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Everything posted by crimsonking

  1. I like old fashioned, romantic, long term, intelligent, shy girls. Physical appearance is a plus, though as long as they don't look horrible I'm not going to be too picky, especially seeing as beauty can change in the blink of an eye.
  2. I was once with a girl I met on RS, in fact it was almost the same exact senario you are in(Though I've only known her for about 3 years), it didn't really work out too well, we ended up just being friends in the end and still are to this day, but I don't really recommend it. But good luck anyways.
  3. I once saw a group of Hari Christnas(Or however the hell you spell it) dancing down a street.
  4. Say something sarcastic, they usually take it pretty well, unless they are complete snobs, but then it doesn't matter because who wants to be friends with a total [bleep]?
  5. It's a question of relativity. The PlayStation was 150% more expensive than the N64. The PlayStation 3 is around 140% more expensive than the XBox with the HD drive. Obviously the Wii is significant, but I think many people will not hesitate to buy both (Wii first, PS3 some years later when price drops). And, at the time, I'm not sure if you're old enough to remember, but $299 was a LOT of money. $300 for a PS1 compared to $200 for a N64 really isn't that much more. Though the price difference is about the same between Xbox360 and the PS3, the Xbox360 has tons of good exclusive games and had already been out for a while before the PS3 came out, thus it has the advantage. Somewhat true on the price issue - PlayStation dropped its price for the first time a year and a half after the initial release. PS3 still has some time . The thing you're wrong about, though, is that PS3 prices won't come down. They will, man, especially as Blu-Ray drive prices go down. But the thing you don't realize is that in gaming cycles, the cost of components continue to go down dramatically as mass production becomes possible. I never said that the prices won't drop for the PS3, I just doubt they will be able to drop them as steadily as they did before cause they are already pushing it on the price right now. Good news for XBox I suppose (being out a year early)? PlayStation's launch titles that were REALLY successful were what? Ridge Racer and Twisted Metal? Sure those two are better than PS3's launch titles, but at the same time, PS3 has the technological advantage and '08 is going to be huge for games. Technological advantage is nothing if they have no good exclusive games, and at the moment the only 2 things they have going well for them at the moment is Resistance and the hope that the upcoming MGS game will be good, that isn't going get much attention, sure many MGS fans are probably planning on getting it, but that really isn't going to be enough for them to pull out from behind. They're not going to deliver as convincing a victory as did the PS1 and 2. The exclusive titles thing is troublesome - maybe the biggest question surrounding PS3's viability - but did I mention that Sony has tons and tons of cash? And they spend tons and tons of cash? And they also have tons and tons of other products. I am very iffy that their large amount of money will be able to pull them out of this completly with how horribly they are doing right now. You're right. It's not going to be a smashing PS3 owns all victory. But hey, I think they'll take what they get for this generation. It's a transition phase from video games -> home entertainment. You've gotta believe that Sony has some long-term vision in this, they're not so stupid in their business strategy (you know they have highly trained executives with absurd business acumen, right?) that any and every Tip.It forum user can point out their incompetence. :) Their business strategy here seems to be losing, even if Blueray does pull ahead in the future, who the hell buys a video game system to watch movies? If their strategy revolves around the Blueray becoming big in the future then they have no chance of succeeding in this.
  6. I'm really having a hard time believing that Sony will be able to pull this off, I mean with the PS1 it was only about $100 more than the N64 thus it was able to pull through easily, I mean $100 isn't that much more to spend when the price is that low, and the price lowered pretty steadily(Which I doubt will be possible for the PS3 seeing as they already have their prices about as low as they can go with all the crap they put in it) plus they actually had exclusive games upon its release, granted many of them weren't that good, but they were still exclusive, and it had already been out for a year before the N64. Today with the PS3, its about $250 more than the Wii, plus it only has 1 supposedly halfway decent exlusive game to it, and doesn't seem to have many more coming out in the near future, they are already losing a ton for having their systems so low as it is due to the Blueray junk that isn't really needed in the first place, so how are we to expect that they will somehow be able to pull together enough money in the future to pull ahead just like they did with the PS1 and 2? It could be possible I guess, but I'm eally having a hard time believing that this will turn out alright, even in the best of cases I'm sure this will leave a pretty nasty dent in things for Sony.
