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Everything posted by mario_sunny

  1. As someone said earlier, just spend some money on a few hundred potions and supplies so you don't have to buy them when the manipulators drive them up. Then it doesn't affect you.
  2. The part about the combat triangle being balanced in Dungeoneering... defintely not. Melee is still the overpowered class in Daemonheim.
  3. Hits 69 (690) with dragonstone bolts (e) special. Because the special is dragonfire based, it has nothing to do with range. Even if the target was praying range, the dragonfire will completely ignore it and can may hit 600+, as proven by the video.
  4. Alright it really would be cool if we could have an anti-killstreak tip.it clan to crash all these tank mages. I would love to organise one. To help I'll start by making a few anti mage tank setups. Feel free to change these if you think there is something better than can be added. High damage Ranger Setup For dishing out high damage, taking down the mages. These are the guys that finish off the mages once they are disabled. Full armadyl Zamorak Book Ranger boots Barrows gloves or Mercenary Gloves Fury amulet Archer ring Dark bow Rune Crossbow Lots of adamant bolts or better A few rune arrows or better Steel Titan > Iron Titan > Geyser Titan Range boosting potion (range pot, ext range pot, olv) Strategy: Drink range boosting potion and run to mage with dark bow equiped. Turn on the following curses: Sap Spirit, Berserker, Deflect Magic, Leech Ranged. Use dark bow special and titan special (if you have a metal titan, if not the geyser boosts your range) and switch to Rune crossbow, hitting mage until you die. Anti-mage Ranger Setup For disabling and weakening mages. Full armadyl Zamorak Book Ranger boots Barrows gloves or Mercenary Gloves Ranger's amulet Archer ring Rune Crossbow Seercul Bow Red Topaz bolts (e) A few rune arrows or better Forge Regent + Inferno scrolls Runes for Vulnerability spell Range boosting potion (range pot, ext range pot, olv) Strategy: Drink range boosting potion and run to mage with seercul equiped. Turn on the following curses: Sap Spirit, Berserker, Deflect Magic, Leech Mage. Use seercul special (which will lower magic by the amount that it hits, divided by 10. So if it hits a 270, the target's mage is lowered by 27). Next cast vunerability spell until it is sucessful, which will lower the target's defense by 10%. Finally, equip your rune crossbow and red topaz (e) bolts and continally fire at mage (Red Topaz (e) has a special attack of lowering your target's magic). If you see the mage using his special attack, spam Inferno scrolls on him (Inferno, if sucessful, unequips target's weapon. When the Staff of Light is unequiped, the special attack goes away). High damage Melee Setup For those with high attack/strength and who own d claws. Full d'hide D boots Barrows Gloves Zerker ring Fury amulet D claws Godsword/whip/cls/cr Steel Titan > Iron Titan Melee boosting potion (super set , ext set, olv) Strategy: Drink melee boosting potions and run to mage with d claws equiped. Turn on the following curses: Sap Spirit, Berserker, Deflect Magic, Leech Strength, Soul Split, Turmoil (can you have that many on at once? I don't know) If on prayers: Piety, protect from magic . Use both d claw specials on them then switch to primary weapon and hit mage until you die.
  5. I don't know why you all are trying to come up with the best strategies. It's pretty obvious there's going to be some 130+ clan that picks one of their maxed combat members to guard the entire game, making sure no one kills him and he gets all the kills. :mellow: Ah yes I can imagine it now... a 138 in full mage tank gear guarded by 20 d clawers, 20 ags'ers, 20 rangers, and 20 ancienters. Absolutely impossible to kill. Since none of us have even the slightest chance of winning, I suggest we organise an elite group of d clawers with full armdyl that do nothing but rush the mage tanks. 10+ d claw specs with turmoil and extremes = impossible to live.
  6. Once I get my predator I'm basically garanteed a chopper gunner (so long as some knifng lightweight/commando noob doesn't run past my claymores). So I'd say I'll at least get a 20 killstreak, depending on the map. No but in all seriousness tank mages can last for hundreds of kills. Those guys are beast.
  7. If you DC at a dangerous area, could you potentially die though?
  8. Wow huge graphical re-work. Dozens of items have been reworked. Examples: -All runes -All charms -All potions(4) -Defenders -Godswords Plus I heard Jagex f'd up Halloween masks. LOL.
  9. From experience it seems all the pros go to Xbox, but then again all the little kids tend to go there too for some reason (perhaps they think they're pro?). PS3 users tend to be average, well-balanced players; the majority are neither stupid nor insanely good. No offence, that's just mostly what I've seen.
  10. Time to start hoarding resources....
  11. I have a feeling this event will somehow go horribly wrong. Big wars like these which sound good on paper rarely work perfectly on the battlefield. I figure one or two of these things will happen: Everyone will go to one team, in fear of losing (I predict the Judges will hold the bulk of players). The "war" will consist of countless waves of judges overwhelming a few dozen lords and reavers, ultimately leading to a victory for the Judges, and a nice handful of angry Lords and Reavers. Some all-ancients clan will attend the event and ice barrage spam everyone, leading to hundreds of unexpected deaths. The attendees will proceed to unleash an unholy wave of rants on the RSOF. The war will be crashed somehow. Always with wars involving hundreds of people, there is always a crash clan. Like I said, it could be an ancients clan, or it could be a 138 clan, or just an overwhelmingly large clan. No matter what type of clan, there IS going to be a crash. Someone will start TKing members of their own faction, then those being attacked will fight back, and it will escalate into a massive team killing. The entire faction will slaughter eachother, with a few trying to escape the chaos. Think about the average age of the people attending this event; temember that most of these players come from the RSOF, and while there may be some highly intelligent people there, most of the forums are filled with crying, annoying, ranting 10 year olds. I can easily picture a 10 year old thinking its funny to attack a member of his own team. Everyone will cry about losing their precious whip. Rants forum will be even more clogged than usual. EDIT: Lol, what did I tell you. A crash.
