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Everything posted by TC3

  1. I've had this happen before... Twice.... Both times the mute got removed within a few hours. I suspect this one pmod to have muted me both times as he was nearby when I realized I could not longer chat and he was also nearby when a friend of mine got muted... Suspicious? <_< Hasn't happened for a long time though.
  2. So I tried out your method today, it worked great and I managed to solo the corp with ease. The only problem I encountered was that it took around 12-13 minutes. I was wondering if you had any suggestions to improve my kill speed. Thanks for the great guide :thumbsup:
  3. Very nice guide you have here! I may have to test it out sometime as it looks like a nice way to solo corp, I'll definitely direct some friends to your guide :)
  4. There WAS a reason they kicked me though, they wanted hexes too. They didn't want to risk me getting it when they had no shot at getting one themselves. No hex for any of them meant no chance at a hex for me.
  5. Why would you assume something like that about someone you have never met...? :???: IF you had met me you would know that I am a very nice/helpful person to almost everyone. Yes, even randoms in dungeoneering. Oh, I trained 59-97 with randoms, then did half randoms half friends/clanmates for 97-100, I've seen plenty of people kicked for absolutely no reason, usually while people are fighting the boss and they don't have a chance to vote no. It's more common than you'd think. Anyway, please don't make generalizations on my thread, it tends to set me off a bit....
  6. Are they autotyping? If so that's something else you can report them for, or if they advertise a website then report them for that. Depends on the situation really.
  7. You can cut the amount of restores down quite a bit and replace them for brews and that should make some of the harder waves very easy. The key to 1 def the southwest corner safespot. It has some type of pillar that blocks basically all the monsters unless they spawn right next to you, I used this safespot for every wave after I discovered it and it made it veerry easy with 1 def. Good luck :grin:
  8. I was finishing the rest of the floor while the pots were being made.
  9. Are 0%. Can't get it if no one can kill it. You can still find Soulgazers, just not in critical path GDs. This. Having a 99 slayer on team just gives you a chance of finding them on crit path. You can always find them in bonus paths. Which is where it was, we had already found the boss.
  10. I would get prayer up, keep defence at 46 and maybe get dungeoneering up for chaotics if you're willing to invest some time into getting the best stuff possible.
  11. I used to do experiments when I was a pure and they were good exp.
  12. It's a shame I didn't notice this earlier, probably missed all the good names by now, but whatever, I'm happy with my current name :wink:
  13. Usually I hop since fighting for the spot will slow me down slightly and it's almost always better to hop. However if it's a total noob I might just try and beat him... Usually that's a waste of time though.
  14. I would LOVE to join a dungeoneering clan or dungeoneer with friends but with clans it seems like most of them are super serious and require high activity levels, which isn't bad but it's hard to maintain sometimes, or the clan is relaxed but doesn't have many floors and most floors are slow. With friends the problem is that most of them aren't serious enough. For those reasons I'm usually stuck with randoms :cry: Oh well, maybe I'll get another chance at a hex in the near future and I'll try and find a clan that's sort of in between requiring tons of floors to be done everyday by everyone aswell as having really high dg and a clan that sucks basically... But ya, basically done with randoms at this point...
  15. I was in my last floor before 100 dungeoneering and we came across a soulgazer and I was the only one who could pot to 99. We got all the ingredients for a pot together and a guy was making a few pots for me when suddenly someone decided to kick me. Apparently the rest of the team agreed that if they can't have a hex then I certainly shouldn't... On top of getting kicked from my chance at a hex I also didn't make it to 100 dung after KEYING for these people. Some people are so sad.... Anyone else have stories like this?
  16. I always use my trusty rapier, I found the cls to be too slow and really not that great at tds. Stick with rapier.
  17. Took me about 3-4 hours with pretty bad teams in W6. I never use my torso anymore since I have bandos but at lower levels I used it, personally I don't think it's all that worth it though...
  18. I play at the same time as my brother does all the time, neither of us have been banned or anything. It's safe to have more than one account logged in on the same IP adress just as long as they aren't on the same computer, even then they probably won't ban you, but I wouldn't advise you do that anyway.
  19. It would be so much easier to make gambling in RS an offence.. seriously just ban all the hosts. The truth is that dicers have now moved onto IRC dicing which is impossible for Jagex to stop unless it becomes an offence. I have felt this way about gambling since I first started to see it emerge. Jagex needs to realize they HAVE to make it an offence to gamble like this, until they do people will continue finding ways to gamble and all the largescale clans will keep IRC dicing.
  20. DEFINETLY get it, it is sooo worth it!
  21. TC3


    Afaik, the only way this would work is how Fire mentioned. The problem then is that you would have to restore your woodcutting back up and then remember to reset your negative FM boost every hour or so which would get annoying. You would also need to drink a LOT of axemans follys to get ur wc back to normal without restoring your fm, in this time your fm would also reset a few levels. That's the only thing I can think of tbh, sorry that it isn't very practical.
  22. Don't use Jennicas, use ROW or berserker. I've always worn a ROW when I went there, though I don't really go anymore since there are wayy too many pkers eager to kill you for your dhide set and glory. You can still make decent cash there, I've made around 25-30m there probably though I did spend quite a bit of time there as a low level so it probably wouldn't work out to be amazing cash per hour.
  23. Void applies to all targets but magic ONLY applies to the main target that you clicked attack on.
  24. I always melee all metal dragons, it's faster and it's the exp I want. Also PPS doesn't give a lot of exp so I would think it would be better to melee anyway, unless you are 99 all melee stats but not 99 magic.
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