be my last post on this thread. As a parting remark I want to share with the people who care here what I will be doing next week. I will be going to Palestine, to the West Bank. Volunteering with an NGO that helps Palestinian orphans, teaches them English actually. This is the most personal I've gotten on Tip.It, I hope I may have swayed some opinions, I just don't have the will to keep going in circles for another 20 pages with these idiots. If anyone is interesting in how to volunteer for Palestine, PM me and I can help you get in contact with some wonderful programs.
  4. I already did answer it you just don't want to accept the truth. The fact is you messed up in reading in article. That doesn't even make sense. Read the articles. Stop picking and choosing your quotes. If you made a mistake because your English isn't very good that't totally fine, just acknowledge it. It isn't a few isolated incidents, 100,000+ children will be attending camps in the Gaza strip run by terrorist this summer. Citation needed, please don't make another hasty generalization (it's a logical fallacy). You are wrong what Israeli's want the most is peace, but it can't be achieved when Palestinians raise their children to be terrorist. Again, citation needed. More or less you're just making claims with no evidence to back them up or using logical fallacies.
  5. It depends on how far you are through the dung. The further you go then worthwhile it becomes.
  6. Lol, now another reason to alch d mends; Reason 1- Keep them from the botters Reason 2- Keep them from the Jamgex
  7. I was addressing Gabe, not you. The New York Times isn't biased, it's one of the premier news agencies in America. In fact their entire livelihood is based on being unbiased news. The link you gave is from an Israeli run agency, whose goal is to protect Israel from biased new. The article you linked too reaffirms how the NY Times is unbiased. It shows how the NY Times pulled an article after finding out it used bad information. Of course, you selectively quoted it and missed out on the part where they pulled the article to maintain their integrity. Also, you did not address all my concerns. Since the article I linked on Israelis supporting Baruch Goldstein is still in circulation, it just shows that the facts it is based on have yet to be disproven. As for your video on child soldiers, I agree that it is wrong for children to be exposed to war. I never denied that some children might be. That is why I used the term hasty generalization. The parents who endorse this are certainly at fault. However, it is even worse to take a few isolated incidents and say that all Palestinian parents and children are like that. That is blatant misinformation. Ironically one of my close Palestinian friends here in Jordan was raised without even being allowed to play with BB guns or play violent video games because his parents were so adamant about not raising their children to use aggression. I guess the bottom line for me is that it really makes me upset when this is viewed as such a black and white situation. Not all Palestinians are terrorists. Not all Israelis are pro-expansion. Not all Palestinians want a state. Not all Israelis want peace. People need to understand how complex this is. Gabe, still I look forward to your responses on my dissection of that quote. Edit: I would give ANYTHING to have a tournament level policy debate with Israel or Gabe on the establishment of a Palestinian state, in a formal setting their arguments would be ripped apart.
  8. I enjoyed this more then I usually enjoy these types of movies. Also, Hangover 2 was good, but nothing phenomenal.
  9. The fastest way would be to LS Nex and whoever gets the loot sells it and splits it. That way say you get a 5 man 500m drop. One person would get the drop, sell it, and give each person their split. The others would all have 100m LSP and 100m cash from the split. They can then go bosshunt and use the LSP to make more money. Most pro Nex teams FFA split though so doing this might be hard. Edit: Feel free to correct me if any of this is wrong.
  10. Lets break down your lovely quote. [citation needed] This article from the New York Times begs to differ, 10,000 Israelis turning out to honor the man who massacred Palestinians while they were praying; http://www.nytimes.com/1994/04/01/world/hundreds-of-jews-gather-to-honor-hebron-killer.html?pagewanted=1 A bit of a hasty generalization right there. I guess it's just an example of how the Israelis indoctrinate their own citizens and Jews worldwide to view the Palestinians as animalistic and crude. Again, this is just an attempt to create a black and white view of the situation. Both sides value their own freedom, perhaps being killed fighting for the freedom of ones people is worth more to Palestinians then living a life where they are oppressed. Israelis need to learn to empathize with Palestinians. If I remember correctly, the first acts of terrorism in the region were by Zionists during the mandate period. I've shown extensive evidence to prove this. That being said this quote is a lie. If the Palestinians stopped fighting eventually there would be no West Bank, no Gaza, only Israeli settlements. Of course that would be a peaceful resolution for the Israelis, but there are two sides to this. This part of the quote is myopic propaganda. And a nice accusation of "anyone who disagrees is anti-semitic," typical Israeli fall back, one that really disgusts me. It is wrong for obvious reasons. Perhaps people who disagree don't hate your religion or race or identity. Perhaps they just hate what you do.
  11. Very good point! I think that if the game camera was more flexible, if the view distance was larger and the overall scale of the gameworld was more realistic, where player characters aren't the size of trees for example, the game would look far better and more like the concept art. I said the same thing in another (this?) thread a few days ago. The camera angle limits so much. It limits us because even if effort was put into detailed models we wouldn't be able to see them. It limits the developers because they aren't exactly motivated to make awesome detailed models when nobody will see them anyways. Once we get a camera that is more dynamic, if that's the right term, then we can expect to see improvements in graphics. Currently though even if they were super detailed we wouldn't really notice.
