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Everything posted by Shazarabbit

  1. +1, you should need to actually finish the mage arena before being able to use the shop, no flaws with that right? Im positive you don't have too because there's like a mage requirement of 60 mage to complete it or something. I may be wrong. But i honestly don't have a problem with macroers, i've never macroed in my life however if it wasn't for them you wouldn't be able to buy items in bulk or anything for quick levelling etc. Granted if it wasn't for them not many people would have maxed out stats in skills such as Cooking & Fletching and other skills.
  2. What about the teenagers who go around and cause problems? This may surprise you but teenagers aren't innocent as aren't adults. With the information on the internet i can't see this stopping any problems from arising. Sorry, but i have to disagree.
  3. Mines actually a funny story. My boyfriend (Who happens to play Runescape) and I were sitting in the living room of his place and we had ordered pizza and because i don't like red meat he started teasing me whilst i ate my vegetarian pizza (I love me veggies) Saying 'Shaz-is-a-rabbit' and he kept saying it and teasing me with it playfully and then cut it down and it came out as 'Shazarabbit' and its stuck ever since. ^_^
  4. Clan name:Clan Forbidden Clan website:http://z4.invisionfree.com/clanforbidden/index.php? Clan leaders: Lady_Ninane & Elit9 F2p clan cape color: Red P2p clan cape color: Red Number of Members: 41 Average Combat level: 106.73 Recent Events Record: Fullout War Record Wins:1 Loss:1 Ties:0 Mini War Record Wins:10 Loss:3 Ties: 1
  5. I think you'll find this is just to stop people whinging when they DM other players and find they potted and stuff. The only thing i have against it is that it appears in your chat box about it. We don't need the spam just have an icon appear in the corner of the screen or something.
  6. Hit the nail square on its head. There's no reason the macro-owner can't just type in the code and let it rip. No support. Agreed, i don't support. Having this prevents people from creating multiple accounts which save spave for storage (if you don't know already, each account is saved in a file which contains all data such as levels, items in your bank etc). It would make it to easy and would overload the storage facilities.
  7. Aww, i love you Honest you really made me feel welcome. We will continue to make you proud :) I wish you every bit of success. Keep in touch.
  8. In my opinion i think it would prove too much for the server to handle, and there would be way too much confusion when going through the tunnels. But it would be a sight to see.
  9. I abhor Pest Control. I will only pest control with my clan to support them in their endeavors and all my points get spent on unidentified herbs. Just seems pointless when you have to spend more time to get all of your combat stats up by playing pest control and you can have more fun alternating between npcs rather that training in a monotonous way and doing the same thing over and over again with the same outcome. But you've obviously gone into a lot of detail over this and due to my lacking of smarts in the mathematical department I'll take your word on it :P
  10. I wouldn't eliminate anything. Why? Well people seem to forget that autoers are the ones who make it easier for people to level by purchasing bulk amounts of goods to level with. Take this away and people will complain. Scammers encourage people to take more care when trading, selling items and to be self reliant. Skills all have some purpose in the game. I wouldn't change a thing. :)
  11. I have mixed feelings about this. I think there would be too many problems arisen if Jagex did implement a Return Items that are lost program. For the following reasons: >People will complain at any way they die just to get free items. >There is no way to tell who is telling the truth as to what they've lost or how they lost it. >People could just get their friends together and 'Bug Abuse' and get multiple items. >Alot of the time you can't physically die from a glitch (People say they lag and die, but really if you lag alot of the time its your computer not Jagex) >Jagex don't set prices on items, and the value of these items is made by the players and Jaex shouldn't be forced to replace items of value to players. >It hard to control and although shops/business do offer a refund policy. That is usually in the case of a faulty product which is physical, this isn't something where Jagex can perfect before they actually get 100k+ users using it simultaneously so problems will arise but they fix them promptly. >I don't think you should be refunded if you are scammed in a trade or anything, for there are tow trade screens and this will only encourage people to be less attentive. But im still leaving towards leaving things the way they are for the simple reason it would be too big of a work load and transactions wouldn't be completed promptly and would only infuse alot more complaining on forums than there already is.
  12. Keep going Shey you can do it babe!! Cute dog....mines cuter :P
  13. GF Shey. You'll be maxed out before you know it. Power to the Aussies!
  14. Damn, i guess i better reveal. I'm the Easter Bunny!! I'm going to travel around runescape stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.... Oh wait thats Robin Hood... Erm....I'm going to throw chocolate eggs off rooftops and destroy all autoers!
  15. The only time people will throw out this insult is if they are getting beaten. Alot of people p2p and f2p expect things to come easily (or on a silver platter in this case) they expect you to die to them and give them your items. They expect you to not fight back and make it harder for them to achieve your items. Don't even give them the satisfaction of knowing they've gotten on your nerves i find saying nothing or just repeating LOL everytime they say somethings stops them in their tracks. Also "Get membership and go to the dueling arena to set rules" shuts them up as well.
