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Everything posted by Screech1992

  1. I guess mine is pretty obvious.. :P Screech was my favourite character in de Saved By The Bell-series and well 1992 is my year of birth.. because Screech was taken already in 2004 :(
  2. The music and dancing is fun, mostly contrary to the people listening or dancing it though
  3. Lmao, that's gotta be the best thing i ever heard^^ scamowning urself, how low can u go>_> Lol, I'd love to see the look on his face when his IQ reached 20 and he realised.. :lol:
  4. I don't know if this has been said before, but if you follow someone near the wildy and your internet laggs or you do alt+f4 or something, you're not able to follow someone into the wildy, right? That's pretty nice :)
  5. Is it me, or is World 49 gone? :shock: It not in the list RuneScape shows me.. If it is, how long has it been this way? :?
  6. That's exactly what all the arguing is about :wink:
  7. You're not a real gamer if you can't even make your signature work. Lol, owned :P Ontopic: I did the same before, but then just the links, and turn off javascript to prevent going back to main page, but this works way better, thanks :D
  8. Agreed, without Runecrafting, mages would pay tons for their runes
  9. That is actually a pretty sweet idea! good for peeking back too :D About that mirror-tv: wouldn't you get a lot of reflection when the tv is on? Because I already have that a lot, and thats even with a normal screen...
  10. I wish I were more charismatic, especially towards girls.. I'm getting better at it though :
  11. Can't you save his picture to your pc and then change the extension? Or take a screeny of his picture and then make that screeny .png? But then again, everyone will be sending you pics in various extensions and you'll have a daytime job in changing... Nice collage you made so far! :thumbsup:
  12. The holy monk :pray: , Screech1992: or: http://img352.imageshack.us/img352/726/screech1992jm7.png
  13. Wow, those were some awesome times, when the game was majorly updated every week. Notice that they planned a clan system in Februari 2001 already, and they still didn't make something like that :^o
  14. Bunnies don't eat cabbage (I have one). :shame: But I think adding some kind of clothes is always fun. I doubt they'll get any tradeble, becouse that would smash great hit in economy, everyone wanting to buy one. What? Your bunny doesn't eat cabbage? Is he mutated or something? :ohnoes: My little black-and-white fuzzy cuddly bunny looooves cabbage :
  15. White fluffy boots and gloves :D And I think it will be in or around Falador, it looks kinda eastery to me
  16. Well.. you get that annoying screen that shows everything you already know about your account and you don't wanna see every time :x
  17. That's definitely not translated through a translator, the grammar is too precise. ehem... no its not, parts of it are complete rubbish Dialects? :-w I live in northern Netherlands and can barely understand what people say in the southern regions...
  18. I don't think this person is wrong... he gets paid soooo low, he must be really really poor, or he would get a better job. the people who are wrong, are those who encourage people to do these kinds of jobs.
  19. Pronouncing German's easy...It's pronounced as it is written. Tell a Frenchman, he'll punch you :P Depends on what your native language is.. BTW, good way to learn pronounciation is listening Rammstein and then reading along with the lyrics : combine that with your Runescape german vocabulary, and there's your German course :wink:
  20. That's a nice bump you made :P The pics made me kinda rofl :lol:
  21. Wrong, you'll get the same amount of experience, it'll just most likely take some more time. I liked the article, because I'm the same type of player as the author I suppose... It's okay that it's not that long, at least it's not one of those 'get-to-the-point!!-articles' :
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