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Everything posted by WeatherMatt

  1. Is it just me, or do the new dragons look like overgrown dogs? Not very dragon-like in their appearance IMO...
  2. Just got booted from w99. Oh well. It's an Internet game, so expect connection/uptime issues on occasion. As long as it's not out for hours on end, I don't have any issues. I needed to eat breakfast anyways. <3
  3. I'm a very erratic player, so sticking to goals is very difficult for me. Nevertheless, these might be possible this summer: * Quest cape achieved: Very close to this one, the only thing stopping me is downing Nomad. Currently training Summoning to try and use some combination of tort and kyatt to improve my chances (was just going with a terrorbird before and running out of supplies). * All skills 70+: Very possible. Only real roadblocks here are dung (45 currently) and RC (52, and I hate training the skill). EVerything else is close enough that I could get it in a day's time or so. * 1850+ total: I'm just picking a number out of thin air here. 1800 is too easy, 1900 is probably too hard, so 1850 is a nice medium. If I really get to work on dung and RC this should be no problem. * 75+ Slayer: For Kuradal. Nothing fancy about this goal. Using Kuradal seems like so much win. * Any skill at 90+: For the sheer achievement of having it. Highest are my combats at 83, so I'd have to at least double any XP I have in a skill currently.
  4. WeatherMatt

    E3 2010

    No Pikmin 3! *sadface*. They gave us reboots of everything else (Kid Icarus after 18 years, for Christ's sake). Is this game in development or not? Anyways, on to the rest: Zelda Skyward Sword: Not sure about the name. I mean, if they stuck a gameplay mechanic (raising your sword to the sky to shoot sword beams) in the title it's got to be important, right? Yet they gave it only a passing mention in the demonstration. I'm mixed. The graphics look good enough, even if Link looks positively transplanted 100% from TP, and Wind Waker has hands down the best graphics in the series to me. The gameplay...I don't know. I'll wait to see how it performs on the show floor since Shiggy's demo was pure fail. HUD looks cluttered (can I turn off the giant Wii Remote, please?), and it looks like they're making it too much about WM+ for my liking. On the other hand, the improved AI looks exciting. I need more info before I pass judgement. Kid Icarus looks FANTASTIC. A lot of this hinges on how well the 3DS performs, but the trailer was amazing. See Microsoft, this is how you launch new hardware: with games people actually want to play. Kirby looks uninteresting. There, I said it. It looks like a generic platformer. What's to separate it from all of Nintendo's other great platforming titles? Yarn? Zzzzzz. A new DK Country game? Whoo! Retro doesn't have the background for platformers, but they did Metroid right, so I'll give them a shot. Everything else was a pure money-grab by Nintendo. Mario Sports, again? Wii Party? Nintendogs + cats? Start the cash registers. Impressive in parts, but overall not the show-stealer I expected.
  5. WeatherMatt