  16. Just had to put my 2 cents into this topic. Just to start with, i have NEVER lured and i have NEVER item scammed before and i will not. But the fact remains if people have been playing long enough to get items of value that may result in attempted luring they should know the boundaries of runescape and the ins and outs. If you get someone offering to buy an item and they say "oh meet me in Oziach's house" and you can't see that it is a scam that is your problem. I have numerous people attempt to scam me, i don't even get as far a world hop because i can see through the act, other times i simply wear nothing and carry a load full of burnt fish. So when they kill me and the shout "Dumb Noob" i can laugh at them. They were the ones who wasted runes on burnt fish. As for item scamming. There are two trades screens if you can't read them your problem once again. You may lag, but unless you've clicked accept and lagged the trade aint going through. As for the quote from Jagex, they advise not to do it. But if people fall for it it isn't their problem. There are ample amounts of warnings and such that anybody playing for a week can know these things. Long story short, if you get lured/scammed it is your own fault. People are in such a rush to trade items for the money that if and when they do get lured/scammed they blame it on everyone else. Look at your self and see your own mistakes, if something doesn't sound right when someone says they are buying an item from you simply say politely, "This place or No Sale" if they don't answer or refuse, you know its not worth the risk involved. Limited trading to banks and common 'Safe' areas such as Falador, Varrock, Camelot, Seers, Ardougne, Shilo etc. The reason there may be so much of a grey are and it isn't bannable is because people would start using "Oh but he killed me in the wilderness when he said we were team" and they would send in false reports etc. The wilderness is an area of danger, you know the risks upon entering. You get a warning sign before you go in, its kinda like a supermarket that offers say... a sale on dvds or something.... they put a disclaimer that says "While stocks last" they are covered because of that little disclaimer. In this case the "You are entering the wilderness" screen is the disclaimer.
  17. If you feel they are overpowered, what suggestions do you have to combat this?
  18. Why not incorporate the blessings into the god books? It would be good if they did something more than make holy and unholy symbols.
  19. The pyramid isn't hard, if you magic carpet it, and then run around the back of the temple and through the shortcut you at the alter. Just give some extra time to do it before you go pking and you'll be fine.
  20. Authors Note: I donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t mind if people donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t like this idea, but if you do can you try to be constructive about it and say why it isnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t and offer a solution to make it a good idea. Now onto the suggestion We all know about the introduction of the skill capes. They are great capes, they not only allow other people to see the high skills you have but they have reasonably good emotes and good stats. However, what use is 100/99 if you have nothing to use this new found level for? What I am suggesting is to give those who have made the effort and maxed out certain skills something special to go with their capes. This would require making these permanent fixtures not just a temporary thing. These are only ideas if anybody can think of something better in place of what I have; feel free to let me know. These are for non combat skills (which is why, Range/Mage/Prayer/Attack/Strength/Defense are not here) 100 Fletching ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ Planks (Up to Oak, this will keep Construction as a Money sink) 100 Crafting - Combine Staffs (You will need Runes of each element, and talismans to do this) 100 Smithing ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ You can smith metal boots. 100 Mining - Access to New Mining Guild (Couple rune rocks, addy, mith and coal) 100 Fishing - Catch a whale (Or other new higher leveled fish) 100 Agility - Double Restore Rate 100 Thieving - Access to chest which contains great bounty. Will teleport away much like the blood chest in ardougne. 100 Runecrafting - Double Laws 100 Herblore - Create 4 dose potions out of the normal ingredients. 100 Cooking - Cook the new fish 100 Firemaking - You can start fires without a tinderbox (No Xp) 100 Woodcutting - Faster Rate to chop trees (Any) 100 Hunter ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ Ability to set 6 traps as well as a new monster to catch (Suggested by Yuna Gunner3 & kell2005) 100 Construction - Extra 5 rooms for your house. 100 Farming - Shorter time frame to grow crops and less likely for them to become diseased. 100 Slayer - Get a better drop rate from slayer monsters. These are just some ideas I think would be a good implementation for the game itself. Any ideas are greatly appreciated, remember to post constructively. Thank You Runescape Forums Quick find code: 24-25-250-39532057
  21. Well tonight Tetau had a little get together and it turned into quite an adventure. We mingled, we even attemped to create a funky image of TETAU in fires but we need more practice. (Practice Makes perfect after all) Anyways we've got some images to show of our trip. On another note, Happy Valentines Day to all of Tip.it With love from Tetau ~Tetau Team
  22. You've got two options regarding this situation. Option 1 As soon as the opposite team gets a hold of their flag it immediately goes back to the stand and than you have to go all the way back to the stand to retrieve it agian. OR Option 2 Your opponent can hold it, and die and you can pick it straight up without having to go back to the stand to retrieve it again. If the opposing team can hold it long enough to win the game than its pretty obvious that your team needs to go over their strategy.
  23. Tet hosts one event per week do you think the turn out would be great, if tet held 2+ events per week, when would they do them? Plus its to suit those who cannot make the regular TET times.
  24. Well firstly i think its a load of garbage because Jagex can attempt to lower prices of items in the game but ultimately its the players who make the final decision. People can't be patient and intend to sell quickly, thus they will sell at whatever price will get them sold quicker. Law Runes are still 1k each on free world, it really depends on the supply. It all comes down to supply Vs demand. People craft Nature runes for money thus there is a slight less supply of laws due to Quest Requirements etc. The pure essence update was the best thing Jagex have done, People were making WAY too much profit off runes, back before the update you could get almost 150% profit on top of paying for your resources. Thats just insane. You'd buy your essence for 15-20gp each and then you would craft Natures etc and sell them for 300 each. Thats insane. Put it simply, if people don't want to pay the prices they don't. Jagex cannot control what the player buys or sell for, its up to each individual person.
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