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Everything posted by Intriguing

  1. Western Art Music is always good..
  2. Intriguing

    Rap lol

    Madvillain. 'nuf said.
  3. If you thought he was being even a tiny bit serious with that list, I find it hard to believe you actually play guitar.
  4. I've been looking forward to this one. I'm a bit disappointed in myself though, I've only heard of about 10 of the albums. Great choices with Electric Masada (thank you so much for introducing them to me), Will Oldham (ditto), Arcade Fire, and Joanna Newsom. I'll definitely be following up on these albums.
  5. My instincts would tell me that spirits communicating with people via Ouija boards is a load of crap. That said, I've never used one.
  6. That doesn't mean that you and Adio aren't being arses about it. That's exactly the point. The director gave you what you wanted, then reversed the situation, leaving you frustrated. Did you read the link I posted before?
  7. Um, can you think of a reason for movies besides entertainment, and a small minority of educational films? None really, unless you just want to torture your friends. To make you think, perhaps? I still don't understand why you're using the word "entertainment". Just because the film didn't end the way you wanted it to doesn't mean there's no entertainment value in it. I know you said you wanted to hear explanations from people on this board, but our answers obviously aren't good enough for you, so read this.
  8. Way to post, not troll, make an on topic post, and yet contribute nothing. You asked someone to explain the film for you, and the link which Adio provided explained the film. Seems to me like he contributed pretty well. I don't get that. I tend to be more entertained by films that don't end up the way I want them to. Could be just me though. It seems like a good idea, but from the two videos provided, it also looks like the acting is terrible.
  9. While it is perhaps not so relevant to the artists you see on the charts, it's pretty true for mid-level artists (as an example, artists with less than one million plays on Last.FM).
  10. This is great! To be honest, I don't know a huge amount of the artists you mentioned. However, I've been wanting to listen to some of the music you listen to for a while, so this is a good chance. :)
  11. I'm not actually sure if I've already posted in this topic, but I would love to make a list. I'm doing a rough list at the moment, just for my own sake, but if you want me to post it, I could have descriptions written fairly quickly. 55 albums so far, so 75 should be no problem.
  12. Apparently you didn't read the title then.
  13. According to Wikipedia, "In 1711, a group of alchemists. . ." I didn't need to read any more. :) But thank you for the recommendations, I'll definitely look into them. :thumbup:
  14. Honestly, people don't give pop enough credit. In my opinion, the purpose of pop music is twofold: firstly, to showcase the artist's vocal talent, and secondly, to create likable, easily-relatable music through the use of catchy melodies. Taylor Swift achieves both of those quite well, and that's enough for me to find merit in her music. Or, more simply put, her music makes me happy.
  15. Good man. I know at least 15 of the bands you mentioned, but I haven't necessarily paid all that much attention to them, or I haven't heard the album you mentioned. Definitely going to use this list as a basis for albums to check out next.
  16. I'd say you've gone down a notch.. I try to be accepting of most genres, though there is a lot of music out there that I don't understand at all. This answer's the OP's question though.
  17. I only started watching anime fairly recently. As I'm new to it, I've only been watching what I guess you would call "mainstream" anime as of yet. - Death Note - Absolutely loved it. - Bleach - Only about 30 episodes in, but it's enjoyable. - Full Metal Alchemist - Only seen about 5 episodes so far, though I think I am going to really like it. - Code Geass - Just got a subbed version of the first season, haven't watched it yet though. I also want to check out Monster and Blood+. Does anyone have any recommendations of an anime I should check out that's sort of similar to what I've watched so far? I know I could get plenty of ideas of new anime to get from reading this thread, but there's ~30 freaking pages! :lol:
  18. You're right. A musician should love what he/she does. If he/she can get the basic needs and a bit more for some luxury, why would you need millions upon millions of dollars? Because musicians are all so rich, right? I have no problem with you pirating music--I do it myself--but that is a terrible justification for pirating music.
  19. Give a try. British semi-experimental indie rock. To be honest, after a while a lot of their songs sound the same, but they're ridiculously awesome nonetheless. As for an album to start with, go for their 2000 full-length debut, Internal Wrangler. Track 9, Distortions, is particularly amazing. My Last.fm.
  20. Taylor Swift makes me feel schmaltzy inside. Ryouko Shintani, Kotoko and various other J-pop artists do it for me. But that's because I'm a weeaboo I guess. I've never really listened to any J-pop. What actually makes it different from "western" pop? Aside from the fact they're Asian, that is.
  21. Taylor Swift makes me feel schmaltzy inside.
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