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Everything posted by crimsonking

  1. FFIII-Its a Final Fantasy game, need I say more? :P Children of Mana-Though the rest of the series was better in my opinion, its still decent enough to play. Super Mario 64-Some tweaks to the original, but still as great and addictive. And Kirby Squeak Squad-I know its more of a kids game, and its easy as hell, but I've always found the Kirby games to be addictive and entertaining.
  2. Too late, I beat you to it a long time ago lol. :P
  3. Compared to everything else I looked up, its about right. Heres a site with a ton of em, check it out and look through all the case studies at the top of the page: http://www.highway60.com/mark/brs/default.htm Again, not for the squeamish
  4. Something tells me he let that fester for a looong time before finally going into the hospital. I've seen several brown recluse bites, and most of them are nowhere near that.. According to the site thats after only 10 days.
  5. Where exactly did you find this story? :-s
  6. Only type of spider that really scares me at the moment is a brown recluse and thats only because it can do this to you with one bite: Warning: Very graphic photo, not for the squeamish. [hide][/hide]
  7. You know, when I was approaching my senior year of school I felt the exact same way and I ended up having a great time, even in English, which was the class I hated the most in previous years because it was basically just stuff I already knew(Plus my english teachers were complete ******s), I would recommend you stay in school, you only have one more year of it anyways.
  8. The girl I went to see it with thought so as well, she wouldn't stop talking about it... :roll:
  9. Same here lol. My parents say I started playing games since around 5 years old when I beat this kid at street fighter in some Toys R Us, but I think I may have been playing video games longer than that.
  10. Ok, thank you, you may lock this now if you want, thats all I needed to know.
  11. Ok, I know this will get locked, but this has been bugging me for some time now and I don't think theres any better place to ask this. The random picture thread was locked because the pictures were too random? What the hell is up with that? #-o Sure it was spammy, but what do you expect after naming it '*RANDOM* picture thread'? The memes and Online comics were to be expected, I mean come on people, what else do you think about when you hear the words 'random pictures'? They practically scream random, what is the big deal? If you didn't want it to be spammy or you wanted the pictures to fit into a certain criteria you should have named it something else, or not made it in the first place. Can someone explain to me the logic behind this? because I'm not seeing it at all.
  12. I was fired from AMC theaters because I couldn't work on a Saturday due to my grandfathers cancer. I even tried calling people in to cover my shift but no one would do it.
  13. I thought it was fairly good, I'm very relieved that the Silver Surfer wasn't a bad guy in it, I would have had to pitch a fit if he was...
  14. Freakazoid I can't believe I was the first one to post that... Animaniacs as well
  15. Hairless guinae pig, or mostly hairless I should say, I believe the proper name for this kind is a 'Skinny pig'. I had one once, they're funny as hell to watch.
  16. You know, usually I would agree and say this goes against our rights, but this is one of the most distastful fads I have ever seen and I'm glad someone is doing something about it, many guys have their pants practically down to their knees, I mean who the hell wants to see that?
  17. Napoleon Bonaparte's march into Russia during the Russian winter.
  18. Toward your first revelation, I completly agree, age indeed is meaningless, even if someone younger than you is not as wise or knowledgable, they have the time to become that way, they are the potential for the future, and those older than you, they more than likely hold wisdom or knowledge that you do not yet know, so teach the youth, and open an ear to your elders, and your future will be great. Towards your second revelation, all people make mistakes, that does not mean they arn't intelligent by any means, in fact you can probably learn more from those who have made mistakes in the past than you can from those who haven't, those who haven't made mistakes may be more knowledgable than those who have, but, those who have made mistakes are likely to have gained wisdom from them. Do not look down on those who make mistakes, because if you do you are more likely to repeat them, we are all only human, we have the same potential for glory and we have the same potential for failure, its all up to the path you choose.
  19. I always loved this kind of stuff, my mother had a huge book of divination that I used to look through all the time, its definatly a very entertaining hobby. Edit: Darn, just barely late, oh well...
  20. My eyes are always some variation of green, light green most of the time, dark green sometimes, ect. It was bluish green when I was younger. Of course I have a sort of border around my pupil that changes color from orange to yellow so its probable that I'm thinking the variation of green is changing as well when it really isn't.
  21. I don't wish to change anything about myself, of course I have some insecuritys about my looks or the way I act from time to time, but it is completly normal, everyone has them, people want to be attractive to the opposite gender, or they want to seem cool in front of others, be noticed, its all human nature. But it is something we must look over, its harmful, we look way too much on how people look and act rather than by who they are, it causes generalization, separating people into different groups in our minds, just because they look or act different, and to those who are seen as odd, ugly, ect, it causes pain, mental, and in some cases physical. Give it up, our strive for perfection is impossible, and only causes suffering.
  22. Remarkable for a child indeed, but to lable it as the face of god? Even if you believe in Christianity, how could you believe as such? How could we be sure that, if he does exist, that he looks like that? Or if he even has a certain figure? I mean, hell, he is the supposed father of all our existance, he supposedly created our universe from nothing, how can you be sure that he can't change his own shape and form? And on a different note, to all those who are saying that our supposed god is perfect in every way, perfection is an impossibility, its all in the eye of the beholder, there are no set standards for perfection, thus we set our own, no one can be perfect to everyone, they can be perfect to some, but thats not total perfection is it? Even if it was possible, that someone could be 100% perfect in the eyes of every creature in existance, how can we be sure that its true perfection? Sorry for the rant, it would seem that every time I get back from having a good time I have to rant about something for it to be complete, I'm not quite sure why, maybe because I need to let off excess stress from before, but I probably should ponder this elsewhere before I bring on an off topic conversation.
  23. Meh, anything can be counted as sexist nowadays, why not this?
  24. I'm looking forward to it, though I'm having trouble thinking about how it would work with the wiimote and all. I have a feeling whomever I play multiplayer with will end up beating the crap out of me...
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