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Everything posted by Lunar_Drifter

  1. I wanted to do the exact same thing! I settled with Microsoft Office with a template I created and some custom macros.
  2. It will probably be used in a future update at some point... just a placeholder for now then.
  3. That can't be right.. there hasn't been a hint of failure from any of them, and to cancel it this late? Just because something doesn't meet their standards doesn't mean they won't release it. BAHA!
  4. Why? People who try to force habits as rules.
  5. It sucks for us normal people, really. But as long as there is a (semi) free economy, there will be ways to manipulate prices. If they ban him, he'll make a new account. If he doesn't, then one of his generals will step up.. wherever there is a possibility to make easy money, someone is going to step up and fill the void.
  6. I keep my inventory organized to fit the situation. Most of the time I'm slaying, so I'll have two super sets in the first three spots in the first two rows. Then my slayer gem on the last spot on the first row and any secondary weapon in he last spot on the third row. Any monster specific items go below that, and food goes at the bottom. If I bring multiple food types, I put the lesser healing foods above the higher healing foods. This is part looks for me- but mostly it comes from the click-and-wait part. I'll organize my inventory while attacking a monster.. but once I've got my inventory organized, I do other things online until that monster dies.. So, my organization is mostly out of having free time. Definitely not OCD.. that's why my bank isn't organized. You can't kill a monster and organize your bank at the same time.
  7. Basically, OP is saying that you can polish a turd... but it's still a turd. Which I don't agree with in this case. RS is and always will be a work in progress. Now they don't update certain NPCs and certain areas because of traffic. For example, if your business had an advertisement in Times Square that was falling apart, and one in Kenilworth, NY, which would you update? The one in Times Square, because it will net you more profit. The same concept applies here- Jagex updates the areas that are seen the most, because that is what brings in new customers. Potential-members will see Varrock in all its shiny grandeur long before they see that oh-so-saddening rock in the Legend's Guild.
  8. You searched for a trimmed kite shield and the best match was the gilded kite shield, followed by the trimmed one. Haha.
  9. That'll never happen, same with racism, discrimination, people will always look at others who are different from themselves and judge with that without even knowing the other person, that'll never change. Exactly, meaning RS will uncensor those words.. never. I agree with britonlongbow. This really isn't a topic with much to discuss.
  10. Until society changes to accept homosexuality, Runescape won't change either. Runescape is not a social revolution tool.
  11. Didn't that rumor come out in 2007? :lol: I do believe it came out around the time chivalry and piety were coming out. Or the mage/range prayers.. or did those come out at the same time? I don't know. But I'm pretty sure that picture was faked around that time.
  12. Lunar_Drifter


    Today, I get to fill in a trench that my uncle dug and chop down some little trees in my front yard. Yay.
  13. They crashed into one crater that was visible on a telescope; then the satellite crashed into a different crater on the dark side of the moon- not visible by a telescope.
  14. It was more than likely merched that high, so that is probably just false inflation. And the result of false inflation.. dramatic price drop.
  15. Since the new board is up, I feel that a bump is well deserved.. I assume more people will be coming back to the forums now? I'm still not 100% satisfied with the broken pentagram. It seems a bit simplistic compared to the grittiness of the background. Any suggestions?
  16. blessthefall's new album, Witness. It's alright. I've been listening to Oh, Sleeper's new album, Son of the Morning. It is so much better than their first album, in my opinion. It's gripping and intense, the lyrics are easily understood.. and it tells a story throughout the album, which is pretty cool. You should check it out on Youtube, they just released a new music video for "Son of the Morning" (the song, not the album :)).
  17. They said it could take a few hours to upload because of all the traffic. Give it a few days and it should be instant or close to it.
  18. It's a law in North Carolina as well. I don't see what's so wrong about not wearing it. The cases in which people are killed from not wearing seat belts far outweigh the cases in which people die because of seat belts. That's like saying you should not require corrective lenses to be worn while driving, if they are prescribed. In most of the cases, they will save your life because you'll actually be able to see the oncoming potential accident, avoiding it altogether. But, there may be a few cases where the glasses shattered and got in your eye and you died from blood loss or something. But that doesn't mean you should make them optional.
  19. Two peanut butter and jelly samwishes, an oatmeal cream pie, and some barbecue chips. Oh, and a mandatory DR PEPPER.
  20. I got ENTP. I'm not gonna bother reposting the results either. But it seemed to fit me well. One of the careers was "game designer", so I'm pleased. Although, I was pretty borderline on a few of those, with my highest percentage being about 75%.
