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Everything posted by Intriguing

  1. [bleep] YES! :thumbsup: I really don't think they can top Colors though, to be honest.
  2. Just some more I forgot to mention: How2PK - Bonnie "Prince" Billy, Joanna Newsom, Naked City, Bob Dylan Nadril - Jesu, Burzum SilverSword - Manilla Road Yaff - Cannibal Corpse Cyco_Reborn - Any inhumanly heavy band. Range_This11 - Tool, Lamb of God jaerkd00d - Do you need to ask?
  3. I always associated warri0r45 with Tool, Lamb of God, Ion Dissonance, and... Bill Hicks. I'm surprised I remember all that.
  4. I'm seriously quite happy with this decision. Although I can understand exactly why Lionheart did what he did, I felt it unnecessary to have this thread locked. OT would be boring if we were only allowed serious (cough) threads. That's not to say that I only support threads of humorous inanity, but it's nice to have a balance between the humorous threads and the more frivolous threads. Good decision, Das. :thumbup: And nickeley, for Christ's sake, shut the hell up.
  5. Tell me you can read that without thinking what a pretentious [rooster] I am. Shame.
  6. I don't listen to music based on what the composer "put into it". I listen to music based on what I get out of it. How it makes me feel is everything.
  7. #1 - Between the Buried and Me After that.. - Radiohead / Thom Yorke - of Montreal - Anaal Nathrakh - Blut aus Nord - Dmitri Shostakovich - Tool - Clinic - Hella - Gravenhurst - Aäkon Këëtrëh Something like that. It changes a fair bit.
  8. I'm not going to get into the argument about whether or not metalcore is metal. The fact is, most Christian bands that are commonly tagged as metal are metalcore. As such, it makes sense to recommend metalcore to the OP. That and the fact that most of the passable Christian metal bands are metalcore.. @ Nadril: Even if you're not into metalcore (fairly progressive metalcore at that), Becoming the Archetype are quite a decent band.
  9. The saddest thing is that you actually seem to think you're funny. Just.. stop posting.
  10. You thought wrong. OT: - Zao - The Devil Wears Prada - Extol - Demon Hunter - Becoming the Archetype - As I Lay Dying - The Chariot - Mortification - Antestor - Norma Jean - August Burns Red - Maylene and the Sons of Disaster - Living Sacrifice Or.. I'll edit this later with links.
  11. ... I see absolutely nothing wrong with your ears. And even if there was a problem, in many cases perfection is boring. Leave them.
  12. I don't understand why Mayhem are so famous. I assume the murder/suicide happenings would have had something to do with it, but honestly, they're a pretty rubbish band.
  13. I think the smartests people are the happy people. They have some crusial insight of life that unhappy people don't. I'm fairly certain happiness is independent of intelligence.
  14. I'm cynical of religion, new ideas or propositions, and those ads that tell me I'm the millionth visitor. A lot of people say I'm cynical--perhaps because I have a very sarcastic sense of humour. However, I can't relate to what any of you are saying about hating people because some of them are idiots. I dislike many people, and I find it very easy to see the fault in everyone. However, unless it's in relation to someone I don't want to like (because they've done something to get on my bad side), or unless it actually presents an immediate problem, I just overlook their faults. It makes life a lot nicer, I think.
  15. 0/10 Never seen you before. Awesome avatar though. :)
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