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L S D Outlaw

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Everything posted by L S D Outlaw

  1. N00bmurderer Jenuwine Snuffyorn00b Son of Fist People confuse the last one as Fist of Gods pray beast. He was my brothers account :P Reeeeally high range on a low lvl player was the funnest pking experience for me ever.
  2. Bluerose13x was a [bleep] to us, not wanting to smith rare rune items for the Sabres. Still we managed with anti-pking trips and forums an junk.
  3. I think theres a browser for any search engine site you go to. AH well I have no idea what im talking about :)
  4. I was thinking more like a couple members skills for the f2p community.
  5. i take breaks and play other games than Runescape. Other than that Im a hardcore gamer 70+ hours a week :) |^_^|
  6. My *7 sniper pwned all finishing with high melee attack :)
  7. Did wildy come before or after Karamja? Those were my fav f2p updates :)
  8. I sold my deck of cards for 50$ or so... tough luck finding someone to play with :/
  9. Not bad, goes good with your name. 7.5/10
  10. https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10628005_1490516037887604_8616332243247864051_n.jpg?oh=98788ba0915f2ef38d07dd168496eef4&oe=54D5AD12&__gda__=1424382629_953f188f18f74a93d0d7ff2571f87bcc
  11. Hmmmm... thinking really reeaaaaally hard. REALLY hard!!! Nope, lost it :(
  12. Im not sure what year it was... It was way back when, classic style. I had over 1200 posts but I dont have my old email account. One last note; someone stole my beta name, Gang Sabre.
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