  21. [hide]Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: hey You: Hello Stranger: why do these biscuits taste like crap and air? Stranger: oh well. how are you? You: I do knot now You: I am goodness. You: How fair thee? Stranger: im aright, thanks You: That is great to hear. You: How is your hair today? Stranger: haha Stranger: its okay Stranger: why? You: Just a question I felt that needed to be inquired upon. You: You come to a door. Open it? Stranger: um, yeah You: You open the door. There is a long hallway with two rooms on either side for a total of four rooms. You: At the end of the hallway you can see stairs leading up. Stranger: the first door on the right You: The first door on the right is locked. Stranger: the second door on the left You: You approach the second door on the left. You can see light coming from under the threshold. The doorknob is dusty. Stranger: i dont want to go in Stranger: how about the other one on the right You: The other door on the right is a different color than the rest of the doors. It has a lot of scratch marks on it, and there is a handprint near the bottom. There is no dust on the door knob. Stranger: [cabbage], um. Stranger: scratch marks made by hands, or something else? You: You don't know how to make a distinction between scratch marks made by hands or by something else, but each set of scratches appear in sets of 4. Stranger: hm You: It would appear that the scratch marks were made by hands, by your uneducated assumption. Stranger: ha, thanks. lets have a look at the other door You: The last door has no scratch marks, and there is sun light coming from under the threshold. The door knob is dusty. Stranger: is there a difference between the cunlight, and the ight coming from under the other door? Stranger: light* Stranger: sun* You: The light coming from the second door on the left is artificial light, and the light from the first door on the left is sunlight. Stranger: what are the stairs like You: You approach the stairs, noting the boards beneath your feet screeching with every few steps. The stairs are in a somewhat fit state to be climbed, but you notice that a few of them have fallen through. You can see another door at the top of the stairs. Stranger: the hand print on the other door, what was it in? Stranger: paint, or just where the dust was removed? You: the hand print was in dust. Stranger: dragged, or pressed and then taken away? You: The hand print is distinctly marked, and appears to not be dragged. It does appear, however, that the hand print was formed by grabbing at the door. Stranger: i want to go through the artificial light door You: You open the second door on the left, and see a lightbulb on the ceiling that is lit. You look around the room and see a bed, a dresser, and a closet. Stranger: does it look safe/inhabited/abandoned? You: The room is clearly abandoned. The bed is made, but it has dust and leaves on it. Looking up, you see a small hole in the ceiling which is where the leaves came from. There is dust everywhere, including the floor. Your feetprints seem to be the only recent disturbances of the dust. Stranger: what now? You: I'm just the narrator. I can't make decisions for you. Stranger: can i just open all the doors, and look before i go through? haha Stranger: or look through the keyholes You: You are still in the second room on the left. There is a closet, which is closed, and the door you came through. Stranger: im actually nervous here, but open the closet xD You: You open the closet doors. You are startled as you see something rustle by your feet, but are relieved when you see that it is just a cockroach. There are clothes hanging in the closet, and they seem to have once belonged to a young girl. Stranger: okay, the last door please You: In the corner, you can see something glisten, reflecting the light from the light bulb. You: You've already looked at all four doors and the stairs. Which door do you wish to enter? Stranger: um Stranger: ummm, wait, theres the room with a bed and stuff, a room with a closet, and a room with....? You: The first room on the left has sunlight shining through the threshold. You are currently in the second room on the left, which has a bed, dresser, and closet. You've explored the closet in the first room, and noticed something shining in the corner. The first door on the right is locked, and the second door on the right has scratch marks on it. The stairs are at the end of the hallway. Stranger: sorry ive taken so long to decide. ill go... Stranger: just Stranger: up the stairs You: You head out of the second room on the right, closing the door behind you. As you approach the stairs, you notice that there are shoeprints leading up to the door at the top of the stairs. They are not yours, as you haven't gone up the stairs yet. Stranger: okay... You: Do you wish to climb the stairs and open the door? Stranger: um Stranger: okay You: You begin climbing up the stairs, careful to test your step each time so you don't fall through one of the steps. You make it to the top of the stairs and reach toward the door. As you begin turning the handle, you hear something shuffle on the other side. Stranger: i piss myself with fear and fall backwards down the stairs, would be what happens next, if it were me. but, lets go through anyway You: You turn the knob the rest of the way and open the door, swinging it open. You see the shape of a person in the corner. It appears that they are curled up in a fetal position. They are sniffling. Looking around the room, you don't see anything else of interest. Stranger: um Stranger: ask them whats wrong? You: You approach the person in the corner. You see that they have long hair, and are emaciated. It seems to be a girl, by what you can surmise. You come within five feet and ask them what is wrong. The girl stops sniffling and looks up at you in terror. