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Everything posted by Stilev

  1. i seem to have those alot, or altest i think i do, wake up and almost feel over i was so sleepy i drag myself to my 8am class to find it was canceled. which was one of those moments, :x but because i did that, i just went to chick fila and ran into a very good friend of mine i haven't seen in awhile and had a very pleasant breakfast with her :
  2. guy on my floor loves solving them, and can do them in like 5mins, and another guy trying to figure it out and keeps scrambling it lol its so amusing they can go an hour+ just scrambling and unscrambling the damn thing
  3. Go REDSKINS!! beat Dallas, and now the Eagles : i thought it wasn't ganna be a good season with our start against the Giants, but with 4-1 second in probably the hardest division, yay with the rams, begnals, lions, are all ganna be easy wins, skins defiantly ganna make a playoff appearance
  4. personally i think it looks like a flying island [hide=][/hide]
  5. its of a skydiver, and the feeling of letting go during those few seconds in which you break the limit and are flying with the birds that is the reason for the title
  6. are you in high school? i'd do something like 'how does a 3000cal a day diet affect the body compared to a 2000cal a day diet' are you like middle do like 'how do different wing shapes affect paper a paper airplane'
  7. i really only like the 2nd one, the others are to sharp with no real blending, you seem to have taken the splatter effect to far, and forgot the basics
  8. i got CS3, gets the job done for me, no need to spend alot of money for a few extra features imo, wanna give me a version for free :D otherwise no thanks
  9. i enjoy debating my views or just having a random tangent on something stupid with my teacher, obviously depending on the teacher, i know which ones will go along, and others who will just give me a look. In my communications class we where talking about the 'Master Plan' for the campus and how they were going to tear down some of the older buildings in like 20-30 years. so i say 'where is world domination' in this master plan? she says '150-200 years' :lol:
  10. well i was ganna make one for the SOTW but i got distracted and it got turned into this which i trust me, is better then what i originally had, it is also influenced by my recent move to college i have had feelings of being the free, yet also more caged then ever.
  11. uhh lol not to sound like a nube, but whats classing lol
  12. i dont really understand why they are talking about something that is really happening everywhere, its not just africa there are dozens of places where stuff like this will end up happening, just look of at the map, given enough time a lot of the continents will end up doing something like smashing into another or something [hide=][/hide]
  13. well my current plan is to finish college, take the MCAT's go to UVA medical school and get a MD and work at a hospital as an ER and specialize in virology
  14. i've had a couple lately today wake up 8am for bio lab, we usually get out at 11:30 and i really wanted to get out, but the teacher drags the class on till 12:15 and i got so mad, why? normally i wouldn't even raise an eye brow but i had a lunch date at 11:30 today and i know she has class at 12:20 so im like she's already left :( so im walking to the dinning hall and i ran into her :lol: so she is like :evil: 'i can believe you stood me up' and made me carry her books to her next class :lol: so i was happy i was able to at lest say hi and explain lol
  15. i might make one depends on alot of rl circumstances when you say game, like i can use master chief and say 'halo'?
  16. good friend of mine has it and its really annoying when i'd see people that looked 350lbs ordering 2 hamburgers while my friend would get a ham sandwich and spend 2-3 hours at the gym a day
  17. /sigh anyone who has taken a basic psychology class should know this, just goes to show the ignorance in our society really
  18. wishing wells droping of buildings leaving for the person behind you flip a coin various coin related games all i got :?
  19. imo this topic isn't going to do to much, if you really need a cig, your ganna smoke one. find a new job imo fast food is hard work and bad pay and you say you work 7 days a week lol? that or quit what can your parents really do?
  20. 1 - i really not a fan of the overall hue of it 2 - 8-) < jopie 3 - the left side has a lot less detail then the render, and the hue again does work well with the hue of the render, render is vibrant, while the c4d is more pastel at lest on to the top left it is
  21. Aren't there lounges at your dorms? The college i spent a month at had a North lounge, South lounge, and a room with a couple of couches, a dvd player, and a TV on each floor. Do they have anywhere to go or are they just doing it to piss people off? we are in college, we dont use logic, my dorm has 2 study lounges, and a main lounge but at 1-2am people dont use them, and they are usually hi or drunk (this includes weekdays so dont bother saying something) gets quite annoying kuz half them have 10-11ams while i have an 8am, and trying to get some sleep, but noooo i feel your pain nadril :(
  22. rules were ment to be broken, but i this isn't one of those cases :? look dont touch ;)
  23. people who use the word sub conscious, there isn't something called the sub conscious, it is a word made up by the media -.- we got the conscious, and the unconscious, there isn't a sub conscious get it right or be quiet
  24. I'm pretty sure that the reversing goes on in your eyes. But if you wear glasses that reverse the image, your brain supposedly slowly turns itself upside down. It's probably a crap story, but funny nonetheless. even funnier that they have done experiment, i cant remember exactly but it took a woman about 6 weeks before should could do everything pretty well with the upside down glasses, and like 2 days after she took them off since see didn't have to make a new unconscious algorithm for her vision, just bring back an old one. (there is no such thing as sub conscious something the media made up so annoying when people use it) if you wanna know our eyes take in is pretty funny how bad it is, its something like 30-40% of what we 'think we see' is actully BS our brain made up using past pictures. we got thosands of bacteria on the eye (ever rub your eyes and see stars? what that is) and and not a perfect lay out of receptors so there even more blind spots. so each 1/24 of a second frame that we see has tones of holes in it. its 2 dimensional upside down (ever look at a spoon, how its always upside down) with alot of holes in the picture and alot of other things i forgot lol 70% of our brain power goes into our vision
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