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Everything posted by aznmidget448

  1. I'd go with vanilla. Would you rather wear your bathing suit in the snow or wear your snow pants and jacket at the beach?
  2. Awww, I got a black screen and can't get rid of it... Oh well :P
  3. If it was a random, it was probably the sandwich lady or mysterious old man. He will on occasion just appear as a clickable random and if you don't click on him, he'll teleport you.
  4. This is how merchanters make money. They sell items, price drops, everyone sells because they don't want to lose money. When everyone has their items in the GE, the merchanters buy the item in such large amounts that the item sky-rockets and everyone loses money. Well, at least this is true for clan merchanting. By not selling an item when it goes down, you'll make it harder for others to merchant and not get caught in the waves. As for your sara sword, keep it. It goes up and down so much that it's hard to tell its true value. If you use it still, just leave it in your bank. It's not worth wasting money selling it at lowest and buying it back later when it can't be bought at max.
  5. Well, RC did get a fun little minigame a while back... I'm guessing it's just a bug, but you never know :)
  6. Happy Birthday! Here's a picture of the present I was going to give you : Meh, sorry I didn't know it was your birthday. You can pick up the present (if you really want it) whenever you log in :P
  7. Getting full zamorak. Back then, there was no GE and I had to stand in world 1 trying to sell my yews at a decent price then stand behind the west bank to try and find a full zammy seller. Finally, I found unilove on tip.it and she sold me some Either that, or it was meeting Lee to take his profile picture. I got so excited :lol:
  8. The log out timer was NOT implemented to stop macroers and the like. It is that so that if/when your browser crashes, you press the back button on the mouse, or accidentally close your browser, you will be logged out (10 seconds after combat ends). It is also there so that if you do happen to accidentally leave the computer, you will not be taken away by randoms or killed by a wandering monster. No, the log out timer should not be removed because these accidents are still in effect to this day. EDIT: I know it was said before, but I don't see the discussion when it's still needed.
  9. I think it's mainly because people have goals to advance all their skills the quickest way possible. This means powermining/wcing/etc. for the raw material AND simply buying raw materials to levels the secondary skills. Therefore there is a surplus of secondary items when there's a HUGE demand on raw materials. So if you don't want to lose money skilling, I suggest going through the whole process: fishing and cooking, wcing and fletching/fming, mining and smithing, etc. It is rare to be able to make money doing the secondary skills when people are just after the exp.
  10. Trust trades? I thought people just traded runes/money/unnoted ess for noted ess. :-#
  11. Lol, I like the tip.it community and archive of wisdom. I personally still go to Sal's when I get stuck on quests though :ohnoes:
  12. *cough summoning cough* Umm, I probably wouldn't really notice the difference because I don't do too many things where the inventory would matter too much. Sure I could get 4 extra logs per load, but still, I don't really think it'd be that much better.
  13. haahaa, cubone, nice \ I wanna see someone dressed like ash ketchum, but they don't have baseball caps in the game... do they? o.o
  14. Meh, if I become member, I'm just gonna get the cheapest and keep either d claw spec or dds. I like those better :thumbsup:
  15. Range and Mage have their own benefits: hitting from different levels at other people. Meleers have to be right next to the person (or two blocks away with halberd) while the ranged attacks can go at least half a screen away. I personally think it's fair. And if you don't want to pay for your stuff, either don't play or change to melee 8-)
  16. I succeeded in limiting my rs playtime and therefore reducing my addiction :thumbsup:
  17. no u. fineeee just for youuu *dances* TET Xmas event piccys. Mine + Rocket's entires for the dress contest. We came 2nd. [hide=] [/hide] Rocket looks cool, you look ugly \
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