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Everything posted by Trevor

  1. People use to do this in RSC, except there you could do it anywhere. Just attack a monster your sure you won't kill and remove your weapon and close your browser :Q Sucks people do this staking now. Maybe jagex will make it so you lose if you log out during a duel (sure not everyone is x-logging, but it'll stop people who do from doing it)
  2. Pking is the best part about classic (these days atleast) the RS2 combat system is lame.
  3. Ahhhh only in todays society can parents blame a "Computer Game" for making them: Evil, fail in school, fail in life, etc... I love reading those articles saying how kids dropped out of school to play a videogame ... Sure when I started playing runescape ( in 7th grade ) I got addicted to it. Because I had never played a RPG before, let a lone a MMO where I could raise skills and chat with my friends at the same time. I would play for hours after school, and during this time of my life I use to play Soccer so I had Three 2 hour long practices a week and usually 2+ games each weekend. So its not like I did nothing else. But try as I did, my parents never let me stay on the computer forever and the sure as heck wouldn't of let me miss school to play. I'm pretty sure my dad would've gotten so mad he'd hit me :Q This is just another case of parents looking for scapegoats, since they don't know what to do with their child, or they just don't want to hurt their little feelings :ohnoes:
  4. I think Jagex thinks their being funny... which is sad because all their "jokes"/etc are utterly idiotic and annoying childish.
  5. No being able to 3-hit anymore = boring PKing
  6. RSC is now PvP oriented. 99% of people left playing RSC are Stakers, or PKers. And Their either training, or doing previously said things. RSC Didn't die because of the players, its because jagex felt RS2 was "better" From the RSClassic page on Official site "instead play the latest and greatest version of RuneScape" meaning jagex doesnt care about rsc... But I will assume they make enough money from their monthly fees on the hundreds of still active accounts to keep it running and make a profit. The previous "Mass Bans" weren't needed IMHO. I understood when they removed F2P but even then most of the people I knew in the game just got p2p within the week and it was back to normal RSC life. This last week I tried pking in RS2 ... and while it was slightly entertaining (since you dont run across too many noobs in RSC wildy) the whole running and multicombat stuff completely ruins the best part of RuneScape, THE COMBAT! You just can't 3hit people anymore, which is crap. And P2P is even worse >.>
  7. Maybe we'll get to use them on a private server one day :) Summon dragons or something
  8. We just need the ability to send items/gp from one player to another in banks. I play FFXI, and that is one things that makes life easier ( that and the Auction House ).
  9. 63, then catchign Red CHinchompas for ever :)
  10. Im doing the swamp lizards right now, decided to start at 29 and I've gotten 6 levels in nearly 15minutes. Which to me isnt bad. ALthought I've gotten old man randoms 7 times todat while doing hunter ... ;Q Yeah, I've seen people using Red Chinchompas in PC and they definately are the other reason for me wanting to raise Hunter, since my ranged sucks :(
  11. nice guide. Im using it to get my hunter up for that Spottier Cape :)
  12. Are you saying "noob" is a "bad word" ?? Jagex censor's too much as it is...
  13. really doesnt affect me.. I usually have several tabs going in Firefox, each with a different world for fast switching... pointless rule change IMO.
  14. Rune (T & G & God) Dragon, Barrows, Mage Stuff, and a random collection of armour and crap I needed for clues. Save em' for future clues ;)
  15. Only thing I feel jagex should've/should do differently with Pest Control is raise the minimum level to atleast 80 COmbat.
  16. Jagex wants to make money... That would remove too many people from members for their taste.
  17. I wouldnt call that scamming.. All the guy did was give him false information. But I'm sure most other people see it another way, no cure for human stupidity... errr p2p stupidity ? Reminds me of when The Digsite Quest first came out, people were asking others their herblaw lvl and then they'd ask em' to make a pot for them then trade those ingredients and when they mixed em' BOOM! :)
  18. Good Guide, love killing dragons there with my DDS :)
  19. Jagex has no motivation to make F2P'ers happy. I personally feel they could care less if people stopped playing F2P. SInce P2P'ers aren't going to stop playing when F2P servers aren't up anymore. They have stated that their not going to update it so why would they now ? And I believe all holiday/random items ( excluding old rares ) are stored in the Varrock clothing shop, once you obtain them. And at the comment(s) about the ad's paying for the servers... I think jagex would rather keep that money that they "have extra" (as someone said) to pay their employees and make their top dogz bank accounts larger :)
  20. Well if you get a good PC group, you SHOULD be able to get 100+ points a night. I usually get 100 points a night then trade em' in for xp and go to bed :Q Once I acheived my combat goals, I'll be using PC to raise my ranged and magic, also realizing the EXTREME money saving I'll be doing becuase I hate buying/bargaining for arrows/runes and I hate fletching and RC. And honestly I don't think 7800 points is bad for 80-99 ranged. If your dedicated and are able to play PC for like 6+ hours on weekends and a few in the evening during the week it shouldnt take long.
  21. Runecrafting. I've gotten Lvl 14-20 RC with lamps.
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