  12. Shield isn't good; its the same as a rune kite but with a small pray bonus. The falador shield has a higher prayer bonus. Halos are more of a money saver. If you piety a lot you'll be saving 1/3 off buying prayer potions, which I suppose can add up. But I'd much rather use a neitz helm, which has great attack stats and a nice prayer bonus.
  13. People not obsessed with their k/d. Okay well I was assuming that most people on this topic try to keep up a good K/D. It's a little embarassing when you're below average. If you play for fun then well I guess you can use whatever the heck you want. But even then I still don't know why you would use a UAV, they aren't a 'fun' killstreak at all. If I wanted some fun I'd set my ks to chopper gunner so I can laugh as I rack up spawn trap multikills. I'm not one of those ignorant kids I described in my previous post, I've tried out every ks and to be honest I only use the most overpowered ones, beacuse not only it is funner getting more kills, you also get a higher ratio. 3-4-5 setups... well I don't think those are good either.
  14. WITH SUB MOUNTED ATTACK DOGS. AND SUB-SUB MOUNTED CHAINSAWS. Okay but seriously no toobs AT ALL please. Or at least make them take up tier 1 again.
  15. .. Again, take into consideration, especially in school I am surrounded by people bragging that they got a harrier with a 3 - 5 - 7 setup.. then take into account the average IQ of a stereotypical MW2 player.. it's not everyday you come across people that know what they're doing. True that. I love to take advantage of raging noobs. When I two spot, they always come back in a blind rage and think they will kill me this time, but they always end up dying over and over! :D People were probably offended because they don't like being told what to do. Some people, even the pros, love to stick to a few select classes and never stray away from their 'perfect' setup. So naturally when someone starts suggesting guns/setups they've never used before, they get a little angry. :P Oh dear god who uses a 3-5-7 setup... >_< Are the kids are your school like 10?
  16. I don't really like the idea of separating the forum FURTHER into more groups. The previous forum separation was a very unpopular update (the 'communities' update that divided forum users into total level 1500+, total level 1500-, etc.), and this update might not be so popular either. But heck, we'll see how it turns out. I could be entirely wrong. If I did participate in the game, I would probably choose to be a Judge. It's in my personality to be neutral.
  17. Alright, I've gained quite a few levels of dungeoneering and thus have gained more knowledge in this skill. I'll be reworking the guide with all your suggestions soon.
  18. That's not what I said. I just happen to think that Runescape players are, on the whole, very undemanding customers, and they get what they deserve. Since most RS players are willing to accept shoddy gameplay balance testing, "surprise" updates, poor communication, the company strong-arming fansites, "customer appreciation" events where nearly all customers are excluded and the others pay for the event -- well, by golly, that's what they get. Yes I agree with you, a large majority of Runescape players are undemanding. But have you ever considered this to be a good thing? Personally, I like to walk around Runescape and chat with people about the gameplay, not the problems with it. I like it when I'm at a fishing spot and exchanging fishing advise with one of my fellow players, or I'm mining and I have a nice conversation with someone and end up adding them, or I'm in a clan chat, just having a friendly chat with my clanmates. It ruins the moment when someone comes in and starts telling us how bad an update was. He usually gets the cold shoulder. What I'm saying is I don't want a new generation of ranters invading the game. If the community starts demanding more, were going to see more conflicts ingame, and the community will degrade in quality. No matter how hard teenagers try, most of them can't debate for their lives. A typical teenage debate usually ends in a personal attacks war; you can't deny that, there's proof of it everywhere (even on tip.it). I see debates end up as personal attacks all the time ingame. There is always a sour feeling afterwards, and the community is torn apart. Now if the majority of the community were comprised of adults, it would be a different story. Most adults can maturely carry on a rant. But unforunately this game is filled to the rim with teenagers... EDIT: I think this may be a new generation vs. old generation arguement.
  19. I'm not sure how this works in the actual game, and whether it only applies to the inital "engagement" or any time during the fight, but it may be more efficent in rooms requiring the usage of a protection prayer to have one person attract all the powerful monsters. Their attack would then be blocked on that one person's protection prayer, rather than the the entire groups. Or maybe if one particular person had a huge defense bonus, he could simply tank all the monsters instead. All you do is get one person to go into a room first and that automatically attracts all the monsters. Then he just prays whatever he's getting hit most by, and takes the food drops afterwards to heal himself. Not really what I'd call a 'tank,' since most anyone can effeciently do it even with no armor. All they have to do is pick up a lot of food drops. KB has been wrong about specific stats of items, strategies, specifics, and numerous other things related to dungeoneering. I've just stopped trusting the KB at all when it comes to dungeoneering- it may tell you that there are 350 floors or something like that.
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