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Everything posted by Alistair

  1. Priestley's play, 'An Inspector Calls' is a play about a rich, well off family and how they are all involved in the suicide of Eva Smith. It is set in the town of Brumley, an industrial city in the Northern Midlands in 1912, but was first played on stage in 1946, October 1st. In 1912 women were seen as cheap labour and less of a person than a man. The characters include Arthur Birling, Sybil Birling, Sheila Birling, Eric Birling, Edna, Gerald Croft and Inspector Goole. Each of these characters brings something unique to the play, with Mr Birling being the typical Edwardian wealthy male, and Edna being the typical maid. -> Address the question, develop the contextual points. The first scene is set in a fairly large house with good furniture and silverware, showing the Birling’s wealth. Priestley writes a page and a half a page of stage directions to set the right scene, writing about small details such as cigar boxes to help give the image of a wealthy Edwardian family household. “Cigar box and cigarettes”. The fact that they have a cigar box which shows wealth, they also have cigarettes aswell. -> Don't stick quotes in the middle of sentences. Use them as part of the sentence, e.g. Priestley ensures that a affluent atmosphere is created in the Birling household by including directions on small details such as the 'cigar box and cigarettes'. Develop. Surely the decanter of port is a more obvious example of obnoxious wealth? The lighting is set as 'pink and intimate' until the inspector arrives in which it becomes bright and hard. The pink and intimate lighting shows a calm scene, bringing two families together. However the bright and hard lighting seems harsh and interrogating when the inspector arrives. This shows the interrogating nature of the inspector, and how he seems to quickly intrude a family’s life. Priestley uses Mr Birling and the Inspector as metaphors. Mr Birling is a very narrow minded man and believes in his point of view very strongly, even if he is wrong. A quote showing this is "I say there isn’t a chance of war". This shows his arrogance because he instantly dismisses the fact that there may actually be a chance of war happening, this makes the audience think that Mr Birling is very narrow minded. The Inspector is pretty much the opposite in that he is trying to make people more open minded about their actions, when he says “are you sure you don’t know?”. This asks the characters involved to think hard about what they have done and how it may have affected other people other than just themselves. Is this then like a morality play questioning peoples actions and motives? Mr and Mrs Birling show a high social class who like to show off their wealth, eg with “cigar box”, which is what many middle class people during that era would do. Sheila and Eric show the new generation who think more about other people. “And if I could help her now I would”, unlike their peers, which is a key thing about coming out of the Edwardian era. For example, Mr Birling doesn’t believe he has any part in Eva's death, but Sheila and Eric are more open minded to how they might have been involved. -> You should sort out your paragraphs so that the same points and lines of argument are in the same paragraph. The Inspector is the moral centre of the play, so his questioning acts as prompts for the audience to examine the behaviour of the Birlings and scrutinise their roles as Edwardian citizens. Dramatic irony, is when the audience knows something but the characters do not, is shown a lot through Mr Birling. His thoughts are what he strongly believes in, even if he is wrong. An example would be when he says "you'll hear people say war is inevitable. And to that I say - fiddlesticks!" As we all know WW1 started in 1914, 2 years after this play is set. The audience knows this happens and can see Mr Birling's ignorance about how he thinks war is inevitable and how he believes the Titanic is "unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable!", he did this to show the ignorance of the wealthy Edwardians or to use Mr Birling as a metaphor? . Priestley did this to get people to realise that every action you do will have an impact, good or bad, on someone else, which is not what the wealthy Edwardian people believed. -> Don't need to explain what dramatic irony is. What we have is hindsight. Because Mr Birling represents the successful Edwardian man, it is through his strict adherence to principles which the audience now know in hindsight are completely fallible that they are made to understand the...etc. The audience sees foreshadowing from Sheila because she seems to be able to tell what people did in their part of Eva Smith's death. For example, she knows that Gerald already knew her when the inspector questions him. Before he even admits she already knows about it. She also foretells that the inspector already knows all their secrets. "why - you fool - he knows... you'll see". This gives the effect of uneasiness on other characters involved, making them think that the inspector already knows everything, but he wants them to find them out for themselves with a little prompting. Priestley uses Mr Birling to show the Edwardian social problems. He uses Mr Birling because he thinks of himself and only his self, “no, we won’t”, Explain where this quote comes from – context. E.g. When he is talking to ... in Act... which only amplifies his ignorance. Which is why the poor in those days were left to starve in the streets. He also uses stage directions such as the attention to light detail. -> Make things relevant to the question. Better to develop the strongest points than to add lots of seemingly random ones (such as the attention to light detail). Contrast Sheila against Gerald, and consider what she represents here. I think the most effective method is using Mr Birling to show the ignorance and arrogance of the Edwardian Era and how people above your status are respected, and the people below are looked upon as vermin. Priestley set the play in 1912 because he felt people needed to change, and take more responsibility for their actions, and know what they do might affect someone else. He did this when the ww2 had just happened, just to prove a point. Because the wars started because of different countries, and England got dragged into it because of what someone else did. What point are you making here? Focus on the play. More needed on Sheila and the Rights of Women. Also make your comments link to the question – How does Priestley show the social concerns of the era? -> I agree with your teacher lol -> Think about the rights of workers as well. What does Eva Smith herself represent?