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" she screams at you. Stranger: ask em whats wrong then haha You: (hold on.. I just got attacked by a cockroach for real. You can wait here if you want) Stranger: ill wait haha You: She stops screaming and stares at you. It appears that she thought you were someone else, possibly the person who put her in the room in the first place. She begins to sob and tells you that she just wants to go home. Stranger: ask if those are her clothes down stairs You: "Th-they used to be..." she mutters. Stranger: what happened to them? You: She looks up at you, staring intensly into your eyes. "Until.. until.. HE came.. and.." she looks away, sobbing some more. She obviously seems like she is in distress. Stranger: um... get her clothes for her? Stranger: or take her downstairs? i dont know, i just dont want to die. Stranger: im taking this far too seriously Stranger: haha You: You start to walk away to get her clothes. As you turn away, she scoots a little closer to you, and whispers "don't leave me here alone.. he might come back." Stranger: bring her along You: You turn back around and ask her if she would like to come with you. She tells you that she was told to stay where she is, or else bad things would happen to her. You can sense fear in her voice as it quivers with each word. Stranger: um Stranger: shes safe now that shes with me? You: By what she has said, it seems that she feels safe with you, but doesn't want to leave the spot. Stranger: is there any thing ese in the room? Stranger: else* You: Upon entering the room, you did not notice anything that stood out. But, upon further investigation, you find that there is a table across the room with a small box on it. Stranger: open the box You: You walk across the room to open the box. As you reach for the small latch on the box, you feel something grab your ankle. You turn around and see the girl sprawled out on the floor, her small hand around your ankle. You are startled by how cold her hand is. She whispers "please... please, don't open it." Stranger: whats inside? You: You ask her what is inside, and she hesitates. It seems like she fears what is inside the box. Stranger: ask if she wants you to take it out of the room to open it You: You ask her if you should go outside of the room to open the box. She lets go of your ankle and begins to stand up. She seems to be weak, as if she has eaten in a while. As she stands, you notice the surprising paleness of her skin. As she finally stands up all the way, she looks in your eyes. She doesn't blink, doesn't look away. She stares deeper and deeper, and then tells you "open it. If you dare" Stranger: i dare You: You open the box. As you do, a light breeze comes through the room, although there are no open windows or holes in the roof. You look inside the box, and it is empty. You turn back around to see the girl, but she is no longer there. The breeze continues to flow throughout the room, and the room begins to get cold. Stranger: go down stairs You: You walk to the door you came through, but it slams quickly in your face. You try to turn the knob on the door, but it is locked shut. Stranger: i want to close the box :| You: You close the box, but the room continues to get colder, and the breeze turns into a strong wind. You look around for the source, but cannot find any. Stranger: what can i do? You: You notice a window over the table where the box is. The only other feature in the room is the door you came through which is locked. The window overlooks a tree in the yard. You are on the second floor of the house. You: The room is growing colder. Stranger: um Stranger: is the tree close to the window You: The tree is close to the window. One of the branches is nearly touching the side of the house next to the window. The room is continually growing colder, and the wind is picking up. Your hair is blowing violently in the wind, and you can see your breath. Stranger: right, climb out of the window, and attempt climb across the branch? You: You try to open the window, but it won't budge. Stranger: throw the table through it? You: You pick up the table. It is surprisingly light. You throw it at the window, shattering the glass. You take the box and clear out any remaining glass fragments. You: The wind suddenly gushes faster through the open window. Stranger: [cabbage] off. i dont know what to do, id have topped myself before now. haha Stranger: um You: You can hear someone clawing at the door you came through. Stranger: well, i cant open it? You: You can't open the door, but the clawing doesn't sound very friendly. The wind is growing stronger, and you have to lean into the wind in order to stay in place. Icicles are beginning to form around the window sill. Stranger: right, the windows shattered, lets go through it? You: You begin climbing through the window. It's hard to keep your balance, but you manage to make your way onto the window