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Shey was here!

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Hahaha omggg that was so much fun \'Look at poor Celt stickin out in her brown bedsheet :XD:




Congratz on 95 Sheyyy <3:<3:




Lol :( I am the celt the ugly ghost




Grats again Shey!!! Only a little bit left to go with firemaking :D

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Yayyyy for hitting page 50 on my blog, thanks everyone for posting!! <3:




what an eventful day, first of all getting 95 Firemaking earlier today dressed in bedsheets followed by getting 95 Cooking tonight. That means I have now got 95 Fishing, 95 Cooking and 95 Firemaking!! Getting there!!! \'








Also, I have now broken the 7,000 rank club in Runescape and I am only about 470k away from 100mill Total XP! :shock:




Wow great day!! Thanks everyone for the support so far, its been awsome!!!!! <3:<3:<3:






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I dislike:


Clue Scrolls




:shock: How can you dislike clue scrolls i LOVE them :shame: Then again i did most my range on hellhounds so i guess you learn to love them <3:




Good luck on all your goals!

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Lovely seeing fellow gal gamers going for 99s :thumbsup:. Going for a triple threat is a tough challenge. Best of luck and you'll probably have quite a burnt food collection after you achieve your goal :XD:...


~Retired 13-July-2010~

Thanks for the great memories folks :).

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Wow all 95s...your going as fast on THREE 99s as i am on ONE.





I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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Today, I am taking a break from skilling, thought I might chill out maybe go to ankous and get a defence level. That was untill:




The Mith Dragon Update.... :twisted:




So this morning after logging in, Nabby and me went off to start the update. Yep, light a fire witih a bow, yep fish a fishie with the special rod, yep make the spear thingy. Now I have to make a boat and put bones in it. OK so I need to go down into that whirlpool and get bones. Righto lets go...weeehhhhhhhh. \'




Oh holy crap....those green brutal dragons are pretty nasty... Killed one, then killed a barbarian, got his mangled bones...all good, back up top, did the boaty thing, and a spirit jumps out and attacks me.




So I found out later that I also need chewed bones as well as mangled bones? Ahh ok so the mith dragons drop them. :ohnoes:




Ok here I go, down into the whirlpool again..weeeeeehhhhh. \'




Ahh I find the mith dragons and bam...they are hard. -.-




So I'm there bashing him, hes bashing me, I'm eating like mad, drinking pray potions, and my sharks start getting lower and lower. OK lets see if I can make it. Hmmm hes on about 1/10th health, oohhh I might just be lucky, 3 sharks left. 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 !!!@@@@@




What the hell!! I'm hitting O's, eat Shey eat!!! Hmm no sharks left and hes got a smidgen on his health points...Ahh bugger it!!! House Teletab here I come!!!




Didn't get chewed bones in the end. Gahh I'll try again another time. <.<




someone told me ranging them is easier so I'll try that another time.




I think I will go poke ankous for a while! :anxious:




Screenie of the dragon and me in our face off!




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Shey, your story with the dragon is very similar to me.




Next time I head there, looks like i'll be using crossbow.




And Keep up the good work with the fishing, cooking and Firemaking!!!




:thumbsup: \' :thumbsup: \' :thumbsup: \'


[spoiler=My 99s (7)]9,638th to 99 Fletching ~ 29th January 2007

737th to 99 Hunter ~ 2nd July 2007

910th to 99 Agility ~ 28th January 2008

59,467th to 99 Defence ~ 23rd December 2009

92,762nd to 99 Hitpoints ~ 26th June 2010

102,704th to 99 Attack ~ 29th June 2010

144,091st to 99 Strength ~ 29th June 2010


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Shey, ur doing brilliantly!


Keep the awesome work up for ur triple cape goal!!!




Sheys going for a triple best


She going super fast, she'll beat the rest


Three 95s at the mo'


Shey will be so hot she'll start to glow!






Look at my blog = )

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:) Ohh, your veering in on another 3 capes! <3:




8-) Good Luck on these final 12 lvls! \'


Retired as of August 23rd with 91 Firemaking and 6m xp in it.

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Hey thanks for the comment! Im pretty much better now, Ive been upset about having to switch high schools in my sophmore year, and alot of my friends are staying at the highschool that im going in my freshmen year. Since the district is redoing the bus routes because of a new highschool. I dont know alot of my friends that are going to hvae to switch too. Confusing i know lol. Its life i know, but its somthing i thought i would never have to it. I wont even be able to be there when they graduate because ill be at a diff school. :(




Bye (3 more posts till you have 1000!)

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This morning, I was happily firemaking away at Piscatoris, when this person showed up and started firemaking. Well I dont mind sharing one bit, but this idiot started lighting their fires in my path and cut me off. Now that is one of my pet hates, so boypower, nekyy and me started cutting her off, and she bought in some high level friend who stood there cussing us.




In the mean time I was not getting xp so I buggered off to Port Phasmatys to continue with my firemaking.




So Oreo and Nekyy joined me there and thats when the fun started. :XD:




Half hour later:










Woo check me out on the right side of the fire lol


And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be.

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.

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