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Everything posted by dusqi

  1. Many of you aren't making good resolutions. "Get better grades" might sound specific.. but how are you going to go about doing it? Make a resolution to spend 30 minutes every might doing extra reading or something.
  2. I looked up the journal article in Cell. Sadly I have no understanding of cell biology, so most of it went far over my head... but what I did generally get from the article and the editorial about the article is that; a) they're a lot more cautious than the press article makes out B) there are lots of types of diabetes, including a mix between type 1 and type 2 that doesn't seem to make sense if the cause of type 1 is purely as presented c) this idea wasn't completely out of nowhere, as the press article tends to suggest (because they have to sensationalise), there was still research that went before it, and led to it (it's boring to report progress that happens only with tiny steps forwards - like most scientific progress is). After reading slashdot, I have found that for any media report about new scientific discoveries, it is worth going directly to the journal source to see what it's really about... even if you don't really understand most of the language, you can get a general feel for its promise.
  3. Flagged up a few contradictions for me. I read down the list and disagreed with them all for various reasons. However, I respect the quiz as a way of trying to give you personal morality questions.
  4. COOL! :D I'm learning to ski at university.. quite a few of the people that go skiing with our group are instructors during the holidays. How fun! :D
  5. I listened to the second song, thank-you! what a great idea for christmas :o)
  6. I was a (male) university student in my second year. My housemate was having his parents come to stay from China during the Christmas holiday, and I was going home, so I told them that they could use my room rather than getting a hotel. To say thank-you, they brought me a Hello Kitty toy... :P I believe it was a tropical Hello Kitty.. :P
  7. ..Nothing too big.. - Live to at least 100. - Become very rich, and be able to use my lobbying power to change things for the better. - Have a loving wife and family. - Give something back to humanity in order that my life hasn't been pointless. Why not have it all? :)
  8. Not that you're counting of course ;) hehe :)
  9. Yes, I think so. We enslave ourselves with fashion, but companies take advantage of our predisposition to compare ourselves with other people to promote their own wares.
  10. I like giving if I have a good idea for a gift for someone, and they don't know what they're getting. If it's not a surprise, then it's weak, and if it's not something that I feel inspired about giving (so I'm just giving it because it's "the time to give a gift"), then it's also weak. The same applies to receiving. All of my family ask me what I want, and I don't really have any big wants that I know about, or I'd have got it for myself already. I just want them to take a risk, get something random, and see how I take it.
  11. dusqi

    Anxiety Attacks

    I've also heard that if you get them often you should wear a rubber band around your wrist. When you feel one coming on you just snap the rubber band and it's suppose to stop you from having an anxiety attack. Hmm, maybe.. though I've also heard that advice about cutting.. and I'm not sure how many of society's ills can be solved by rubber bands :D
  12. Yea.. and in that other video I saw her in.. Also: Natalie Portman Alyson Hannigan
  13. dusqi

    Anxiety Attacks

    Relax, calm yourself down, don't think about it being "in your head", just don't think at all. Count backwards in threes perhaps. Or pick random numbers between 1 and 100 once every second. Take a deep breath. That is my advice :)
  14. Easy jobs pay less, so you need to work longer hours to make a living.
  15. I'm not saying that there is any 'shame' in being anything, and I'm definitely not saying that there is any shame in doing things other than academia. The people who stay in academia tend to be the weird ones.. Your working life is long, so it would be a shame to be doing anything other than what you really want to be doing. I just generally find it difficult to imagine someone who would choose to spend their life doing something mindless and easy. To me, you might as well say that your ambition is to spend your whole life staring at a blank wall. People sleepwalk into those kinds of jobs because they didn't do anything to avoid them, such as work hard at school. If you have a big plan to drop out of highschool and work as a wood carver or something, then go for it - because that's skillful and not mindless. But if you don't have a plan, then work hard because otherwise you'll end up somewhere you don't want to be. Also, "Deep human emotional connection, perhaps? Romantic love? Eh?" - I think that they are poor examples, because there is no reason you can't have a decent fulfilling job, and a deep emotional/romantic connection.
  16. ^^ ThoseTheBrokes - tell your friend that 18 is a silly time to kill himself, because from 18 onwards it starts getting better. I'm not saying that it will be perfect, but school is so pathetic, and you don't realise it until you get out of there.
  17. merm? I don't remember Dumbledore going flying. They were on top of the castle battlements, Malfoy was chatting to Dumbledore, then Snape came up and killed him straight away. I don't remember his body going anywhere?
  18. He only did that because he loves us!
  19. I prefer not to judge in 'years'. Why should Jan 1st be a time when I judge the last 365 days, decide whether it was good or bad, and then start again? It encourages you to mindlessly go for a whole year with your head down, taking things as they come, without thinking. Every decision is a new start :) a new opportunity for good and bad :D
  20. I fly in my dreams, and conjure spheres of magic that I throw at people. It rocks. I love sleeping, I haven't decided whether that is a good thing or not yet.
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