  2. 1. Yes 2. I don't know any fast ways, but if you want to die in the G.E. remember poison carries over to F2P servers.
  3. I thought the quest ended rather abruptly...not the first time I've felt this about a dwarf quest.
  4. That's the ground floor. Stairs go up to a Skills Hall. Parlour North, Study West, Costume Room Northwest, Games Room East, Combat Room Southeast, then 2 Bedrooms from that. Stairs go down to another Quest Hall, north to Oubliette with a Bone Caged Flame Pit. Then 3 rooms of dungeon and a Treasure Room. That needs to be developed when I manage to actually obtain some money.
  5. Whilst I feel that making reporting of stupid names needs to be easier, especially given name changes allowing people to use impossible names without having to type it as their usernames themselves, there doesn't seem to be many ways of making it non-intrusive. All I can think of is, when the Report Abuse window is up, you can opt to select the player from the screen instead of typing the name in. Then give you a confirmation screen, e.g. You have chosen to report IiIiIiiIiiiiiI for seriously abusive language or whatever. Are you sure you wish to send this report to Jagex? Spamming and language are usually the only offenses I report anyway, and they don't come up serious enough often. I'm bot blind.
  6. The quest sounds vaguely fun. I'd love another mostly unnecessary extension to my gravestone timer. The rest sounds useless to me. Great for people who enjoy combat. Sure I can just about wear this armour but chances are I won't be able to get it :/ Chaotic Crossbow usurped already? o_O
  7. There shouldn't be any need to use anything but Rocktails, Prayer Potions and Korasi's Sword. I would also mention Spec Restores but it seems you don't have the level for that. I'm guessing you don't have the Ring of Vigour either. I forgot to use prayer for half the fight and I still got by comfortably. Emphasise defence. Your army can do the damage, you must take the hits. If you find the above is really not enough, Saradomin Brews + Super Restores and Kyatt scrolls can work too but that's slightly overkill. I'm kinda hoping that you were actually using Korasi's Sword to spec and not just trying to range it because that would have been completely futile.
  8. BBC iPlayer, a book, Angry Birds, Conquist, Civilization Revolution, homework, TV, music, TVtropes, Wiki, forums, Sporcle etc. Whatever fits the gaps.
  9. In those 30 seconds of trades, you have to constantly drop a shedload of runes you don't want for ZMI or trade them. It's been said that you could drop it or trade it, both slow down the process to make the speed gain painfully marginal. You have to pay for banking at ZMI, though that's of little importance. The path may be dangerous for most runners - there's the long path but that's slow. You would need maybe four runners to every crafter to make it viable? Law running, nature running and air running in the past may have been worth it because it would not take significantly longer for a low level to do the run than for a high level to do the run.
  10. Logged into a 9-10 FPS. W117 Daemonheim with most of the highest settings on. On my homeworld, it's about 19 FPS for Daemonheim. In Shilo it's around 30.
  11. Does thieving count as skilling? :P I can't think of anything else worthwhile.
  12. I don't understand how half of these are special challenges as opposed to just new slayer monsters. It looks like a regular slayer task (in the line of strykewyrms) with bonus xp tagged onto it. Most highlevel players may only encounter one special challenge worth doing as they probably only use one slayer master. The Kalphite Queen task is a fast 15k xp which I feel is worth doing, unless you regularly get over 90k/h. The others seem to be similar. Unless, of course, you're referring to the ease of the present tasks making them 'not worth doing'. Just two things I wanted to point out first.
