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Everything posted by transcript80

  1. Put it off for now, new dungeon levels reqs are IIRC level 96 which you have already. I think you have the funds for 95 prayer, go and get it. I heard lvl 93 and 95 are game-changing. This will also benefit you in the new slayer update. Do this after all others. Then, when you tries the new dungeon, you can give glacors a try. Do this after you get 95 prayer. However, if you want magic xp primarity (as your mining level is high as well) you might want to do some ancient spells (rock lobsters?) as they are moner magic xp/hr. As stated, you can already do that.
  2. That's very true. Sorry but Apartheid is not a dutch term. It's not? Please enlighten me. It might be Flemish.... Pretty sure it's an Afrikaans term. And if not, Afrikaners are the people who gave the word the meaning it has today. Sure... but Afrikaans has dutch roots... the languaes is derived fom dutch. anyways... looks like we're on the same page.
  3. That's very true. Sorry but Apartheid is not a dutch term. It's not? Please enlighten me. It might be Flemish....
  4. If you are lookinf for speeds, kill 7 barrows brothers and get no additional kill count. However, since it costs little time to kill 6 blood wurms or so, get it up a bit. Also, with the new neclace, barrows runs are speedier than any time in the past, so getting kill count is compensated by the necklace.
  5. Please define a "full life" and "young". Back in the middle ages, 60 was old (full life?) but now, the life expectancey is someting like 78 years or so. You'd be telling everyone at 78 who gets cancer: Tough luck? Why don't you stop consuming resources yourself? If you are a kid (eg in school, college or university) you are consuming resources as well instead of generating them.... Also, al lot of former "incurable diseases" got eradicated. Should we bring them back for the sake of population control? Back on-topic: I'm sceptic, but if this is what it looks like, this could be a great leap in cancer treatment. But the fact that just one marker is targeted, looks like a down side for me. There are also tumors that do not express MUC-1. But even if it works "just" for multiple myeloma, it is good news for thousants of patients.
  6. My point exactly. Abortion has nothing to do with stem cell research, as myself and others have reasoned in several posts in this thread.
  7. People see embryonic stem cell research as destruction of human life and thus wrong. IVF is creating life, so what is the problem? An orphan is a human without living parents. Even if you choose to see a clump of cells as a human being (different discussion), its parents are alive and thus not an orphan. Also, the created life is not killed. It is left in "hibernation" (meaning frozen storage). If the parents decide to have anbother baby, these "left over" embryos can be used, leaving the argument invalid. So if 2 people love each other (religious or not, again another discussion) and they cannot have a baby because of a biological issue, they should not be able to procreate? I mean.... I can see the issue, but IVF is used to help 2 people that love each other and want to procreate but are hindered by nature. In most dominant religions, sex "has" to have a procreational purpose, themed in love for each other. The result would be a baby. Bypassing sex through IVF does not exclude the love part. It just helps bypassing biological challenges.
  8. ^^^^ yes, you are totally right. Boxes are fun!
  9. Spoiling kids is easier if you have the money to spend. If you are poor, it is SO much harder to spoil a kid. Also, spoiling 5 kids is a lot harder than spoinling "just" one. Since we have no financial worries, we tend to spoil our kid as well. It always strikes me that when she has 10 toys to play with, she can still be occupied for an hour doodling with a 10 centimeter string of thread she found on the floor that we missed when vacuuming. But, the go back on topic: also for spoiling your kids, there are ways of saving money. Sturdy toys can both be bought and sold via the internet. For instance, we bought a wooden toy car for our kid to play with. When she was too old for it / didn't care for it anymore, we sold it. New price: $40 2nd hand: $20 Sold for: $10 Total cost for toy: $10 when it originally cost $40. (Prices are examples). This can only be done with high quality toys, as they have good sellability.