  7. Wii Play, looks boring I know, but its actually pretty fun, plus it comes with an extra controller if you get it new.
  8. If they cut their prices drastically and actually have more than 1 supposedly good exclusive game, then maybe they will come out on top, but if they keep up with the crap they are pulling now, it'll be almost impossible for them to have any hopes of even coming out 2nd. Anyone else hear about how they are pulling the lower priced PS3s from the US?
  9. The part I hate the most is how some think you are cheating on them when you have 1 friend thats female, yet they usually have like 50 guy friends.
  10. Go away, its obvious you just want to try and start a flame war. Prove it. By the way, ever heard of a typo? I only wanted to know what the most popular 'religion' is. And if it's going to be a 'flame war' why spam in it? -.- I sorta have to agree with this, the main thing thats going to attract a flame war here is you guys announcing that it will, so, for once, could you guys shut the hell up and let a thread go the way it was intended to? I think the mods on here should be able to tell whats in the rules and what is not without you guys going around to every topic you don't agree with and saying its going to be locked or its going to start a flame war. You guys arn't going to get mod status for spamming like this everywhere so just give it up. On topic: I'm agnostic.
  11. I think I saw a news article a while back that said certain things in tap water can give you cancer. Wish I could remember exactly where I saw that... :-k
  12. Least you guys arn't getting flooded, its been flooding pretty bad in parts of Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas. At this rate North America won't be connected to South America for long lol.
  13. Just wanted to say something on this aspect. I'm not impugning Mr. Gate's charity efforts, but in all likelyhood he does spend more on luxury than anyone else. I saw a TV special on his house. It was awesome. He has sensors in every room that detect not only when someone enters, but who enters, then the house automatically changes the temp, lights, etc to that person's preference. I'm not saying his contributions are anything to scoff at, but he certainly did spend his money on himself before he ever gave massive amounts to charity. Of course he spends more on luxery than anyone else, hes one of the richest people on Earth, it would be hard not to spend more. It would seem you people look over the fact that these people EARNED their riches, it is not the publics, its not the nations, its THEIRS and they are not obligated at all to donate even a penny of it to charities just because you can't raise up that much money yourselves. You all have extra money, I mean you all are using computers, you more than likely have TVs, cars, two story(or bigger) houses, ect why don't you guys sell all that and donate it all to people who live in small huts out in the middle of the desert with nothing but the clothes on their backs? Make sure you have the right to make an arguement before opening your mouths next time.
  14. I heard its a great game, but its laggy as hell, I tried it once and could barely move at all when I first entered the game, I've been hearing similar complaints from a ton of people. I recommend Pristontale, though it could probably count as sorta anime styled, not sure how your standards are on that, but its pretty good, free until level 40, but it can take a long time to get up that high.
  15. Was that directed at me or Kashi?
  16. How can you eat so much and be so lazy and still have a washboard stomach? I'm really not entirely sure myself. :-k Why are you so quiet? Because I'm shy, there, I said it. In high school this one dude who picked on me in elementary school came up to me in the hall way scared to death I was going to end up pulling a gun on him some day. Just so everyone knows, just because people are quiet doesn't mean they are plotting your demise over you calling them names in elementary school.
  17. I used to do that too, til I passed out one night and broke it... :oops:
  18. My no-life room is my bedroom, all I need is a mini fridge set up beside my desk and I'd never have to leave lol. :P
  19. I suggest sketching/drawing, thats what I do most of the time when I'm bored.
  20. I heard about that one too. I've heard about so many of these types of cases its almost sickening, but I'm too lazy to post them at the moment lol.
  21. Something tells me he let that fester for a looong time before finally going into the hospital. I've seen several brown recluse bites, and most of them are nowhere near that.. According to the site thats after only 10 days. only? I would think that thats pretty fast for something as insignificant as a spider bite to do that to you, especially from a spider thats only the size of a quarter.
  22. I learned never to do a search of Brown recluse spider bites again :-X
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