  13. I think gold is still better. You can superheat it and I think it's actually faster to mine than coal somehow.
  14. Current...07 RS would probably be unbearable to me. Even if my wealth and levels were transferred backwards. It seems to be a lot less content in exchange for stuff like free trade and the wilderness which I don't care about.
  15. HP5 is probably my least favourite of the series too. Its movie adaptation wasn't particularly exciting either. I just finished We Are All Made of Glue by Marina Lewycka. Was funny and enjoyable. Now I'm reading 120 Days of Sodom by the Marquis de Sade. Certainly not for the faint of mind :P
  16. Um quest cape I guess. I'd like to be able to wear it again. 80+ all skills if I don't manage that in 16 days (79 slayer, 78 summoning and 78 agility left on that front). Maybe 85+. And maybe actually have some skills in the 90s. Most of my goals are short term and ephemeral anyway. Can't commit.
  17. Number 4 because the first three seem to just be putdowns, but umadbruh seems to be used purely to aggravate.
  18. Sounds good. Would prefer it over searching through all those vague pictures.
  19. I think you should identify the ratio between the floor xp and prestige xp, and whether that is always the same. If the ratio is constant, then the fact that prestige varies between floors can be disregarded. It could even be possible that xp relates to the type of rooms in the dungeon. For example, it would make sense that completing a Mercenary Room or Shade room adds more to the xp than an empty Guardian Room.
  20. If it's so boring and tedious, might as well eat a Wild Pie and go kill the Basilisk
  21. I know that the foods aren't really worth it (all my Shengo is still unused), just saying it isn't clear what the reason is in the guide :P In another 100 carrions, 2 erzille seeds, 1 shengo, 1 ugune, 1 argway, 1 samaden. I'm tending towards alex's estimate of 1/10 or maybe slightly higher. 1/15? You have 2 part cs in section IV. With regards to the herb run thing, I like to do Trollheim/Falador/Catherby/Phasmatys first, and then Ardougne+HH anyway, so two doses, just because I can fit in cleaning herbs and planting limpwurt more easily. Potions are pretty easy to obtain. Though if I'm running low, I can see alex's method being better. Planting herbs I really don't care about in the island patch, that is. Which amounts to pretty much everything but Samaden and Ugune. Maybe Shengo too because it's relatively rare albeit useless. I'd also argue that it is worthwhile to use the Guthix potion when you save up all the herbs and seconds so you can make them all at once. Preferably after getting the bonus from the god jadinkos. Maybe suggest a list of what's worth banking? I know I'm clueless in that department; just threw out about 30 items recently which I realised I never used or will use. Just something to think about :P How do you get Igneous with Carrion? Don't they require different bushes? Unless the data for one of them is inaccurate o.o EDIT: Did 15 minutes of Igneous Jadinkos (basically a vial of scentless potion), and got 39 of them, 3 Lergberry seeds, 2 Kalferberry seeds.
  22. After catching 50 Carrion Jadinkos, I had 3 Erzille seeds, 3 Ugune seeds and 1 Samaden seed. Only using partial camouflage. So I'd say the guesstimate on the rates of Carrion are a bit off. I rarely get any less than 3 herb seeds in 50 trappings. Was I meant to mail you that? :P You can also combine hunting Carrion (which are great as stackable supercompostables btw) and Diseased as they are in the same area using compatible attraction methods. Maybe it's worth noting that it's possible to do all 7 herb patches with a single Juju potion (start at Trollheim, Camelot teleport, Ardougne patch teleport, Ectophial, Cabbage teleport, Witchdoctor mask) if you think that dose is really worth saving... I'm not clear about the part where you can justify the Fishing Potion but not the Cooking potion? You said the Juju gumbo was outclassed by Saradomin brew yet it heals more in one bite without a drop to offenses. Presumably you meant something on the lines of a dose of fishing potion meaning several Baron sharks compared to a a dose of the cooking potion which leads to one gumbo. Otherwise, it's looking very good so far :thumbup:
  23. If it doesn't, wearing a Ring of Stone should act as full camouflage whilst hunting in certain areas (you're a scentless, immobile rock so have the same effect as being x squares away, traps being smoked and wearing max camouflage gear if animals sniff the traps whilst you're in rock form). But really, it is purely a cosmetic item. Updating its graphics is all that is really needed.
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