  10. Where I live, it is not (as I stated previously, IVF story). Also, as stated by others, in most (if not all) of the cases of abortion, the fetus/embryo (depending on how old it is) is NOT suitable for embryonic stem cell harvesting. The older the fetus, the more differentiated the cells are. I get the impression (correct me if I'm wrong) that you are not very educated about the abortion procedure and how stem cells are obtained. I do not know the legislature in the country you live in, but here, aborted ambryos are not used for stem cell research. Also, its is forbidden to sell IVF embryos. Research itself is bound to strict rules, there are ethical committees that have to give a green light to all such research projects. Reasearch on TRUE embryonic stem cells is rare. Mostly, some kind of adult stem cells, or murine stem cells are used. As a former research technician working with stem cells, I can say that there are no dark basements under hospitals where Mengele-like scientists are dissecting fetusses in search of stem cells for their unholy reasearch for their supervisor, Dr. Beelzebub, pHd. You are entitled to have your own optinion, I have nothing to argue about that. Point is, that there is no true substitution for embryonic stem cells. Compare it to medical tests on animals: it is good to test new drugs on lab rats instead of humans, but it is not a true substitution for the intended use: a human. On a side note: what is wrong with IVF?
  11. I don't think they should take organs from non-donors. Revolutionary idea here. (Brace yourselves for what I am about to say.) Like in the movie "The Island". I think it is unethical. About stem cell research: Pro on all kinds of stem cells. It is baloney to think abortion rates would increase. Where I live, abortion is legal (until a certain amount of weeks of pregnancy) and there is no influence of the rate of abortion that has ANY kind of correlation with stem cell research legislation. The majority of abortions is not taken lightly by the would -be mother, and the knowledge that them embryo is usefull in some way had little to no influence at all on the decision of heving one. The vast majority decides to have an abortion regardless of what happens to the embryo. To add to that: most embryos that are used, are not from abortions, but from embryos that are "left over" from IVF. In IVF (in vitro fertilisation), several eggs are fertilised by semen, but only 1 (or in some cases more) are plantd in the womb. The "left over" embryos (usually a clum of 4 or 8 cells!) are used for stem cell reasearch. As for mature stem cells, such as umbilical cord stem cells, fat stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells: they are not "true" stem cells, the have differentiated into an early stage developed cell already. "Finding the right enzymes" (which are mainly cytokines/hormones instead) as an ealier poster said, is costly, and does not yield the desired effect of reverting the adult stem cell into "true" stem cell. It is my observation that the more (right-wing) conservative christian the government, the more of this potentially life saving reasearch is outlawed. When asked, whether the involved politicians would take the cure for the cancer when they were to get the disease, or the transplant when they needed it, the amount of "yes" is making me sad...hypocrits. As for organ donation: it should remain voluntarily. I am in control of whatever happens to my body, both alive and dead. I do think that organ donors may be given an advantage on the waiting list over non-donors. I always find it hypocritical when people, ask weter they'd like to receive an organ, say yes, but when asked whether they are organ donor still say "no". And that there is no light bulb popping up in their head...
  12. Fixed. If you don't want to do slayer (as it is not a good money maker, but profitable training of several skills at the same time), slay green/blue dragons, hunt red chins (both options are viable again since bots are gone).
  13. You forgot an option: Don't care. I'd pick that. To each his own, I don't care the slightest wether it's black-white-brown-purple-cyan, or even male-female or whatever combination of them. I neither encourage nor discourage certain combinations. As for the whole South African situation: It's just racism that dates back from the Apartheid time. *on a side note: pretty sad that the best-known Dutch word on the planet is Apartheid.....*
  14. I don't even know what my crdeit score is. Why I applied for a mortgage, it was made clear that I wasn't allowed to be in debt on my bank account, and that I was not allowed to have a credit card at the time of the application. Changed bank settings, got mortgage, and changed bak settings to be allowed to have some debt (when bills precede salary payments occasionally) . That would be 12.5% intrest! O_o Please tell me what bank provides such intrest rates as the intrest rates here are <5% even on 10-year deposits.
  15. Not to mention 5 blues (and 3 emeralds, 2 rubies and a diamond if you wear RoW). Should be part of your daily routine if you are not 99 summoning yet.
  16. Nothing. Except you are not teaching. With the same effort, you can just answer the questiion since the anwers is regarded by you to be obvious... BTW, I looked at Tip.its guide on the RC guild, and I must have missed it there that "wizards milling around" (nice use of words!) the RC do not give the rewards. Anyway, since the questions seem answered, I call this to be locked/abandoned.
