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Everything posted by Gugge

  1. In fact, Zanik will tell you how to deal with each of the guards - you just have to talk to her about it. Yes, you have to click her (*you* have to be active :shock: ) and talk to her after each guard, and she will tell you how to deal with the next guard.
  2. Pokemama is working on a guide: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=317645 What you should focus on first is different ways to move around easily since the members world is huge: make rings of duelling and gaming necklaces for easy teleports, do a few quests (like gnome tree village to be able to use spirit tree teleports), train a little agility in gnome stronghold to be able to run longer. Also do some quests to get access to basics like first part of recepie for disaster for bank chest in Lumbridge, druidic ritual to start the herblore skill - and have a look around while you are at it :)
  3. Just one small thing: it's not the ranging dagannoths that hurt you, its the ones who use melee. So if you are to pray, use protect from melee. Or wear armour for decent melee protection (which doesnt take your range down too much), bring noted food and go upstairs to the shop to unnote every now and then, that is probably cheaper if you have decent defence levels. Regarding numbers, any numbers - I have no clue. I just never keep track of them, sorry. All I know it that you will use a LOT of cannonballs per hour ;)
  4. I agree with MrsChrystler, flax is a very good method (which I personally cant stand to do for more than 30 min at the time before I get bored, but thats me ;) ). *If* you pick your own flax, you will also make a nice profit, which you can use to buy for example dragon hides, to get a little variation. When you get bored, take a break and build temple in Mortton for a few hours.
  5. Crafting - buying dragon hides. Or do it the cheap and easy way by building temple in Mortton, and use your money for somehing else ;) Farming - buying tree seeds that suit your level. Take a trip around the world to cut down and replant once daily, and use the rest of your time for something else. Thats a costly but very easy way to level farming. Herblore - getting up to decent levels cost either money or a lot of time. Slayer - with cannon it is fast and costly since cannon balls cost a lot. Edgeville slayer master gives a lot of good tasks for cannoning. Training slayer offers you variation in combat training, which is why I enjoy it. Construction is a true money sink, but I assume you know that. Cooking - yes, always useful to be able to cook good food without burning it. Runecrafting of course - but that is a skill I personally hate and let Juna train for me as I find running back and forth to an altar extreemly boring. Very useful to have the levels though. So yeah... go for farming + one more thing for now.
  6. The quests I strongly suggest you do early on are: first part of Recepie for disaster -> access to bank chest in Lumbridge Druidic ritual -> to start herblore Lost City -> if your attack is high enough to wield dragon weapons, otherwise you can wait with this one Tree gnome village -> to be able to use the spirit tree teleports, very useful before you have ardounge teleport for example, also very useful to get to the gnome stronghold where you start to train agility. Priest in Peril -> if you want to access the whole morytaina area, where for exampel the slayer tower is located. Temple of Ikov -> to get the ugliest and most useful non-combat boots in game. The boots of lightness remove 4 kg of your weight, which means you can run longer before running out of energy.
  7. Regarding sleep: There was a time when you got fatigue from doing things, and then recovered by sleeping (and typing in a word to wake up). This was added to stop macroers. The fatigue and the need to sleep was then removed when Jaged added other ways to deal with macroers.
  8. I suggest to get a whip first, then you can start to save for other items you want. So yes, they are worth getting - but a whip is even more worth it :P
  9. May I suggest to mention the quest "recepie for disaster". Basically anyone can do the introduction part - and getting access to the bank chest in Lumbridge is VERY handy for a new member.
  10. I'm not too sure on that, since Juna tell you to take *Zanik's* bowl and collect 20 tears in it.
  11. I soooo hope they will let us be pickpocketing for level 2 and especially level 3 clues.
  12. To me the numbers of levels are a lot less important than the knowledge about the game and the attitude of the player. I mean, you can have the knowledge how to level most efficiently - but deciding to do other stuff because you enjoy it more that way. Enjoying to do other stuff than power levelling doesnt make you a bad player even if your levels are lower. I also think there is way too much focus on combat levels when talking about low or high level players. I guess this is becase combat level is what you see when you mouse over someone in game. Imagine only seeing someones combat level when mousing over them in wildy, castle wars area and duelling areas - and seeing their total skill level when mousing over them elsewhere ;)
  13. I frankly fail to see how this can be a problem to anyone. I also think this belong on the rants board - which is there for rants like this.
  14. It's the quest "throne of Miscellania" that makes you king/queen :)
  15. Yep, I am in a similar situation at the moment. Out of town, no computer access most of the time. So I just read instead :) Or go outdoors :shock:
  16. Ah, so it looks fine once you log in? Sorry, in that case I have no clue how to fix it.
  17. Sound to me like you managed to set the forum language to finnish or someting like that. To fix it, go to your profile (that is the link on top with a little picture next to it looking like this In there are settings for language, its the first drop down menu there is.
  18. Did you manage to fix it? Your sig has your name in it now :) Or is it a picture you have problems with?
  19. I still have my first rune 2h, one of the first r2h in game. Not that I really know exactly which one it is, but I know it is among the 14 I have in bank :)
  20. I would say now is a very bad time unless you bring a group of friends. At the moment more or less anyone are working on their houses. In a few weeks, when construction isnt new any longer, people will most likely be back levelling their crafting by building the temple in Mort'ton.
  21. Is this what you are looking for? http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=468083 a list with pictures on top, further down (page 3) is a text version if you like that better.
  22. I always have a window open for reading forums or other stuff, and some for chat - but I have it set up so it never actually cover the part of the game screen where my character is. That way I can always keep an eye on my char - unless I get comeletly absorbed in what I am reading/chatting about. Runescape window goes on top left of the screen, msn bottom left, and browsing boards on the right side of my screen. Partly overlapping of course, but I can still see my character all the time. Works well for me most of the time ;)
  23. The game definitly needed a money sink, so spending cash on the house doesn't worry me too much. On the other hand, I am not aiming for the top, just for functionality with the handy teleports (especially canifis), cheaper barrows repair, another place for prayer recharge, a place to meet friends without too many strangers turning up begging for free stuff and such. So far I spent roughly 1 million, and am level 53. About 200 k of that was a COMPLETE waste, as I started to move rooms around without thinking, then moving them again. Noones fault but my own, I read a topic about house layout, and started to play with my actual house instead of playing with pen-and-paper/graphics program/handy tools that are around. The rest I mainly spent on converting logs to planks and of course on getting the rooms I am keeping. I didnt buy anything from other players. To level I used mainly oak, but a few mahagony as I had it stocked in bank from earlier. Costs for teleports are not included, but I used a LOT of that. I have not yet decided where I want the house so it's still in Rimmington, so the cost for moving it will be added, and whatever I decide to do to beautify the place with once I get the functionality I am happy with.
  24. Regarding damaged armour and rusty swords - are you all forgetting the HAM-people? With chance to get level 1 clues and coal among the junk? Treasure trail junkie as I am, that's where I will go once I get that armour stand ;)
  25. I believe you, I had that as well. Opened chest 4 times in a row, and 3 of the times there was a new key half waiting for me. Rare, but does happen :D
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