    E3 2010

    Woo Nintendo! Could end up being their best E3 conference yet. 1) Zelda Wii - has to be awesome. The last three Zelda titles have to some degree fallen flat with gamers, we need to be blown away again. Also a winter 2010 release date (US) wouldn't hurt, but I'm not holding my breath. 2) Pikmin 3 - please? It is supposedly in development, let us know it still is and is coming along well. 3) The 3DS - I've never been a fan of 3D. I think it's a ridiculous overpriced gimmick technology. But could Nintendo shock me and take some of my hard earned monies? Maybe. 4) Retro Studios's project - rumored to be a new DK game, but in which direction? Classic platformer like DK Country (which I would like to see Nintendo EAD Tokyo do anyways, after SMG and SMG2), or something else? 5) The always rumored sequels to Star Fox, F-Zero, (insert inactive Nintendo franchise here) - something, anything on these would be great. And finally, some hot juicy screens/trailer for Metroid: Other M wouldn't hurt. So much potential win here. After their last two lackluster E3's, I can't imagine this one being terrible.
  6. I did so on a couple of occasions after I came back after a 3+ year absence, since there were literally so many to do. I cranked out about 30-40 of the low level quests in about a week. Quite fun to accomplish if you've built up a queue of quests, but it takes some time to build up. I haven't touched any quest since Nomad yet, and that's only six for the year.
  7. I'm intrigued most by the new ring of kinship changes and being able to specialize in classes, essentially. For whatever reason, the thought of Dungeoneering becoming more like a D&D like experience within RS sounds really fun if executed well. The use of dungeoneering outside of Daemonheim is also exciting - it's needed more of a slayer/agility like use that expands the current world to those that can access it, rather than being self-contained to its own little dungeon. Rewards - meh. Maybe if one or two are really exciting I might care. Soloing - considering they said nothing about the xp rate of soloers vs. 5:5ers, it seems that on the surface they intend to leave xp rates the same, encouraging team play. Oh well. I guess socially inept Matt has to find teams to level faster now.
  8. Quests will always get easier with time. New ways of playing the game, new equipment, etc. will always make old challenges obsolete in due time. There was a time where Dragon Slayer was a beast of a quest when first released - I practically died on it at around 60 combat the first week; even level 70's and 80's were struggling. Now any decent 60+ combat player should dispatch Elvarg with little problem. New ways to play the game, simple as that. My top 5 personal hardest quests, and when I did them: 1) Underground Pass (early 2003, RSC): One incredibly frustrating quest. Agility at the time was still very new, so a quest with a ~50 some odd requirement was tough enough, let alone the fact that anything below about 70 meant several hours to complete the last stage. Consider also RSC had no agility pots, less inventory space for food, etc., and Underground Pass took an amazing balance of high skill, luck, and inventory management to complete. 2) Summer's End (late 2009): One of very few quests I've died on. Not particularly dangerous (yes you will probably die but only the stupid lose anything of value doing so), or skill-requirement heavy, but the final fight sequence is intense. 3) WGS (early 2010): Died once to the elemental (stupid mistake), otherwise not very difficult to complete. WGS ranks high because of the prerequisites. 4) Legends Quest (late 2003, RSC): Similar reasons to Underground Pass: hefty requirements, lots of random items made inventory space a premium, etc. Not as much of a luckfest, and the demon fights weren't all that tough, so it ranks below UP for me. 5) ME2 (late 2009): Can't think of anything else to put here. Desert Treasure was easy, Monkey Madness wasn't too challenging, and I haven't touched Nomad yet. So ME2 goes here by default, I guess. If I were to attempt UP or Legends now, I would surely have a much easier time than in 2003. I'm sure we'll be saying the same thing about Nomad in 2014 or so.
  9. Guys, I have a problem. I have become seriously addicted to Voltorb Flip. Help?
  10. Just picked up SoulSilver today and am trying it out. Very pleased with it so far. For the record, the last Pokemon game I played was Crystal in 2001. Almost 10 years ago. So I know almost nothing about the crazy gameplay changes (attacks that use a physical type but the special stat, and vice versa? whaaa), but I think I'll catch on quick. Not to mention figuring out what of the 200+ newbies are any good. Gen II was always my favorite, so I'm pumped for this game.
  11. 63 to 72 herblore (over halfway to 73) in about an hour and 5 minutes making 1.8k super strengths. Sad that I only had 20 mil to spend, I could have pushed much farther. Now I'm cooking 6k lobs that I had sitting around for however long that lasts. Modifier just dropped to 2.1x. I have one level (77-78) and hope to get at least 80 (sharks, wut?!). If I have time on my multiplier left, fletching.
  12. So far, after 10 minutes, just 63-65 herb. With only 20m to spend I only have about an hour of unf. potions, which I project to get me to 72 or 73. After that - who knows. I suppose I'll just use up the gobs of cooking, fletching, and firemaking supplies I have for the rest of my ten hours, then probably a mix of slayer/combat if it's not too crowded, or hunter if it is. Too bad I don't have a few hundred more M's of cash to spend on summoning or herblore. I don't particularly care for ZMI runecrafting, and other long skills like mining will probably be slammed. So I get to boost a bunch of easy skills that I already have supplies for.
  13. Not on the list. (~205k rank overall BTW, so the top 750k thing is bogus) I almost feel left out, like I'm missing something cool. Even though I'm convinced nothing will happen, I'm gonna go ahead and change all my security stuff anyways (on a different computer, of course).
  14. Very nice thread. Only wish I had something to contribute. :( You'd think starting in April 2001 I'd have some sweet pics of back then, but I never took many screenshots and the ones I did take are long gone on some forgotten hard drive. The only picture that I know of that includes me is the infamous Everdred 99 woodcutting picture with me yelling in it (and with thousands of people over the years assuming it was me, and not Everdred, that got 99 Woodcutting). All this time (8 and a half years) and I only have 1600 total to show for it? I suck.
  15. Starting from nothing in RSC is sure tough...15 combat so far with about 150 total. Tried to finish Knight's Sword twice, but got dropped in the ice cave. Apparently it's much harder than I thought it would be to try and suicide-run in there. Twice I get right to the rock, only to have a giant beat me over the head with a stick. After having my legs, arms, and torso beaten by the warriors and hobbies, I was done for. :/ Oh well, will get it done eventually. Maybe I'll take a pic of my stats to show how I'm doing so far. Anyone want to team up for shield of Arrav and eventually Hero's Quest?
  16. Amazingly, I've burned my first six redberry pies attempting to do Knight's Sword. ..why am I having this much fun? I shouldn't be having fun shuttling back and forth between Wydin and Rimmington making black pies. But I am.
  17. Amazing. I don't care if no one plays it, for those like me that started in early 2001, this brings back SO many memories. I may be playing this for days. Too bad none of my friends back then play now. My stats got wiped as well, but I'm still having tons of fun. Any plans for a Tip.it homeworld/gathering?
  18. WeatherMatt