  12. Gabe, I deny your existence. Does that now mean you can violate me however you want? Never denied it wasn't against the Geneva Convention; however, what Israel is trying to do by doing this is secure the country, and get the prime minister of Palestine to admit a Jewish state exists. Are you saying it's OK to violate human rights to coerce someone into giving in to your demands? This pretty much sums up the generic Israeli attitude, of course there are exceptions but this is basically it. They were wronged, they need a state to protect themselves, that makes it OK to use any and all force necessary to get what they want. Also, I would like to point out that the British ended up caving to the demands of Zionist groups that used terrorism quite extensively (I've cited this multiple times in this thread). It's not like they just signed the lands over, many Brits and other foreigners were killed by Zionist terrorists before Israel was created. The British planned on eventually letting the Palestinians form a state, they were brutally attacked and terrorized and caved in to that. Should the British have stood up to Zionist terrorism? Probably. Does the fact that they didn't change what the Zionist terrorists did? Nope. These are from Wikipedia but provide some good background on notable instances of Zionist terrorism if anyone is interested; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_massacre And a list of attacks, notice that they target both Palestinians and British; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Irgun_attacks_during_the_193 "Terrorism by Jews is an aberration that is widely condemned, whereas terrorism by Palestinians is a norm that is widely acclaimed. " A few acts of terrorism by the Jews does not disprove a trend. I do not support acts of terrorism by anyone, but blaming it all on Jews in the great stats of Israel is completely false and biased. The difference I think is in perception. To some people fighters are terrorists, to others they are heroes. That goes for both sides. I never blames it all on the Zionists, I understand their motives entirely. I just think it's wrong to portray the British as really wanting a Jewish state. They didn't really want that, they were forced into that by Zionist terrorism. What they had planned on was for Palestine to eventually become it's own state, that was supposed to be the send result of the protectorate system. Edit: That quote is from an incredibly biased, Israeli source. Lets keep misinformation to a minimum please?
  13. This. Email is really the best medium for formal communication. You can still present yourself formally and at the same time you create an easily accessible paper trail should you ever need one.
  14. Never denied it wasn't against the Geneva Convention; however, what Israel is trying to do by doing this is secure the country, and get the prime minister of Palestine to admit a Jewish state exists. Are you saying it's OK to violate human rights to coerce someone into giving in to your demands? This pretty much sums up the generic Israeli attitude, of course there are exceptions but this is basically it. They were wronged, they need a state to protect themselves, that makes it OK to use any and all force necessary to get what they want. Also, I would like to point out that the British ended up caving to the demands of Zionist groups that used terrorism quite extensively (I've cited this multiple times in this thread). It's not like they just signed the lands over, many Brits and other foreigners were killed by Zionist terrorists before Israel was created. The British planned on eventually letting the Palestinians form a state, they were brutally attacked and terrorized and caved in to that. Should the British have stood up to Zionist terrorism? Probably. Does the fact that they didn't change what the Zionist terrorists did? Nope. These are from Wikipedia but provide some good background on notable instances of Zionist terrorism if anyone is interested; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_massacre And a list of attacks, notice that they target both Palestinians and British; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Irgun_attacks_during_the_193
  15. 96 summoning 94 herblore 95 prayer Gotta spend money to make money.
  16. Get 300 MA rank. Get gear for Nexing. CC bow, rigor, rangers boots, sell battle robes, perhaps a defensive shield of some sort. Use either handcannon with 99 fm or karils and bolt racks for all non-arma/nex ranging. Perhaps rune/dragon darts for ranging versus low def or in Kuradels. Overall nice gear and stats, I'm a little jelly of your turm. Veracs helm is good for some bossing where defense is more important then the offensive boost from neit/fighters helm.
  17. I get the joke... "If you think this quest was amazing, wait until ROTM next month" Obviously since nobody thought it was amazing we get no ROTM. Sneaky Jagfex.
  18. Finished reading /obt/, now I get to post. Maybe I'll stalk see you at Disneyland this summer, I hope to take my little sister there for the first time if there is time. Any idea where you will be working in the park? We could rush the haunted house and see who gets berzerker.
  19. Do you plan on only one month of members? If so take the opportunity to get your prayer up. It's much cheaper in members
  20. Yeah, the only good thing about the BTS this month was the hint for ROTM next month. Then we find out it's not coming out... Derp.
  21. This. I was on the greener side of the fence for many years, you can even search back and see me arguing with fiery passion against this kind of thing [mostly against IamDan lol] but...it just works. And if this is what life truly wants of me, there's no sense in turning back. This again. If girls didn't say that wanted the nice guy then walk all over them when they met him guys would actually be nice. At the same time "nice guys" often have it all backwards. They expect that by being nice and being crutches somehow the girl will owe them something and maybe go for them. Girls will never do that. Your chances of hooking up, or even getting noticed by girls with the potential to actually have relationships with is so much higher if you are confident and perhaps less nice. Honestly I would love to just be a nice guy if it actually worked with getting girls. Since it doesn't that really leaves me no choice. Edit: Then again, I've less experience with older girls.
  22. Here is a list of all the deposit boxes, as for which ones are useful that't up to you to figure out which suit your needs. http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Deposit_Box
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