sill. It is about a 20ft drop to the ground, and there is a branch reaching out towards you. The clawing at the door is growing louder. You look back and see a claw coming through a large gash in the door. Stranger: an animal? You: The claw looks like it belongs to an animal, but there is loud grunting coming from behind the door that sound more humanlike than animallike. Stranger: okay, keep climbing across/down the tree You: You take your chances jumping for the tree. It's only a few feet out, but you have to jump into the wind, making it a little more difficult. The branch seems sturdy, so you go ahead and jump. You reach the tree, but don't catch your balance right away. You are hanging from the branch by your hands. Stranger: okay, just like... shimmy across? or wrap your legs around it too, whichevers easier You: You decide to swing your legs around the tree. As you do, you start to feel something creeping over your hand. You look towards your hands, and can see that the tree is growing over your hands at an alarming rate. You figure that if you don't act quickly, the tree will completely cover your hands and you won't be able to move. Stranger: what can i do? You: You can try to break free or drop to the ground. You look to the ground to see what's beneath you, and see some type of beast waiting below you on the ground. You notice the claws that were ripping at the door as belonging to this monster. Stranger: break free then You: You attempt to break free. You pull hard at your hands, holding your weight up by your legs which are wrapped around the tree. It is hard to get them detached, but do so after a few attempts, ripping most of the skin off your hands. The tree is now beginning to close over your legs. Stranger: okay, lets drop to the ground You: You risk jumping down to the beast below. As you fall, he rips and claws at the air. As you hit the ground, the beast begins to tear at your flesh, ripping you limb from limb. You: GAME OVER. Stranger: nooo Stranger: -_- You: :) Stranger: what would have happened if i didnt open the box You: I don't know. I just would have thought of another way to kill you. You: I was thinking about having the girl eat you alive. Stranger: well, im glad it was the beast then You: Haha You: Yea, you fed him well. Stranger: i was thinking is this [bleep] gonna kill me Stranger: when she was crying Stranger: xD You: yea.. that was an idea. Stranger: i was considering this saying brag some of the broken glass and just end the game -______________- Stranger: grab Stranger: ever You: haha Stranger: even* You: That would have worked You: Except that your soul would have ended up in eternal limbo You: tortured forever! You: :) Stranger: ha, funfunfun You: Yep, thanks for playing along Stranger: harsh, i heard some religious people say still borns and [cabbage] go to limbo You: dang. You: That's rough stuff Stranger: haaarsh You: alright well that's all for me. You: HYT by the way? Stranger: hyt? you must tell me what that is.... Stranger: haha You: oh it's a greeting for people from a certain forum.. You: we've been on here recently. You: but You: Guess not. You: I'm gonna head off now then. You: You should do this story to someone else. Stranger: okay, good game btw You: Thanks, you were a good participant. You: Adios! Stranger: byeee Stranger: oh, how old are you? You: 19 You: ;) Stranger: wink. haha the perviest look emoticon there is Stranger: looking* You: yep You: so You: i'll leave you with one You: ;) You have disconnected. [/hide]
  22. But what level would you need to be to mine dragonite? 90? 95? And for smithing.. since Rune maxes out at 99 and isn't even technically to the point where it should max out.. what level would you have to be to smith dragon armour? I'm assuming that there would have to be some elaborate process like with smithing a DFS.
  23. You can't bank them. I thought you were allowed to bank the Mystery Gift. :| Oh well, he'll proberly still try and get them all at 99 at once (or close to) Not any more. You were previously allowed to bank mystery boxes (orange) and random event gifts (purple). I think you may still be able to bank a mystery box, but I know you can't bank random event gifts anymore. I've got 30 mystery boxes and 14 random event gifts from the time you were able to though. (I've also got a giant carp and a white fish in my bank).
  24. There's one for you, from the recent Q&A with Mark and Fetzki.
  25. It recalculates with calcPrice(shopID, itemID, 1).. I'm not saying that's how they do it, but it would work. We don't know the formula that they use to calculate the price of an item, but we know that it is based on the base price of the item * a fixed variable * amount left or something like that. It recalcs the price every time you click buy 1... so buy-1 500 times is the same as buy-500 1 time, just less clicking for the user. It ends up using the same amount of memory, it just does it all at once. Doing a calculation 500 times (even 50,000 times) is not a strain on a computer. If we could buy millions of items at once with a finite stock from a store with millions of said item, the recalculating may show through with a bit of lag time. But doing such a simple algebraic problem (which I assume they use for calculating stock prices) 500 times is not any thing to be worried about in terms of memory usage.
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