    Today was a good day. College for a few hours, which was easy. Got home and did my taxes for the first time (which was really easy). I owe the U.S. government nothing (only $3,200 and change in income, the standard deduction is more than that), and they owe me $356 - $300 from the stimulus last year, and $56 in withheld taxes. Go me! And there's a problem with that because..?
  19. Not enough Motoi Sakuraba love up in here. Let me fix that: [yt]3lB0b0fHbAY[/yt] Standard Sakuraba prog rock/metal. Final battle theme from Baten Kaitos. [yt]w_oIhDKmeW4[/yt] A more techno-y sound here; the quality isn't fantastic in this video, but I couldn't find any better. He also does great slow pieces: [yt]-qiQ_xqNnqc[/yt]
  20. I still argue that G/S/C was the best, for several reasons: More land area: More isn't always better, but in this case it led to room for some nice additions to the game and gave space to everything where R/B/Y didn't. Gameplay balance: Face it, the true fun of Pokemon is after the 3 hours of the storyline, and actually building a competitive team. In this area, G/S/C blows R/B/Y out of the water. Where RBY had about 10-12 useful Pokemon (almost all who based their power on the hideously broken Special stat), GSC balances physical and special attackers reasonably well, opening up gameplay in lots of ways. Throw in the fixing of many moves/gameplay mechanics (banishment of the 99.6 rule, FRZ status able to be thawed, etc.), and the addition of some creative new moves, plus held items, and GSC is a complete gameplay experience where RBY was not. Absurd micromanagement: GSC doesn't have it. You can try for max DV's, get your hidden power right, and that's about it. RSE and later go way overboard in the micromanagement aspect. DV range is doubled (from 0-15 to 0-31), you add in EV's, natures, and the whole mess becomes unnecessarily complicated.
  21. Well, is this an RS fansite or a Jagex fansite? There's nothing on here about Funorb, for example. Based on that I'd say they won't. Of course, they could still release a Mechscape board and give those of us that like Funorb the shaft (Shattered Plans FTW!).
  22. There are no bugs that are not blown out of proportion. It's the nature of the game - any game, really. Whatever unfair advantage there may be, no matter the risk of banning involved, dishonest people will abuse it. Every time. There are no "secret" bugs either - someone tells someone else, who tells someone else, who tells five other someones, and pretty soon the bug abuse is equal to a logarithmic curve. It's just what happens.
  23. I would do Ankou clues, if the stupid buggers would ever drop any. Switched to hellies tonight and did two clues; one yielded a gold trimmed rune plate plus other stuff (sold the whole mess for ~700k), the second gave me sara vambraces and other stuff, sold for over 400k. No pics though. :( Will have to remember for the next ones.
  24. If that was the case, we'd never see the bottom two drops. There's only one simple way for the ROW to work, and I didn't find their method of watering it down so the kiddies could get a probability lesson very helpful :-# Well yeah, that was extremely simplified, but it wouldn't be a problem if the bottom drop was say from 0-10 =P But how do you think ring of wealth works then? That's the easiest way to do it (Although obviously not like that, but something similar to adjust the number towards the area where it lands on "RARE" is the only way I can think of) Easy. Just increase the numbers on the wheel. Keeping with the first example, if a wheel is 1-100, and numbers 91-100 are marked "RARE", add two numbers to the end to make it 1-102. So instead of a 10% chance (10 numbers of 100), you have a 11.7% chance (12 numbers of 102) to hit "RARE". The rare wheel is unchanged, and you still have the same chance for numbers one or two.
  25. Better than the last, to be sure. Actually, assuming this stays on a bi-weekly course of small updates, the first may end up being not terrible at all; stand-alone it was bad, but as the first in a series it could be OK. Looks like if this quest stays to this plan Keldagrim will get some kind of training spot for the new skill, I'd like to see such a large area used more, personally.
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