  17. They didn't for me. I had all talismans converted into tiaras, showed them to the wizard and "nothing interesting happens". Is there a specific wizard you need to show them to? Maybe I just got lucky after the 3rd trip and accidentily adressed the right one.
  18. I'd second aviansies. With the bots gone, they should be quite good. Obviously, they can only be ranged. I don't know how their charm drop rate is. If you'd train slayer a bit higher to 65 (IIRC) you can camp dust devil, which are quite nice, also charm wise. As for camping per se, why do you want that? To train combat, drops?
  19. Based on the degree of bullying, it's either one. "Mild bullying": They are kids after all, they make fun of others because he/she is different. This builds charackter and teaches a child to defend itself. This mild bullying can very easily revert to "sever bullying: "Severe bullying": Systematic abuse, being picked on 24-7, either in a group or 1-on-1, knocks children down, possibly for the rest of their lives. It should be stopped at any cost. A little side note: Some children seem to be a "natural target" for bullying. Even if they change schools, villages and so one, they are still the target. Always be careful and observant thatyour child's behaviour does not make it prone to bullying. Surely, it is never their FAULT, but it never hurts to make them aware of certain behavioral traits that might make it easier for others to pick on them.
  20. Got it... must have missed one indeed. Shame I had to buy them all as I had all talismans converted into tiaras... Anyways.... As I have all but the 2 latest quests (boss fights remain) completed, that's not the hard part...
  21. Just to add another question: what about the omni-talisman? I tried getting one by showing the wizzards of GOP all of the talismans, but to no avail. It is the only talisman I'm missing up to now (except fot the obvious soul talisman).
  22. In a county where the government sets a bad example by paying bills afer 2 months (on average), I'm the exception. Also, not using credit cards saves a lot of money, though I understand that in the USA, this is almost impossible. It never ceases to amaze me how many people are in consumable debt (not mortgage or something like that) 24/7. I was told by my parents that whenever I wanted to buy something (other than house) like a car, food or clothes, I have to make sure the bank account reads + instead of -. I guess I had an old fashioned upbringing...
  23. It's the consumers that pay for the coupons. I always shop at a supermarket that has NO coupons whatsoever, just the daily-weekly sale items. By having no coupon systems, the can cut back on everyday prices on ALL products (sometimes even cheaper than discounted competitors). I sometimes go to other supermarkets when there is an item on discount, and buy something in bulk. IgodessI had same great tips, such as cutting out the middleman (supermarkets) for fruits and vegetables. Where I live, it's better quality for a lower price in most of the cases. Also, no shopping on an empty stomach. It makes you buy bad stuff that you wouldn't have bought otherwise.I always switch OFF stuff I don't use. Paying bills ON TIME can be a great money saver, as well as paying for a whole year instead of in quarters. As for the power bill, here we have a system that the provider estimates you usage (based on previous years) and maks you pay an advance every month. At the end of the year, shortage had to be paid, or the surplus is refunded. You can set your advance a little bit higher (say 10,00) and have a nice little extra at the end of the year. I like to call this covert saving... In general, don't let coupons seduce you to buy stuff just because it is cheap. Whenever this is discussed with my friends, I wonder wether they had bought item X anyway, or just because it was cheap? In case of the latter, even the discounted price is 100% too much.
  24. This is no solution yet. Until the weaker souther european countries cut their expenses and reduce debt, we are not safe. Berlusconi is just stalling because he want to end the year in office (I think it has something to do with him possibly being sued) and he is not doing anything at all at the moment. Sarkozy admitted that it was an error to have Greece in the monetary union to begin with... Too bad it's too late now, despite the critical voices in the early 2000s that warned the politicians. All in all, the euro is a prestige project that turned bad.... and now we are stuck with it.
  25. You could use maczna for every 1-9th task (short, easy, fast), and cash in the points bonus at the highest slayer master at your disposal for the bonus 10th task. That gives a nice amount of points rather fast. As for the helmet per se, a black mask (no requirements) is enough if you only melee. You probably don't need the extra stats the helm provides if you are maxed combat. If this is the case, use the best slayer master you can, and the points will come as you progress through the skill.
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