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Everything posted by crimsonking

  1. How exactly were the carrots prepared?
  2. Lets see... A dog named Emma An African grey named Peanut A red eclectis named Scarlet A female umbrella cockatoo named Andy 2 cockatiels, 1 female, 1 male. female is Doe, and the male is KC A sugar glider named Gigit There are 2 birds that I wouldn't technically count as ours seeing as they are foster birds, but they've been in this house for over a year, so I'm just going to count them. 1 is a male umbrella cockatoo and his name is TJ the other is a Blue and gold Macaw named Levi.
  3. Indeed it is, but its $15 a month I personally like Gunbound, Pristontale, and flyff. Gunbound is a lot like worms, so if you don't like worms you probably won't like it. Pristontale is a lot like other mmos, its only free til level 40, but it takes a while to get up to 40 so it should keep you occupied for a while. And flyff is, again, like other mmos, there are many different combat classes and everything, it can get boring after a while, but its pretty good.
  4. I'd definatly go for LOTRO, though WoW may be a better choice, I have never played WoW myself, so I wouldn't know. Seeing as you weren't in the LOTRO beta, it would cost the same price either way.
  5. And you people act as if you didn't expect it, come on, with how popular the book series is, you had to have known this was going to happen sooner or later. I, for one, am all for it, I like the book series, and even if I didn't I wouldn't spoil everyones fun, its a theme park for crying out loud, its not like its going to be a part of your daily lives, so get over it.
  6. crimsonking

    Public Nudity

    Its a hairless guinea pig, I've had one before as a pet, they're funny as hell.
  7. crimsonking

    Public Nudity

    But they have fur... :-w .
  8. They should have left Blu-ray out. It added about ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã150 to the price, and no-one cares about it. Except every developer in the industry, they have already expressed how much they love it Which Sony probably payed them to say that. Of course, even developers for games such as GoW and Halo, I presume? They didn't create them because they prefer the Xbox360, they did it for money, hell, if I was payed enough money, I don't care if it was utter crap, I'd still put in a good word for it. Wow, thats the most ignorant thing that I have ever heard. Having a lot of extra space is wonderful for developers, why wouldn't they like it? Maybe because they won't have many chances to make anything for it, you seem to forget that developers don't make games as a hobby, they do it for the cash flow, and with Sony losing so much money, I seriously doubt it will ever come close to reaching its full potential on this one.
  9. You like Yugioh? Yeah.. You must be pretty strange. Take that back. I recommed you do before he burns you to a crisp :boohoo: . Yeah, but being controlled by a guy whos hair is about as tall as he is? I'd laugh to death before it would get a chance lol. :lol:
  10. They should have left Blu-ray out. It added about ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã150 to the price, and no-one cares about it. Except every developer in the industry, they have already expressed how much they love it Which Sony probably payed them to say that. Of course, even developers for games such as GoW and Halo, I presume? They didn't create them because they prefer the Xbox360, they did it for money, hell, if I was payed enough money, I don't care if it was utter crap, I'd still put in a good word for it.
  11. I had them all including Mew from going to some pokemon battle tournament, course I lost the first round cause everyone used the whole Missing No. cheat. The video games up to Silver/gold were great, after that it got very repetitive. Everything else, the tv show, the toys, the card game(Which, I admittedly was addicted to), the movies, ect, waste of time and money.
  12. If it actually starts showing superiority over the PS2 then maybe, until then no.
  13. Why do you need to get anything out of video games? As long as you do them in your free time then who cares? I mean if you spend all your time studying or working, it would only show your life isn't your own, a person shouldn't have to spend every moment of every day making everyone else happy, there has to be time for yourself.
  14. crimsonking

    Public Nudity

    I'm fairly certain it's Weslan or something like that - I never really paid attention to the name much :P Wesleyan University :P It's a liberal arts college, so that's what we do with our spare time... :P Bet some pervs are gonna see this and just go there for that reason :P I know what college I'm going to now! :thumbsup: Lol
  15. I sometimes am tempted to be mean to customers, but only when they deserve it, I work at a store at my local mall right now and customer service is right outside the store, yet people come in all the time and ask where it is, you meet some of the dumbest people working in retail lol.
  16. I think I play on the Landroval one, but I haven't played in a while.
  17. I rockon you could probably eat a bit of it. Say like you could cut your ear off and eat that. Or you could do like in Hannibal. :P The way I'm thinking probably wouldn't work, but, I was thinking if we could somehow get a decapitated persons digestive system working/keep it going after death we could feed its throat parts of his head at a time, but as for eating with your mouth, its not possible lol... I've got som really morbid images going through my head now...
  18. Well if how do you know it's possible to obtain the majority of our brain to do extrodinary things such as levitate and all that other crap? From what we know nobody can eat their head. I don't know, I just said, it could be possible, not once did I say I know, and as for the nobody can eat their head, there may actually be possible to technically eat your own head, but in the way you are thinking, no, it isn't possible.
  19. Unlike you, I don't believe that absolutly everything can be explained with our current view of logic, to believe as such would be horribly ignorant. However, I do believe there is a limit to this, and not absolutly everything is possible, just, as far as we know, anything could be possible, we have only scratched the surface of knowledge, we don't even know everything about ourselves, to be throwing anything out as impossible would be blindly ignorant.
  20. -.- I meant anything could be possible, I just misworded it.
  21. As far as I've seen, anything is possible, magic could be real, though if it is it has yet to be proven.
  22. My parents split up for Mothers Day! -.- Well technically they did it 2 days ago, but still...
  23. Yep, sure can. A lot of superheroes don't technically have super powers. EDIT:A list of them. Wouldn't he just be classified as just a regular hero though? I've always thought that you had to have some sort of 'super' ability to be classified as a 'super' hero. Edit: Why is Moon Knight on that list? Even the article it links to says he technically had powers...
  24. Well, I guess I'm fine with it as long as you don't over do it, and you're at least over 18. My parents say they would be ok with me drinking now that I'm over 18 as long as I do it in moderation, but I've only done it once and I didn't even have enough to get more than a slight buzz off it. :?
  25. Your dream is very simple. You feel you need to take on other peoples problems to protect them. You don't need to carry everyone elseÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s burdens on your shoulders. However you are a true, loyal friend. Just be careful not to be possessive towards females. If your advice or help doesn't heal the people you know, donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t feel unworthy. You have a lot of pride this dream is asking you not to hold it inside. It's like you don't like others to know when you're feeling weak or venerable because everyone looks up to you and sees you as their rock and the strong one. Keep in mind even Hercules needed someone to carry the world on their shoulders for him while he needed a break. Interesting... I was reading it a completly different way, but your explanation makes a bit more sense, thanks.
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